Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 515: Lockdown

"Do you know where Heath is?" Lucifer inquired as he resumed eating. 

He wanted to at least eat enough before leaving. In any case, they needed to prepare before they could go. 

"Heath? I don't think I saw him. He ran away when we were surrounded by the Nobles, and I held them back," Salazar replied. "If I'm not wrong, he left before I sent Caen."

"Hah, that's a problem. None of us know how to fly a helicopter. How will we go back?" Lucifer asked. 

He turned to Milena. "Do you have someone who can fly helicopters?"

"We live in an Empire, but we aren't that backward. Of course, we have people who can fly helicopters," Milena answered. "We also have helicopters of our own, after all. 

"That's good. Get that pilot. Also, get prepared. You're coming with me. Take all the High Lords with you as well. And gather the strongest Nobles. We'll take them too."

"Have you gone crazy?! Just because your nation is in danger, you want me to take all my forces there and leave this place defenseless?" Milena fired back, dropping all the nice lady acts. 

She further explained. "As soon as the Warlock Council knows what happened to their men here, what do you think they will do? Won't they attack this Empire as well?" 

"That's what I'm saying. They will come to attack your Empire. So before they do, we shall attack them. In any case, Elisium walls in the middle of the Divine Empire and Triton! To get to the Divine Empire, they need to fly past us. So they won't get here," Lucifer explained. 

"There's no need to leave your men here," he added. "And even if you want to, what I say will happen. Unless you forget your situation?"

Milena glanced at her bracelet, frowning. She was again using his advantage. 

' Will I have to do what he asks all my life? How long will I have to act before he takes it off?' she thought, frowning. 

She also realized that he was right. If Elisium was actually in the middle, that would be a better interception point. 

Moreover, that way, they could keep the battlefield away from home. The farther they fought from the Divine Empire, the less risk they had of their Empire being destroyed. They could keep the Empire and the citizens safe. 

Moreover, when they fought in the backyard of the Uprising, they could take advantage of their forces. 

Unlike here, the brunt of the pressure was going to be taken by Elisium forces. And after they succeeded, they could mount an assault on Warlock Council Headquarters. 

"Enough thinking. I don't have all day. Stand up and get things prepared for our departure. I'll find you near the Royal Palace after I'm done eating. In the meantime, finish what I asked. Select and gather your men! And arrange the mode of transport!"

Milena stood up and left. She didn't look too happy about following commands. 

"One more!" Lucifer ordered. 


The Warlock Council jets had long left Triton. In fact, Uprising only got information about them when they had already entered their continent. 

Elisium has already started preparing for the war under the lead of Kellian. All the Military Weapons were prepared for attack. 

The civilians were told to gather supplies and spend their days in a home since a two week long lockdown was going to be placed after twenty-four hours. 

Hearing the commands, there was an instant rush to the marketplace as people tried to get enough supplies to last two weeks. 

Fortunately, Kellian had seen it coming. He knew that one day the Warlock Council was going to attack. He made sure that Elisium store had enough supplies to handle the rush. 

Fortunately, there was no shortage. After a long day, everyone managed to get enough supplies for them before they locked themselves in their homes, waiting to hear the second address of Kellian. 

"Citizens of Elisium!"

"I am sure you all know about me already. I am the vice captain of Uprising! You can also call me Vice President of Elisium!"

"Today, I am here to inform you of the true reason for the lockdown. There is a powerful enemy in a foreign continent who is going to wage war on Elisium!" Kellian declared, being watched by almost all the nations. 

His words were being covered by all the channels.

Hearing the true reason, the citizens were shocked. A war that needed the entire nation to be sealed? They could only imagine the scope of this war.

"The enemy army consists of Warlocks who are very powerful. Uprising is prepared to face and defeat them to protect Elisium! But we don't want any civilian to get hurt in this war," Kellian continued. 

"That's why we decided to place this lockdown! If you're concerned about your safety, don't leave your homes until my next announcement! I am sure I will be giving you good news in less than a week."

"The two weeks are just a safe estimate of how fast we can win the war. In most cases, the true duration would be much less. So I hope you won't roam outside. This is a serious command for your safety and ours so that we can fight freely!"

"And if anyone is still found roaming outside, they shall be killed first and asked questions later! This isn't a time to play around! So stay serious! That will be all!".

The broadcast was stopped. 

Kellian stood up and left the room to take cognizance of the situation. 

The civilians understood how serious everything was. Moreover, they also knew the reputation of the Uprising. They didn't want to take the risk of defying the rules by going outside as they were sure that they were going to be killed as Kellian said. 

Some citizens were even wondering why Kellian was doing the press release. Why wasn't it Lucifer who was the leader? Where was the leader of the Uprising and their nation? Was he busy preparing for the War?

Not only Elisium, but even the surrounding nations that were taken over by Elisium had started preparing their large scale military weapons to attack the Warlock Council. 

The nations which weren't under the control of Elisium were the most concerned at the moment. They didn't know about the Warlock Council and why Elisium was preparing for war. 

Some Nations were even concerned if Elisium was preparing to wage war on other nations as well.

The nations which weren't affiliated to Elisium started a meeting amongst themselves, talking about the motives of Elisium and if they needed to be prepared to counter Elisium's ever growing reach. 

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