Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 524: Hunting

Sitting in the back seat, Jia and Jenilia were also looking at the battlefield through the screenshot before them. 

"I don't see Lucifer on the battlefield. See? I told you that he wasn't their leader?" Jenilia said. 

"We don't see any teenagers on the battlefield. And we know the Uprising leader is a teenager. Lucifer isn't in the field, but the Uprising leader isn't there either. You can't be sure yet," Jia replied. 

Jenilia didn't have an answer to that question. She simply started focusing on the battle. 

"This is very intriguing though. We had heard that the Uprising leader was a powerful Warlock who was capable of changing the direction of any battle. But he isn't here? Maybe the rumors were wrong? Maybe there isn't any young leader?"

"It could also be a ploy by that Kellian to keep the Warlock Council wary by letting the information about this mysterious leader leak? If he were actually real and as strong as described, he wouldn't be hiding."

Jia doubted the existence of the leader itself. 

"Hmm?" She started rubbing her eyes as if something had landed in them. Even after rubbing, she didn't get the report. 

"I'll be right back." She stood up and left. 

Jia walked to the washroom in the back and started washing her face, unaware that a shadow had appeared behind her.

She splashed the water on her face before looking at the mirror ahead, only to find a pitch black shadow behind her. She opened her lips to alert others. She even prepared to use her abilities to protect herself, but before she could, her head was sliced. 

Jia's head was solved. It rolled off her body and landed on the group. 

"I told you last time. If you don't take my warning, next time we meet, you'll end up dead." A whisper was heard. 

The shadow turned to a shadow who caught the body of Jia. He placed the body inside the toilet along with the head before locking the door from inside. 

"Time to go proper hunting," Kellian let out, grinning. He once again turned to a shadow and disappeared. 


Lucifer was also getting the live feed of the battle which was taking place at the moment, even though he was far from Elisium. 

He had contacted Vega already to share the battle feed with him as well. 

Lucifer and his team members were watching the feed. Caen and Salazar were sitting together while Lucifer was sitting alone. 

Milena noticed him watching something, looking serious 

She got up from her seat and walked to Lucifer, sitting beside him. "Watching something?"

"The live battle. It has already started. I wonder if we can even get there in time," Lucifer replied, frowning.

He didn't understand how the planes were able to use the formations. When he had asked Cassius if he could use the formation as well, he had said that only swordsmen could use the formation with swords. That's also why he dropped the plan of using the formation. 

Now he was seeing something completely opposite to what he heard. 

"Looks like your side is in a bad condition. So many of them are dead, and enemies haven't even landed on the ground. I thought your side would be stronger?" Milena asked, seeing all the dead on the battlefield. 

"Most of the dead are from the Guilds. All the Uprising Members appear to be safe at the moment, except a few," Lucifer answered. 

"Huh? There are only a few hundred years on the battlefield, and most of them are dead. That means your uprising had so few members? Isn't that a bit... I mean, you control a nation. Your side should have more than that."

"Uprising had more members. But we only recently went through two wars. So most of them are dead," Lucifer explained. "Moreover, shouldn't you be the last person talking about how many members I have?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if we go back to basics, all your Nobles died long ago in battles. Even though fewer members survived on Uprising throughout the years, your side didn't have even a single member survive," Lucifer lazily said. 

"If we're looking at living members, Uprising has more. And if you're talking about dead members, then why count them based on the living? My side had more people die than yours as well. The only difference is that I didn't have the power to bring them back. I didn't want to do that either," he continued. 

"Now you're going on technicalities," Milena rolled her eyes. 

"I-" Lucifer stopped abruptly as he felt a vibration in his pockets. 

He brought his glasses and wore them. 

"Are you trying to show off now?" Milena asked, smiling wryly. Seeing Lucifer wear sunglasses suddenly was odd, but she couldn't deny that he looked good even in them. 

"Yeah, Cassius. Did you get what I asked?"

"I did. But it was a mess. You know, we were caught by the Dean there?"

"Dean?" Lucifer asked, frowning. "How did you escape? Did you use your family's influence?"

Even though Lucifer talked, he kept his eyes on the screen. 

"Hah. You think that guy would have bothered about my influence when he caught me stealing? It was your Grandpa who helped me. At least that's what I got from their conversation.x

Lucifer went momentarily silent. "Are you sure?"

"That's right. There was a white-haired old man there..."

Cassius described the characteristics of the man and how everything went. He even talked about the odd thing where the two talked to each other like they were friends and equal. 

"It's because of him asking for a favor so that we could get out with the Limiters. I didn't know your Grandpa had that much sway. Didn't you say he was an Ordinary Variant who lived in a poor village?"

"I'm not sure either. Do they know where I am?" Lucifer asked.

"They do. The Dean said he knew from a long time since you first landed with the Limiter in Elisium. It doesn't look like he's trying to catch you. Even I'm not sure why. He's going against the Great Families by not catching you. And I have a feeling that it's because of your Grandfather."

"That man isn't my grandfather," Lucifer stated firmly. "Anyway, can you come back? Or send Alicia back with the items?"

"I'll be coming tomorrow. I have already arranged for a flight. How's everything going in the Divine Empire? Any progress?"

Lucifer glanced at the beautiful yet silent Milena. "That chapter is done. That place is ours now."

"Anyway, I'll talk to you later. I'm getting another call."

Lucifer disconnected the call as another call started flashing on his screen.

He picked up the second call. 


"Another Warlock Council group?"

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