Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 334: Dream Trap

"This seems too real, but it can't be true. Something is wrong here," Lucifer thought, sitting in the car with his parents. 

It was unlike anything he ever saw. Even when he saw the last dream where he was stabbed, it did feel realistic at that point, but the pain had woken him up. However, this time, even that wasn't working. 

Zale and Clarisse took Lucifer to Orion beach. The beach was already somewhat crowded with people. 

The arrival of Zale and Clarisse did attract a lot of attention though. Many people came to them to get pictures and autographs. 

In his mother's arms, Lucifer knew that it wasn't real, no matter how hard this dream tried to prove it. And he was right. This wasn't a natural dream. 


A man was standing near Lucifer, who was lying on the bed. 

The men looked at him, smirking. 

" You're the leader of the intruders. Just because you took over this place, you think you can do anything, don't you?" he muttered as he stared at Lucifer. His eyes shone in mystical green light. 

The man raised his hand to reveal a knife. He brought the knife towards Lucifer's chest to stab him.

"That's not going to work on him," An amused voice came out of nowhere, stunning the man who was about to stab Lucifer. 

"Who?!" The man was horrified. He looked all around, wondering who was here. 

The room was mostly dark, but the man was still able to see a little. Inside the room, he couldn't find anyone other than him or Lucifer. 

"Well, you're the doctor of APF, I guess. From what I heard, you joined us with an excuse to help save the lives of everyone. Wasn't that the case? What you're doing doesn't seem like that to me." The voice came again. 

"Who is it!" The man asked again, looking everywhere hysterically. He even turned on the lights, but he couldn't find anyone. 

There was no one here. 

As the light was turned on, it was even easier to see him though. The man with a knife in his hand seemed like a young man. He wore a clean white robe. As for his face, it was slender and clean shaved. 

If anyone saw him, they would have easily recognized him as the doctor that had just treated Caen. He was also the friend of Xander. But more importantly, he was a Variant that had a pretty unique power. 

His power was known as Dream Trap. He could form hyper realistic dreams, but only if the target was already sleeping. He couldn't use his abilities on the ones that were awake. 

His ability basically trapped a person in their dreams but only for ten minutes at best. Moreover, he had to be close to them to use this ability. 

He wanted to use the few minutes where Lucifer was trapped to kill him by slicing him up into small pieces. 

Unfortunately, before he could even do anything, he heard that mysterious voice. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find anyone. 

He even looked under the bed, wondering if the enemy was hiding under the bed, but that didn't seem to be the case either. 

There was no one under the bed. 

"Where are you?!" The young doctor asked. 

"I'm everywhere," the voice appeared again. 

The doctor didn't know, but his shadow moved suddenly. 

It split into three shadows, two of whom were containing what seemed like a Sword in their hands. 

The two shadows moved as they slashed their swords. 

"Arghhh!" A pained scream left the lips of the young doctor who dropped to the ground. 

His legs were cut. As for the pain, it was so extreme that tears appeared in his eyes. 

His mind was in such agony that he couldn't even control his ability. Lucifer was free of his Dream Trap. 

The hyper realistic dream finally broke as everything turned black. 

Lucifer slowly opened his eyes to find himself in the APF headquarters again. That confirmed his suspicions. What he was seeing was a dream.

He could also hear a man screaming who seemed to be in agony. 

Lucifer sat up and looked ahead to find the doctor crying on the ground. 

He also noticed two shadows near the doctor. 

"Kellian, can you explain what's happening here?" he asked, understanding what was happening. 

The two shadows merged together, and Kellian came out of the shadows. 

"Apparently there was an assassination attempt on your life," Kellian answered. "By our young friend here."

Lucifer could see the knife lying near the young doctor as well. He understood everything. It seemed like that strange dream was his doing.

He moved to the side and got off the bed before he approached the young doctor who was crying in pain on the ground. 

"My dear doc, I think you should know something. Taking lives only suits Villains like us. Not people like you. You shouldn't have tried."

The young doctor bit his lips as he answered, " I failed, but you won't survive for long. Villains are always defeated in the end. If not by me, it'll be someone else. But you all will die. Live in your arrogance for as long as you can!" 

"You have no idea how many times I've heard that line," Lucifer muttered, sighing. "Everyone says the same thing. Even Varant said it. I suppose you all love to place your burden on someone else after you fail, isn't it?"

"As for what you said, Villains are always defeated? But what if both sides are Villians?" he further asked, smiling. 

"Everything you say depends on the assumption that the people you consider to be heroes are actually heroes. But you couldn't be any more wrong."

"Unfortunately, you won't be here to see that," he continued as he shook his head. 

He removed his right hand gloves and placed them on the side. 

"Thank you for your service, Doctor. It was fun to see the dream again. Let me pay you back by sending you to eternal sleep. I hope you have nice dreams as well," Lucifer said, placing his hand on the face of the young doctor. 


An even louder scream echoed in the room and the hallway outside. The scream didn't last long though. It disappeared forever with the disappearance of the white-robed man. 

" This proves it. We can't trust the APF members to help us. They'll all backstab us at the last moment," Kellian said, seeing Lucifer stand up. 

"That's true. Their years of loyalty can't be changed in a few days," Lucifer affirmed.

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