Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 449: You made me wait a lot

Dallas stared at Jiang, frustrated. Ultimately, a sigh left his lips. "Forget it."

He didn't want to talk about it anymore now that it was over. He simply closed his eyes as the helicopter started rising in the air. 


Contrary to the silence in the Uprising helicopter, a conversation was taking place in the Warlock Council plane. Jia had begun her interrogation. 

"So, Jenilia. May I ask more about the event you talked about before? How did you know that man?"

"It happened when I came here last time. Our car broke down in the middle and..."

Jenilia started explaining what had happened and how she had met Jiang. She even talked about Lucifer and her conversation with him. 

"So there were only three men there? Jiang, the bodyguard, and that Lucifer? That man confirmed that he wasn't talking about the bodyguard when he talked about the little boss, so that can only mean one thing," Jia muttered, putting the pieces together. 

"That Lucifer should be the person he called Little Boss. And he works for Uprising, so his little boss should be the boss of Uprising too. That matches the information we had about the new leader being a youngster," she further added. "What do you think?"

"You mean Lucifer is the leader of Uprising? That's impossible. There's no way. He's a businessman," Jenilia responded. "I think we're misunderstanding those words."

"I don't think we are. If that wasn't the case, why would Dallas get so serious when Jiang talked about it? Why would he shut him up? Why would he be ready to fight just so we couldn't talk to him?"

"They're trying to hide the identity of that guy. I don't think we're wrong. Do you have the number of Lucifer?"

"I don't. I gave him my number but didn't get his. He said he doesn't keep a phone."

"There's no person in this world who won't be using a phone in current times. He certainly lied about that. Anyway, that Lucifer should have the stone we're looking for. And since he's the leader, he must be behind your brother's death too."

"No. He isn't an Uprising member, let alone a leader! If he was, do you think the APF escort who was with me wouldn't have recognized him? You're overthinking. I can prove it."

No matter what Jia said, Jenilia stubbornly stuck to the notion that Lucifer wasn't the leader since she believed there was no way. 

"You can? How?" Jia inquired. "Tell me how you can prove it."

"By finding out how the real leader of Uprising looks. That will prove my point," Jenilia declared. 

"Oh? And how will you find out what the real leader of Uprising looks like? We only have vague data about him. Moreover, our spies who could have seen him are dead too. So, how will we find it?" Jia asked, rolling her eyes. 

"I can understand you though. You don't want to believe that he's the leader. Of course, you wouldn't. He's someone you considered your friend after all. I might think the same if I was in your place. But your judgment is biased. It's clear." 

"Just forget it. It doesn't matter who their leader is. What matters is how we deal with him. They're too arrogant. The entire Council will have to decide how we deal with the Uprising to show them their place."


The dark-haired noble was frustrated that Lucifer and his team were wasting time instead of directly going back. 

Pushing the textured wooden door of the carriage, he stepped out and started scolding them. 

Unfortunately, his words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as no one took him seriously. In fact, he was completely ignored. 

The commoners that occupied the street also observed the entire commotion, amused that a Noble was being ignored by a random person. 

Some of the people recognized Lucifer and his team as the ones who had entered the bar. 

They understood why these guys were so arrogant, believing that they were probably special too, despite not being Nobles. That's why they weren't killed for breaking the laws last time. 

Seeing the gazes of the commoners as he was ignored, the dark-haired Noble grew even more frustrated. 

"You! Stop ignoring me!" he roared, releasing his mighty aura. 

His powerful aura spread everywhere, bringing all the commoners down to their knees. 

Even Heath couldn't oppose the noble aura as he was forced to his knees. As for Caen, he was also feeling the brunt of the aura, struggling to stay standing.

The only two people who weren't affected at all were Lucifer and Salazar, who stood calmly as if nothing was happening. 

"Why did everyone go down to their knees? Did something happen?" Salazar asked, looking around as if mocking the dark-haired man about him, not even feeling it a little. 

As for Lucifer, he was also amused. 

"You!" The Noble glared at Salazar. 

"Why are you getting so hyper?" Lucifer asked, chiming in.

"We're walking back. It doesn't matter which route we take for walking back. That's none of your concern. Since we can't travel in the carriage, we might as well enjoy our walk entirely. And we're doing just that," he further added. 

"After that point, you should have no problem with us," he continued, patting his chest as a speck of dust had landed on it. 

The face of the Noble turned red in anger as he heard the response. He was so angry that he wanted to attack, but he knew he couldn't, or he would upset his Queen. 

He also understood why these people were doing it. They were upset that he didn't let them go through the carriage, which was why they were delaying the whole thing. 

"Fine! You can come in the carriage too! Stop with this nonsense!" he ultimately declared, giving in. 

Instead of wasting time, it was better just to let them use the carriage as that was better and faster. 

"Are you sure?" Salazar asked, smirking. 

"I'm sure! Get inside now!" 

"If you insist," Salazar chuckled, walking back to the carriage. 

Heath also stood up as the noble retracted his aura. Caen could also relax a little now. Lucifer and the others also walked to the carriage and sat inside with the Noble. 

Finally, the drama was over, and the carriage went back to the Guest Mansion through the well-made roads of the city. 

The carriage dropped the four at the entrance of the Mansion. Only after watching them enter the mansion did the Carriage leave. 

"You made me wait a lot, young man." 

As soon as Lucifer and the others entered the room, they watched a person sitting on the sofa. 

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