Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 302: This Guy again

Secondly, even after unleashing their abilities to defend, the quantity of attacks dwarfed them, breaching their defenses before slamming into the helicopters. 

Most of the attacks didn't pack much of a punch, but they were numerous, suppressing with their sheer quantity. 

After all, they didn't need much strength to destroy the helicopters. By increasing the number of attacks, the APF wasn't able to defend against them all.

And, mixed among the cluster of weak attacks were two sword beams heading straight towards the leading helicopter. 

These two attacks were fired by none other than Tristan, intending to show off his abilities while breaking all the defense of his enemies. 

Seated in the leading helicopter, Varant had already ordered for defending the helicopters to those who could. 

But even before that, he had already ordered a couple of subordinates with investigative abilities to scout the area at the first sight of dust. 

Unfortunately, as if their opponent had noticed his intention to probe, they launched an attack immediately. 

Numerous projectiles headed towards all the APF helicopters, his included. 

One of the Alpha Squad members erected a silver shield and easily defended against all the attacks, ensuring the leading helicopter remained safe inside which they and Varant were sitting. 

To conserve power for the battle and because of his limitations, he only erected a barrier necessary to stop the attacks. 

But what he hadn't expected was the two wind sword beams that had mixed in with the rest of the weaker attacks. 

These two attacks were from an S-Rank Warlock as well, especially the one who was known as the Crazy Swordsman of Variant Uprising. 

They were sneakily launched forth by Tristan, targeting their helicopter. Not only that, he had used a lot of his strength in this attack, not keeping anything back. 

"Hehehe, enjoy the gift," Standing in the distance, Tristan laughed as he noticed that his attack was about to hit the leading helicopter. 

He had no doubts in his abilities, and he was sure that the Silver Barrier wouldn't be able to stop the attack. 

He wasn't the only one who felt that way though. 

"Jump out! Now!" Knocked by a sense of foreboding, Varant immediately issued his orders, standing up at first sight of the attack. 

He could feel the strength of that attack, and he knew that sitting in the helicopter was useless. The barrier couldn't stop this attack. 

He had noticed two wind blades rapidly enlarging in size. 

He and the other Alpha Squad members jumped down. Even the Warlock who had cast the barrier jumped out. His barrier still surrounded the helicopter. 

The two wind blades cut through the barrier like a knife through butter, slicing the helicopter into three pieces. 

Fortunately, Varant and the others had jumped out in time, surviving. But some of the other helicopters weren't as lucky. 

Varant gazed behind him to see the rest of the helicopters too go up in flames. Some of them froze into chunks of ice or melted into liquid metal before falling on the ground. 

Most of his subordinates managed to barely defend themselves against the attacks and jumped from the helicopters before the helicopters blew up. But, even as they continued to fall, the attacks arrived nonstop.

The Sorcerers moved and erected defenses around small groups that they could protect in the form of bubbles.

Unfortunately, like a ball sent flying by a bat, their groups were sent flying in random directions by the attacks, causing them to crash into the houses in the city

The moment they crashed into the houses, a lot of the Variants of APF jumped out to attack the Variant Uprising members, especially the Sorcerer Class Variants that were attacking in the long range. 

Unfortunately, they were intercepted by the other Variants from Variant Uprising, who seemed to be waiting there for them. 

Varant was still looking around, trying to understand what the heck was going on, when a Variant suddenly sprung into action, coming out of the dust like a ghost. 

He appeared before Varant, trying to punch the neck of Varant and break it with his strength. 

Varant made a cross with his arms as he shielded himself. 

The fist landed on his arms which safely managed to protect his neck, but as the attack was strong, it also sent Varant flying towards the edge of the town, causing him to crash into a house before stopping. 

He got up soon after, dusting his body, unaffected by the fall. 

"Not a bad surprise, I must say," Varant thought, shaking his hand. 

In the meanwhile, the Variant that had attacked him was assassinated by Gensi already. 

"Are you alright?" Gensi asked Varant as he appeared near him. 

Varant simply nodded. Still, at the moment he tried to make sense of the situation, all he could see was the dust cloud that was everywhere. 

This place was like a warzone. There was chaos and commotion everywhere. Even the visibility wasn't good. Moreover, most of their team was already spread out because of the attacks that had come out of nowhere. 

"I am fine, but I don't think We are fine. We miscalculated. It seems like the Uprising isn't scheming anymore. They wanted an all out war, and they had been waiting for us instead of running away. 

"Yeah, it's pretty chaotic. But we should be able to handle it. Moreover, this is also a good opportunity to take them all out at once. We just need to recollect ourselves," Gensi said calmly.

"Yeah. But there's not only Varant. Lucifer should be here too. Moreover, he should be grown up too. We already did one miscalculation. We can't do another," Varant commented, frowning. 

"We need to take it seriously," he added as he brought his phone out. 

"Are you calling the Hunter Union?" Vega asked as if being able to guess the intentions of Varant. 

"Yeah. We should be able to hold the ground until they arrive. Then we can mount an assault," Varant responded. 

The number he had dialed was of Zeiss, who was the head of Hunter Union.

"It's not connecting. I guess it can only mean one thing in his case. He's inside a dungeon. Tsk, he really had to disappear at a time like this," Varant let out, annoyed. 

"Try calling the Union Headquarters. Maybe they'll know where he is?" Gensi suggested. 

Varant tried calling another number. 

At the same time, two sword beams flew out from the dust and headed straight towards his head. 

"This guy again," Varant said in frustration as he saw another attack on him. 

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