Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 408: Is it a plane?

The map became smaller and moved to the side, clearing the view of Lucifer. 

"Begin live tracking of my location," Lucifer stated. 

"Live tracking begins." A mechanical voice fell in Lucifer's ears while the red for which was highlighting his location started blinking. 

"That's better. Now guide me towards Akmod," Lucifer said, standing up. 

"The rest was over. Let's get going," he told Salazar and Caen, as the time of rest was over. 

Salazar and Caen also stood up, prepared to leave. Lucifer started floating in the air and flying towards the sky. He didn't fly too high, but he didn't fly too low either. 

Caen and Salazar also flew with Lucifer. 

After flying for three hours straight, Lucifer landed in another forest to eat something again, feeling hungry. 

It was midnight when they hunted another beast. Salazar and Caen had just eaten, so they didn't eat again. Unlike Lucifer, they weren't hungry so soon. 

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?" Lucifer asked the Salazar and Caen as he ate. 

"We're not hungry. Don't worry," Salazar replied. 

"If that's what you want." 

Lucifer finished eating before standing up, yawning. 

"Only fifty more kilometers to cover," he said, noticing the distance in the map. He had already covered most of the distance, leaving only a little more. 

He again started flying, leaving the first. He only stopped when only twenty kilometers of distance was left. 

" I think I should go alone from here on. You guys stay here. I'll come to take you after I'm done there," he told Salazar and Caen, making them softly land on the ground. 

He had chosen another forest for them to hide in so they could have food and water if needed. 

After leaving them here, he once again flew towards Akmod, prepared to blow the place that blew their plane. 


Akmod was a militarized city, only occupied by militants. No ordinary civilian dared to even think about living in the city. They all preferred to stay as far away from this city as possible, leaving the entire city for the militants alone. 

Many defensive infrastructures were created in this place since it was such a crucial point of this movement. This city contained many high-profile Weapons and other crucial tools needed to keep this fight going. 

No one knew how a group of militants managed to collect such incredible weapons. Some claimed that they were supported by other nations that wanted instability in Dalia, while others claimed that it was just a scheme of the Dalia government.

There were also many conspiracy theories going around about this place, but no one knew what the truth was at all. No one knew how such powerful technology ended up in the hands of these people.

There were many tall buildings in Akmod, but the Command Center of these militants wasn't in any of these tall buildings. 

Instead, the command center existed in a place that seemed like an ordinary house from the outside. It was kept a secret that the command center was inside the house. 

To be precise, it was under the house, but this house was the only way to get to the underground bunker where the command center was. 

"Sir, our radar is picking something up. Something is flying towards us at really fast speed!"

This was the moment when Lucifer's presence was noted by the command center through their radar. 

"Is it a plane? Do you even have to ask? Just blow it up," A bearded man replied, sitting in the main chair. 

"It's not a plane, Commander Hamilton. From what our systems are picking up, it's something really small," the man on the systems said, addressing the bearded man as commander since he was the leader of this Militant Organization. 

"It doesn't matter what it is! Just blow it up," The bearded man known as Commander Hamilton said, brushing his long white beard with his fingers. 

"Yes, Sir! Launching missiles at the target!"


Lucifer reached closer to the city. He had just started wondering why there were no attacks so far. He was coming so openly not even trying to hide his trail, but no attacks came from the city.

"Could it be that they still don't know? That can't be. For a group of people that can detect planes in the air to blow it up, I can't believe they wouldn't have detected me by now," he wondered, confused. 

That's when he saw two missiles flying into the sky from the city. 

"Ah, there they are," he let out, smiling. "And so it begins!"

He didn't stop flying; instead, he increased his speed, not stopping at all. 

He didn't even attack the missiles enough, instead letting them come closer. By the time those missiles reached the boundary of the city, Lucifer was already there. 

He casually waved his hand, changing the flow of wind right around the missiles, turning their directions. The missiles soon turned around, unable to resist the control of winds. 

The guards on the walls had already noticed Lucifer as well. They started firing at him. Some even used missile launchers to attack him, knowing that it was a Variant who had come with bad intentions. 

Under the control of his winds, the two missiles that were fired from the command center were turned towards the soldiers that were firing at him. In any case, this firing was useless as it couldn't even penetrate through his battle gear.

"They're coming at us! Stop firing and run!" 

Seeing the missiles coming towards them, the soldiers started running away from their stations, scared for their lives. 

The two missiles fell near the soldiers blowing up. A cloud of fire erupted, taking most of the soldiers in its embrace.

More Soldiers ran towards Lucifer, shooting at him, using their fully automatic guns but to no benefit. 

"Sir! I have visuals! I think you should see right now! We're under attack! And the enemy is a... variant!" A man in the command center yelled, seeing the terrifying visuals that were coming from the border. 

The bullets were useless; their missiles were sent back towards them. Nothing was working at all. 

Hamilton stood up and approached the screen which was showing Lucifer demolishing everything around him. 

"This Variant... Where did Dalia find this guy? Just who exactly is he?" Hamilton asked, frowning. "This guy looks like a warlord, destroying everything around him!"

"Sir, what should we do? Should we fire more rockets?"

"You think that will work? With the way he's handling our missiles, it's one they're toys for him. Use X356 on him," Hamilton commanded. 

"Sir, are you sure? Our men are there too. That thing will kill them as well."

"If we don't take out this guy, we're going to be dead anyway. Do what I said!"

"Yes, Sir!"

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