Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 410: Flaw

"You can take it as a threat. Dalia sent you, didn't they? But just know, we have other bases too. And our missiles are already aiming at Dalia Capital. If you don't stop attacking, that city will be blown up." Commander Hamilton said, trying to scare Lucifer. 

" And once that city is gone, who will pay you? Will it be worth it? Just know what's at stake! On the other hand, if you stop attacking us, not only will Dalia be safe, but we'll also pay you a lot if you work for us!" he further added. 

"So if I don't stop, you'll blow up Dalia?" Lucifer asked loudly. 

"That's right. So, decide now. Will you keep attacking, or will you start working for us?" Commander Hamilton asked. 

"Fine. Go ahead and blow up Dalia. Why should I care about them? I'm here to destroy you, not to save them. I don't care what you do to them," Lucifer replied straight. 

"You don't care what happens to them? You weren't sent by them?" Commander Hamilton asked, surprised. 

If this guy wasn't sent by Dalia, why was he here? He couldn't understand. 

"Why do you want to destroy us if you're not sent by them? Who sent you then?" he asked. 

"Come out and talk to me face to face. Stop hiding, and I'll tell you!" Lucifer replied as he started flying above the city that kept being demolished. 

Almost half the buildings were destroyed because of the lightning. Explosions were taking place left and right as lightning bolts fell on the weapon storage of the militants.

Commander Hamilton went silent, not knowing how to respond.


"That man isn't sent by Dalia? I wonder if he's lying to confuse us." Inside the bunker, Hamilton started walking back and forth, confused as to what was happening here. Who was this guy, and where did he come from?

Lucifer kept standing in the air with his arms folded as his lightning and wind tornadoes wrecked the surroundings. 

"Why did they go silent?" He wondered, looking around. 

He wasn't sure where they actually were hiding, but he had some general idea. 

He didn't hurry though. Instead, he simply stood and waited. He knew that these people were soon going to come out. They couldn't hide for long. 


While Lucifer continued the wreckage, Salazar and Caen sat near a pond, waiting. 

"How long do you think he will take?" Salazar asked Caen, glancing at the sky.

"I'm not sure. It probably won't take long as far as I know him. He should be back soon," Caen replied. 

"How long have you been with Lucifer?"

"Me? I met him when he was ten years old. In fact, I think I was the first person who escorted him to the Uprising base for the first time. He was in a cage of APF, already captured," Caen answered. "I thought I would help him, but I didn't need to. He got out of it himself."

"When it comes to it, that guy is pretty resourceful," he further added. 

" He has quite a lot of those abilities. He's like a combination of Clarisse and Zale if they were one. No, I forgot to count his healing. He's even above. But he still lacks something to get to their level," Salazar muttered, sighing. 

"What does he lack?" Caen asked. "I don't think he lacks anything now. The only flaw I knew of him was that he was too impulsive when it came to his family. I think he got it covered now. What could there be?" 

"He doesn't have patience. I think he needs that a lot. Without that, he could be in trouble," Salazar answered. 

"Patience? Why do you say that?" 

"I heard about his journey. He took out Varant, but he didn't wait for even a day before attacking the APF base, even when most of his team was injured. Then again, he didn't wait and attacked the capital the next day itself," Salazar explained. 

"And fast forward to now, he's going to the Divine Empire while spreading his resources thin, telling others to conquer other nations while the threat of the Warlock Council is on the horizon. I think he's trying to do too many things at once," he further added. 

"I'm sure he has the foresight and a plan, but he's trying to do too much when he doesn't need to. He is only eighteen years old. I don't think he needs to be so impatient. He has his whole life ahead of him to do such things."

Caen nodded as he heard Salazar. He also understood what this guy was trying to say to some extent. 

"Maybe because he has self confidence which isn't a bad thing. I mean, he hasn't failed so far. Even though he was in a hurry, he did succeed. In three days, he took out the APF and controlled Elisium," he replied. 

"As long as he has the foresight and a plan, I'm sure it would be fine," he continued. 

"Hopefully." Salazar nodded. "But if a day comes when he doesn't have that foresight, I do hope that he will listen to someone else. Because the way he is now, that seems unlikely."


"Sir, we can't stay here for long. He would soon destroy the entire city. And I'm sure he'll find these underground bunkers sooner or later. We can't pretend to be dead, can we?" 

Inside the Militant Command Center, people were starting to get worried as they watched the scenes on the screen. 

It was complete destruction outside. 

"We can't do anything against this man. He doesn't seem to die from bullets, and he doesn't get affected by our chemical weapons. He can control lightning, and he can control the wind. He's like the worst person to make an enemy!"

"I agree. He is like a god who just doesn't die! What do we do now? I'm ready to die for our cause, but there needs to be a meaning in that. Dying in his hands is useless since we can never hurt him!"

As more and more people started speaking, Commander Hamilton became furious. 

"Silence! Let me think!" he roared in rage. 

The entire place went silent. 

"Jay, turn the speakers on again. Let me talk to him!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't. His tornadoes already destroyed the systems outside. We can't get our words to him."

"Fine! I'll go outside myself! You all stay here. I'll talk to him personally and try to get to the issue. Let's try that as well," he ultimately said, taking a deep breath. 

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