Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 434: Salazar against Milena

The man pointed in a different direction from where Milena was coming.

Salazar avoided another attack that was just about to hit his chest before taking out the Noble who had attacked. 

After getting some breathing room, he looked in the direction where the man pointed, wondering if Lucifer was there.

As Salazar looked in the direction, he noticed Milena coming towards him. 

Seeing Milena shocked Salazar but for different reasons. She was surrounded by a red mist, but that wasn't what surprised him. What shocked him were the wings on her back. 

The Wings were similar to the wings of a bat, but they were bigger. 

"Just how many things do these people hide?" He muttered, frowning before going down on his knees, avoiding another attack that was close to him. 

He threw his know towards another Noble. The Golden knife stabbed the forehead of another Noble. 

He instantly woke up and appeared before the Noble, who was slowly raising his hand to take that knife off. The Noble was so slow because of the Domain that he couldn't even touch the knife by the time Salazar reached him. 

Salazar removed the knife and stabbed it in the throat of the man while casually walking behind him to slice his entire throat. 

Using some force, he grabbed the bones that were in the neck of the Noble before tearing them off, along with his head. He tossed the head aside. 

Many more attacks came in his direction, only to hit the body of the Noble that was just killed. The body was used by Salazar as a shield. 

There were no attacks after that as all the attacks stopped. Salazar looked around, curious. He couldn't help but wonder why the attacks were stopped. It was only later that he understood why it was. 

All the Nobles started stepping back, watching their Queen come towards them. 

"Uh, I get it. You want to give Mama bear some space to fight. I won't mind," Salazar smirked, tossing the body aside. 

With a knife in each hand, he looked towards Milena, who was entering his Domain. Since she was a single target, he believed that it was the best chance to use his ability. 

By killing Milena, not only could he destroy the morale of the entire army, but he could also take out a powerful enemy. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity as no one was going to intervene in their battle this time. 

All he needed was to use his Mental Cage to keep Milena lost in dreams while he used that time to take Milena out. 

He stared into the eyes of Milena, attracting her attention. 

"Greetings, Queen Milena. Today is a good day for you to die, isn't it?" He asked, smiling. 

For his ability to work, not only did he need to stare in the eyes of the enemy, but the enemy also needed to look in his eyes, at least until the skill took effect. It didn't matter if he looked deep into their eyes or not after the mental cage was cast. 

Just as he expected, his taunt worked as Milena looked up. 

"You're right. It's a good day for someone to die. But even your death can't atone for what you did today. Unfortunately, that's the best I can offer to you," Milena replied, looking into Salazar's eyes. 

The red mist around her became even more intense. 

Salazar cast her Mental Cage at the same time as Milena looked at him, but it didn't stop her. It simply gave Milena a minor headache as she rubbed her forehead a little. 

"Mental tricks? Even those can't save you," Milena reminded Salazar. 

Salazar's lips opened slightly as his brows furrowed. It was the first time that his Mental Cage didn't work on someone. 

Was it because Milena had resistance, or was it because of her strength? He didn't know what it was, but he knew he couldn't wait for answers. 

He cast his domain once again that he had retracted momentarily so he could cast his other skill when Milena was looking at him. 

The Time Domain was once again cast as he started running towards Milena, but this time something strange happened. Milena didn't slow down. Instead, she was only faster. 

Her feet weren't on the ground as she floated a few inches above the ground while shooting towards Salazar. Instead of becoming slow, he was much faster as she appeared before Salazar, grabbing his neck before he could even dodge. 

The way everything unfolded made Salazar wonder if Milena was inside the Domain or him. 

He attacked with his knives to take off Milena's hands, but before his blades could even touch her, Milena crushed the neck of Salazar.


Lucifer flew out of the building, his body completely healed by now. He straight looked in the direction of Arthur, who attacked him previously, only to notice him looking in a different direction. 

Instead of coming after Lucifer for another attack, he shifted his attention which made Lucifer intrigued. He also looked in that direction only to notice Salazar in the grasp of Milena. 

Before he could even move, he saw Milena crushing the neck of Salazar, killing him. 

There was a small part of Lucifer which was slightly upset that Salazar was killed, but there was another part that knew that Milena was going to use Salazar against him. 

Seeing her crush his neck, he believed it was because she was going to turn him into a Noble. 

He prepared to activate the Limiter of Salazar if he was turned, but that didn't happen. 

Instead, Milena kept grabbing the neck of Salazar before she completely tore off his head, along with his spinal cord.

A gruesome scene took place before Lucifer as Salazar was killed brutally. 

Milena tossed Salazar aside before she shifted her attention to Lucifer. 

Her gaze made everyone else look towards Lucifer as well. 

"Hmm? He's still alive too? Even after that attack? That's intriguing," Arthur muttered, rubbing his chin. 

"It looks like I still underestimated him. But he's still an idiot. He should have run away when he had a chance. Now he's going to die an even worse death," he let out, shaking his head. 

Milena didn't fly to Lucifer though. Instead, she looked back, her gaze falling on the white-haired man known as Serius. 

Serius stepped towards Milena, stopping beside her. He whispered something in Milena's ears. 

Milena didn't react much as she began flying towards Lucifer. Serius walked back to everyone else who was wondering what he said to Milena. 

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