Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 436: Old Lucifer

"Pick one," Even Milena commanded Arthur to pick one, curious what Lucifer had planned. 

No one realized that Lucifer actually had two plans in his head, and he simply wanted to leave the selection to luck at this moment. 

He had placed one choice on the middle finger selection while the other was on the index finger selection. 

"Fine. I select the index finger," Arthur let out, making a choice. He remained alert in case there was a surprise attack, but no attack came. 

"That one, huh. I was also tilting more towards that one. So be it," Lucifer muttered, lowering his hand. 

According to Lucifer, if Arthur had chosen the middle finger, that would have implied that he needed to show a middle finger to all the concerns and go towards the path of stealing Milena's powers. 

As for the Index Finger, it was the choice of selection of him going for the kill and not leaving Milena alive. 

"Your friend made a choice. It looks like I'll have to get serious," Lucifer told Milena as winds started flowing. 

Gentle winds started brushing against the fair skin of Milena, hiding the wind blade in them, which was also flying towards her. 

The wind blade soon hit her neck, only to be completely ineffective. It couldn't even leave a scratch on her neck, surprising Lucifer. 

What was her body made of? It looked ordinary, but even a sharp wind blade failed to slice her next. 

"That was your trick? I'm disappointed," Milena replied, teleporting behind Lucifer. 

She grabbed him by the neck, tossing him away while firing a flame ball towards Lucifer 

Lucifer was tossed towards the same building where he had come out from, but this time, he managed to balance himself mid-air, right before he could crash on the wall. 

At the same time, he saw a ball of fire coming towards him. Instead of avoiding the ball of flames, he raised his right hand, absorbing the flame directly in his body. 

He had stolen the power of a Flame Warlock, which gave him the ability to absorb flames without being hurt. Moreover, the fire Milena used to attack were the same ones that she had received from the Warlock that Lucifer killed. She used the same blue flames. 

Unfortunately, that wasn't the extent of the attack as Milena once again appeared behind Lucifer, but this time Lucifer seemed prepared. He knew where she was going to appear. Sharp claws had already extended from his left hand. 

As soon as he saw Milena disappear from before him, he turned around without thinking twice. 

As it happened, Milena happened to appear behind Lucifer, just as he expected. His claws stabbed in the stomach of Milena.

"Hmmm? He injured her?"

"He injured the queen?"

"How did he do that? No one has managed to injure Her Majesty!" 

The Nobles were stunned at the sight of Milena, unable to believe what had happened. 

Only Ordinary nobles were stunned, though. The Noble Lords didn't seem shocked. This much was nothing for Milena. 

Milena grabbed the claws of Lucifer, breaking them while kicking him. 

Lucifer felt the extreme pain of his claws being broken as he flew back, but his mission was done. He had left a parasite inside Milena. All he needed was to wait for the Parasite to take control. 


As soon as he balanced himself in the air, his lips opened slightly as he saw Milena stab her hand in her stomach. She pulled out the Parasite from her body, right before his eyes. 

"Anything else?" Milena asked, raising her hand, which contained the parasite. She crushed it right before his eyes. 

She did the same thing which Lucifer had done when he was affected by the Parasite. The only difference was that he killed the parasite inside his body while Milena did that outside since she didn't have the Decay. 

The hole in her stomach started healing right before Lucifer's eyes, 

Seeing her healing, Lucifer shook his head. He remembered what he had told Uzuki before. This trick would only work on someone who can heal his body. And that's exactly what happened. Milena crushed the parasite while also healing her body. 

Lucifer started scratching the back of his head. "Do I really need to turn into my ten-year-old self? No plan is anything. Simple battle to the death? All plans seem to fail. I can only tear her to shreds," he thought, frowning. 

"If that's what's needed, then alright. I'll show her the Lucifer that didn't appear in the last eight years," he muttered, taking a deep breath. 

He glanced towards the sky, which started thundering as if showing support for his decision. 

"Did you already accept defeat?" Milena asked Lucifer. 

"I can accept death, but unfortunately for you, death doesn't accept me."

Lucifer's answer made Arthur laugh in the background. 

"Kid, where did you learn all these cringy dialogues from?" Arthur asked, laughing. 

Lucifer didn't react. Instead, he started stretching his arms, standing mid-air. He started letting the killing urges take over momentarily. 

These urges were the same that he first started experiencing a few days after he wore the pendant necklace that he found on the beach, left by his parents. 

His first serious experience with it was inside the restaurant where he had killed the restaurant owner in his anger because of a kid. 

Since then, he had been keeping these urges a secret while trying to understand what these were. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand these so far. 

His urges were like an untamed beast that wanted to destroy everything in his surroundings, and he wanted to let that beast free. 

The strange tattoo on Lucifer's back started shining, getting even brighter. It was now so radiant that some of the light was seeping through his cloak too. 

His left eyes also started getting even more violet as the electricity around him intensified. 

Previously, the lighting only flickered around his hand, but now it was even flickering all around his body, only getting more intense. 

More and more lightning started cracking around Lucifer, forming what seemed like an Armor around his body. 

Milena didn't attack Lucifer, letting him do what she wanted. She didn't want to defend him when he was weak. Instead, she wanted to crush him when he was at his strongest, showing him what true devastation meant. 

She simply stood in the distance, waiting for Lucifer to attack because his next attack was going to be the end of this battle. She wasn't going to give him any more chances or breaks. 

With his emotionless eyes, Lucifer glanced at Milena. Winds intensified, and so did light, breaking the silence before the terrifying storm.

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