Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 503: Swallowed by earth

"It's only after I created the Divine Empire after winning everything that he took control of my head because not only was I relaxed, thinking there were no threats anymore, but I also had faith in him. That's when he took control of my mind," she added. "So don't give all credit to that bastard."

She looked down at the bracelet in her hand, disappointed. "Now that I think about it, I suffered every time I trusted a person. First, I trusted him, and I ended up losing control of my actions. Then I trusted your friend to take his help, and he also took advantage of my trust."

"I guess that's why Lucifer rarely trusts anyone. At least never to the extent that he might be at risk," Caen responded. "He learned that lesson long ago. That's why he doesn't even trust us entirely."

"Was he betrayed too? Is that why he goes around betraying everyone else?" Feronia asked, taking a seat as well. 

"Betrayal, I guess you can say that. His life has been rough too. In no way did he have an easier life than your queen," Caen replied.

"What do you mean?" Feronia asked. "Can you tell me more about it?'

"There's no need to talk about that," Caen let out. "He would be upset if he found out we were going around telling his life story."

"Come on! You know the story of our queen! Tell us the story of your king! Now I'm curious about him. How did he grow up to be such a scum?" Feronia asked. 

"Scum? He's no scum. Scums were those people who...." Caen stopped mid-sentence. 

"Which people?" Feronia asked. "Don't stop in the middle. Or is it that you're lying? That's why you can't tell?"

"That tactic won't work on me," Caen lazily said. "I'm not telling."

"Caen, I think it's fine," Salazar said in the middle. "We can tell them."

"What? Why?" Caen asked. 

"Now, this Empire belongs to Lucifer. All these people will be working for him. It's better that they know some things about Lucifer too. Moreover, it's not like it's a secret back home," Salazar answered. "If you're not telling, I will."

"Fine. I'll tell. But if he's angry, I'll throw all responsibility at your head," Caen said, smiling wryly. 

"I doubt he will be angry just for that. His life history is known by everyone," Salazar replied. 

Caen took a deep breath before he started talking about the past of Lucifer. 

"Five years... That's how old he was when he became an orphan," Caen said. "Similar to yours, but he was three years younger."

"As his parents died, he was also taken by some people, but in his case, the people who took him weren't his enemies... At least that's what it seemed. However, he was also imprisoned, just like you."

"But there was no one to help him escape. He spent his next five years in that research facility. His powers didn't awaken."


"His body was tossed outside like some trash after his death."

As Caen reached that point in the story, Milena also frowned. 

She had a bad life, but his life doesn't appear any less bad. The only difference was that his parents weren't killed right before him. But on the other hand, he also couldn't escape. He was forced to embrace death.

"Since he's alive, I suppose he came back to life? So someone brought him back to life like Her Majesty brought us back to life?" Feronia asked. 

"No one brought him back to life. It was all his own work. He brought himself back to life by awakening his powers," Caen answered. "After that..."


As Caen continued talking about the past of Lucifer, attracting empathy for him from his enemy, Lucifer was on the battlefield, flying straight to Andreas. 

On the ground, a laser was fired towards the group of Warlocks by Duke. 

Most of the Warlocks that were in the path of the beam moved away, dodging the attack. Moreover, they also spread out in every direction as per the command of Andreas. 

Arthur also disappeared to take advantage of this sudden commotion to take some enemy out. However, as soon as Arthur disappeared, the ground under the feet of Yasmine split open, making her fall inside.

The ground closed again after swallowing Yasmine whole.

"Yasmine!" Arthur returned to the place, calling to Yasmine, but within a single second, a beam of light came towards his neck. 

Arthur disappeared before the energy attack could hit him. He clenched his fist as he realized that Yasmine was probably killed. If she were alive, that energy attack would have been useless.

Moreover, even if she was alive, he couldn't find her without knowing where she was. Whoever took her could control the ground too.

It was easy for someone like that to kill Yasmine. 

Even the gun which was given to Yasmine was left behind on the ground. She was defenseless. 

In the back, even Duke was disappointed. "We already lost one, and it's only been a few minutes. Why are we fighting alone! We should attack them with all the Nobles! This Lucifer has gone crazy! We'll die like Yasmine too."

He looked back inside the town, noticing all. The Nobles that were still in their positions, waiting for the enemy to come. 

"Sigh, whatever. If it's our death, then so be it," he sighed as he also vacated the wall and started flying towards the enemies, attacking with his lasers. 

Thousands of attacks were fired towards him, which he struggled to avoid as well. 

Even though he mostly avoided all the attacks, some managed to scratch his arms, making them bleed. Fortunately, his flying speed was fast, making him able to avoid most of the attacks. 

The enemy had hundreds of Warlocks while Lucifer's side only had four, one of whom was already missing, leaving only three. 

They weren't enough to stop the enemies who kept moving past them. There were just too many enemies.

Arthur was proving to be most effective against the enemies as his teleportation was creating a headache for his opponents. No one knew where he was going to teleport. Sometimes, he appeared at one end of the battlefield, appearing in an entirely different corner the next moment. 

Moreover, as soon as he appeared near his target, he grabbed their neck and used his supernatural strength to crush their necks. And by the time the surrounding Warlocks realized what had happened, he went to a different place, making his tricks most effective.

"Seventh!" Arthur muttered as he crushed the neck of his seventh target before he tried to disappear. 

"Huh?" His lips opened slightly. His teleportation didn't work this time.

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