Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 406: The Culprit

"Also, I'm sending another jet for you. It should be there in a few hours to pick you up again," Kellian replied before disconnecting.

"What did he say?" Caen asked Lucifer, who took off the sunglasses. 

"He's trying to find more about it. Also, he's sending a jet for us. It would be here in less than a day," Lucifer replied. 

"A day? We would die from hunger by then. We need to find a place to stay and something to eat," Caen said, wondering if they could even find something. 

They were standing on rocky planes where no speck of grass was at sight.

As far as the eyes could see, there was nothing in sight. No buildings or structures could be seen in sight either. 

"Let me see from up. If a missile was fired at us, there must be a city nearby," Lucifer commented, rising in the air. 

He flew higher and higher and looked all around, finding any source of light that wasn't natural. 

"Strange, there's nothing here. Caen was right," he muttered, coming down.

"You're right. There's no city here as far as I can see, but there's a forest nearby. It would probably have some beasts too, and maybe even water. Let's get to it first," he told Salazar and Caen, pointing towards the south. 

He started rising in the air again, shooting towards the first. Caen and Salazar also flew behind him, without any control since they were only flying because of Lucifer. 

The three of them landed inside the forest that was closest to them. Even then, it took them ten minutes of flying to get there.

Fortunately, it wasn't too dark. They could see things clearly because of the moonlight. 

Landing inside the forest, the three of them started searching to see if there were any beasts in the woods when Lucifer received a call. The glasses which were in his pocket started vibrating slowly. 

He brought the glasses out and wore them, picking up the call. 

"Did you find where we are?" Lucifer asked Kellian right away. 

"I did. And I also know who blew up the plane and why it was done," Kellian replied.

"Where are we? And who was targeting us?" Lucifer asked, frowning. "Was it the Warlock Council?"

"No. I don't think anyone was especially targeting you guys. They probably didn't even know about you, or they wouldn't have pulled a trick like this. You're actually in the Nation of Dalia," Kellian explained. 

"I don't know why your plane entered their airspace. It's only now that I found out about the chaotic situation in Dalia. There is a powerful group of Militants in Dalia, who are trying to take over the nation, but Dalia forces have managed to hold on," he further added. 

"Now that we searched about it, it came to light that the Militant Leader released a statement an hour ago, saying that he would do whatever it takes to bring the Dalia government down, even if it takes destroying all the financial lifelines of Dalia."

"I think blowing up the flights passing through Dalia is just a show of force. They want to force the Dalia government to surrender. Pretty idiotic approach if you ask me," he continued. 

"Militants? Couldn't they have waited for us to pass?" Lucifer asked, frowning. "Because of them, we're delayed by a day."

"Yeah. They're certainly idiots. If they keep doing things like this, in the end, the other nations will be pissed and start supporting the Dalia government. They really shouldn't involve other nations in their inner battles," Kellian agreed. 

"But that's also where the problem starts. I can certainly send another Jet for you, which can land in the International Dalia Airport, which is only two hundred kilometers away from you."

"The problem is that they'll probably blow up that plane too. And sending military jets isn't feasible at all."

"The other option remains for you to travel to the neighboring nation, which is nine hundred kilometers away from your current location. I can send you the map for your journey. What do you think?" Kellian asked after telling his plan. 

"How far away is the settlement of these militants?" Lucifer asked. 

"They've spread throughout Dalia actually, but their real base is in the City of Akmod. They have full control of the city. Even Dalia's army hasn't been able to take back that place," Kellian explained.

"Why doesn't the Dalia army just blow this place up then? Finish them once and for all?" Lucifer asked, wondering why Dalia was taking this soft approach. 

"It's because they can't. The militants also have their capital city in their target. If Dalia attacks Militant Capital, Militants will attack their Capital. It's like a status quo has been established, where the two cities are forbidden," Kellian explained. 

"Moreover, the militants have modern weapons which can intercept missile attacks too. So they can't be taken out in an instant. If they could be taken out in a single attack, Dalia wouldn't have any risk," he further added. 

"How far is Akmod from this place?" Lucifer asked.

He had decided something. No matter what, he was going to take the shortest route. If getting to another nation was faster, he was going to do that. And if getting to Akmod was faster, he was going to show those Militants the consequences of attacking his plane. 

"Akmod is three hundred kilometers away from you in the south," Kellian replied. 

"How far is Dalia Capital City from Akmod?" Lucifer asked. 

"It's another three hundred kilometers from there to get to Dalia Capital 

"That's good. I think it's time to get some practice. I've been silent for too long," Lucifer muttered, cracking his knuckles. "Send me their coordinates."

"What do you mean? Don't tell me you want to take them out?" Kellian asked, stunned. 

"That's right. Three hundred kilometers to get to their base, another three hundred to get to Dalia. That's only six hundred kilometers, still shorter than nine hundred to get to the neighboring nation," Lucifer explained. "Just send me the coordinates."

"Wait, I think I can get that myself too. You just send the plane to Dalia Airport to pick us up. That's going to be all," he continued before disconnecting the call. 



"Bu-" Kellian was just going to convince Lucifer not to bother with it when he heard the beeping noise. 

The call was disconnected. 

"It looks like we'll be jumping into another nation's civil war. Well, hopefully, he'll make it short and won't get caught in the middle. Too much attention to us wouldn't be ideal in that situation," Kellian muttered, shaking his head. 

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