Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 365: The Nobles

"What do you mean we had nothing better to do outside? We keep the Capital Safe," Zaria pointed out. 

"You talk as if the Capital City will fall if we're not there? Don't worry; we can take a few weeks off without causing the end of this world," Zeiss retorted. "In any case, I think that's not the reason you didn't want to come."

"Want me to tell everyone your real reason?" he asked, laughing. 

"What real reason?" Zaria asked, rolling his eyes. "There's nothing."

"Oh? So it's not because you were planning to spend this time with Dalia?" Zeiss asked, smirking. 

"You! How did you know about Dalia?" Stunned, Zaria asked. 

"Do you really think something like this can be kept a secret from me?" Zeiss asked, seemingly amused. 

"Oh, some friendly advice. If you don't want to be found out, next time you bring a girl out to date, don't bring her to the movie theater where I also watch movies."

"Ahh! So that's it! That's where you saw me!"

"I don't understand one thing though. Why were you trying to keep it a secret from me?" Zeiss asked, confused.


"Actually, I started dating her only recently. I wanted to be sure that she was the right one before introducing her. Couldn't take the risk after the blunder of last time," Zaria explained, smiling wryly while looking down. 

"What blunder?" Zeiss asked, confused. 

" I think he meant the last girl who he introduced as his girlfriend before. She broke up with him the very next day," Another Warlock pointed out, guessing what Zaria meant. 

"Ah, you're talking about that girl. That's why you were not introducing Dalia to us? Come on! Are you a kid or something? There's nothing embarrassing about breakups."

"I personally dated a hundred women and had hundred and one breakups. There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Zeiss exclaimed, shaking his head. 

"Ah? How is that even possible? You dated a hundred women and had hundred and one breakups?" Zaria asked, confused. All the other Warlocks looked at Zeiss as well.

"I dated my ex again only to realize why I broke up with her in the first place," Zeiss let out, laughing. "So same girl, two breakups."

He suddenly stopped laughing as he noticed the massive doors in front of him. 

"Ah, I think we're finally at a dead end. The end of this journey," he said, smiling. 

"Whatever we're going to get should be behind that door. Either we'll find the treasures of this Dungeon, or we'll find the powerful beasts on the other side. Stay prepared," he reminded everyone before he pushed the door open. 

He stepped inside with the other Warlocks. The giant golden doors closed behind them. 


In a faraway place existed a big Kingdom which was known as the Divine Empire. 

The existence of this Kingdom was not known by most of the world. Only the powerful people of other nations and their Governments knew about the Divine Empire. 

According to the reports, this massive Empire was ruled by one girl. A girl who was only nineteen years old at the moment. 

Even though she was a young girl, she alone was enough to establish fear in the hearts of the most powerful Warlocks around the world. 

She was Queen Milena Sephene, also known as the Noble Queen. 

At the moment, Milena was sitting on her throne in the Divine Empire, lazily. 

Her chin was resting on her fingers as she looked at the men standing before her. 

Three Warlocks were standing before her who were wearing the attire of Warlock Council. 

On both sides of the massive hall, her followers were sitting. 

The three Warlock Council members were standing in the chamber, which was filled with powerful Warlocks that worked for Milena. 

As they looked around, they were able to notice one face that they recognized. It was the last envoy who was sent here by the Warlock Council to ask Milena to return the Stone that she possessed. 

The Warlock Council had received the news that Milena had killed this person. Now that they were seeing him alive, it was surprising, but it wasn't shocking. 

They could see that their last Envoy had blood-red eyes instead of the beautiful dark eyes that he possessed before.

It was a signal that Milana had killed him and turned him into her servant.

The Warlock Council called the ones who were turned by Milena as Infected Variants, but they were known by another name in the Divine Empire. 

All servants that Milena had turned herself were known as the Nobles in the Divine Empire since they were especially turned by the Noble Queen. 

These Nobles were also able to turn recently dead people into their servants, just like Milena. But the ones that were turned by Nobles were known as Newborns instead. 

Newborns were servants of the Nobles that had turned them, but they were also the servants of the Noble Queen. 

If a noble was to command a newborn that he had turned and the Queen was to command that same newborn, he was to listen to the queen. 

There was also one more difference between nobles and the newborns that most of the world didn't know about. 

Most of the world thought that all Infected possessed their previous powers, but that wasn't the case. 

Only the Nobles possessed their old Variant Power that they possessed before their deaths. Newborns didn't have their old powers. 

Despite not having their old powers, Newborns were still scary creatures as they possessed fast speed, quick reflexes, and powerful Strength that was far superior to what a human was ever able to possess. 

The Nobles also received the same advantages after being turned as well, but they also received more.

Unlike Nobles, the Newborns weren't able to turn any dead bodies by bringing them back to life. 

Moreover, there was one more defining difference between the two. 


It was that the Nobles possessed their old intelligence and memories even after they came back to life. They had undying loyalty toward their Queen though. 

The Newborns, on the other hand, didn't possess their old memories. Also, they were considered somewhat stupid when it came to intelligence. They were told to have the intelligence of kids. 

"Has the Warlock Council decided to annoy me till I die of annoyance? Why do you all keep coming back?"

"Was my last message not clear enough? Or is it that they wanted to give the three of you to me as gifts?" Milana asked the three Warlocks that stood before her. 

"I wouldn't mind having three more servants... Ah, that's right. You call them infected. I forgot. Do you three want to become Infected of Divine Empire?" She asked.

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