Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 356: You work for us

A black APF helicopter landed near what seemed like the entrance of a cave. 

There was greenery all around as grass and trees were everywhere. This was also why the appearance of a stone cave seemed a bit off at this place. 

Two people were standing at the entrance of the Cave, keeping it safe. 

The doors of the helicopter opened as five people stepped out. Lucifer remained in the lead, glancing at the entrance. 

"This is the entrance of the Dungeon?" he asked Alicia.

"Yeah. Dungeons have various types of entrances. Some simply have doors that can be used to enter the Dungeon. Some have cave-like entrances, and some look like ordinary mansions," Alicia explained. 

"That's why it's somewhat hard to locate all of them if one isn't talented enough. Fortunately, throughout the years, most of the Dungeons have already been discovered and recorded... At least the ones that we know of."

"But still, there are new Dungeons being discovered regularly. The Grade Four Dungeon which your father had entered was discovered not long before that tragedy," Alicia said, finished with the explanation. 

"So, are you excited for your first experience inside a Dungeon?" she asked Lucifer. 

"Who are you all?" 


While Lucifer and Alicia were talking amongst themselves, the two guards at the Dungeon entrance noticed them. 

" Yaliza, can you show them the broadcast?" Lucifer asked Yaliza, not bothering talking to Hunter Union members. 

He was only concerned about Zeiss and the ones who were with him. As for the two Warlocks at the entrance, he didn't want to kill them since they were of use. 

Yaliza brought out the phone and showed the video of Quan's address to the Nation in which he described what happened in the Capital City and what APF had done.

He also showed the part about the Hunter Union being brought under the Uprising, which meant these two men now worked for them. 

He didn't forget to show the part about the mention of Zeiss' death which was mentioned by Quan. 

"He is the Leader of the Uprising. And you now work for us. Step aside, we're going in to check the claims of Varant if he has actually killed Zeiss inside," Yaliza said, making an excuse.

"This... How could they die? We've been here since the moment they entered. No one from APF entered so far," one of the two Hunter Union Warlocks let out, stunned to know all that had happened. 

"Don't trust them so easily. Who knows, it might be a fake video," the second Hunter Union Warlock chimed in. "APF wouldn't attack the Capital."

"Here, call any number and confirm from the people of the city yourself," Yaliza tossed his phone towards the Second Warlock who caught it. 

He took the offer and called someone from Hunter Union headquarters. 

"The number you're trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again," A mechanical voice replied. 

"Oh, I should remind you. If you're calling people in Hunter Union, it won't connect. That place is completely destroyed," Yaliza reminded the red-haired Warlock who was calling the Hunter Union. 

The man tried another number, this time calling a friend of his who wasn't a Warlock. 

"Hello? Who is this?" A man's voice came from the other side. 

"Shen, it's me, Roy. I'm calling from someone else's phone. I heard something happened in the Capital City? Can you tell me more about it?" The Warlock named Roy asked. 

"Ah, Roy! I'm so glad to see that you're safe! I heard all Hunter Union members in the city were dead in the APF attacks. I'm glad you survived," the man on the other end replied, feeling relieved. 

"I wasn't in the city. So it's the truth? Hunter Union is destroyed?" Roy asked. 

"Yeah, sadly. I saw the ruins myself after everything was over. The city is in shambles," Shen answered. 

"Fortunately, Uprising came to help and stopped the APF. They're the true heroes. Without them, we might all be dead."

" Alright, thanks for the information. I'll talk to you when I return," Roy said before disconnecting the call. He returned the phone to Yaliza. 

"Now you trust us? You work for us now. So let us go in. We need to check if Varant's claims were true. And if they were, we at least need to bring Zeiss' body out to give it a proper burial," Lucifer calmly told Roy. 

"Should we come with you?" Roy suggested. "We also want to help him."

"We are enough. You stay here and keep doing what you were doing." 

Leaving the two Hunter Union Warlocks behind, Lucifer and the others stepped inside the Dungeon, disappearing from sight. 

Standing behind, Roy couldn't help but mutter, " It feels so odd to know that we are working under Uprising now. Who knew a day like this would come and that they'll be the good guys instead of the APF."

"Exactly. These guys were really misunderstood, I guess. But we might not have to work under them," the other Warlock replied. 

"What do you mean? Didn't you see what President Quan said? Uprising rules Elisium. Human government has stepped down," Roy pointed out. 

"Not that! Didn't you hear President Quan say that he was bringing Hunter Union and the guilds under the Uprising because Zeiss and the others were dead? If they're alive, we might continue to exist as an independent force."

"Let's just hope it's true. I don't want Captain Zeiss to be dead." Roy let out, sighing. 


Lucifer and the others took their first step inside the Dungeon, passing through the natural barrier that prevented the Dungeon Dwellers from leaving the Dungeons. 

"This place... It looks much different than I expected from its outer looks. It's so much bigger from the inside," Uzuki pointed out, staring at the vast interior of the Dungeon, and they had just entered. 


They hadn't even gone in, and it was already so majestic.

"You can't judge a dungeon with how it looks from the outside. The insides are much different. The Dungeons are a world of their own if you want to describe it that way," Alicia explained. 

" For example, the Doorway Dungeons. You will only see a gate and nothing else from outside. But once you open that gate, you'll see a different place inside. The Dungeons are really mystical," she further stated. 

"Are all Dungeons so big from inside?" Uzuki asked, stunned. It was also his first time here, but unlike Lucifer and Alicia, he hadn't studied about the Dungeons.

"That's not quite right actually. This one is bigger because it's a Level three Dungeon. It's not only bigger, but it's also more dangerous. A lot of powerful Dungeon Dwellers stay here," Alicia explained. 

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