Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 539: The Odd Woman

The woman that Lucifer was keeping his eyes on finished wiping her body. 

After finishing, she snapped her fingers, making the towel burn to ash. 

She stretched her arm as she yawned before turning back. 

As the woman turned back, Lucifer was able to see the tattoo on the back of the woman as well. As for that tattoo, it was something similar to the tattoo he had on his back with only a few minor differences. 

He didn't stop flying to her, but what happened next made her stop as his lips opened slightly. He saw something really strange.

Just like the towel had burnt, a fire also started around her own body. 

Soon, the entire body of the woman turned into flames. 

Seeing the lady burst into flames, Lucifer stopped in his tracks. Just what was happening there? How did the woman start burning suddenly when she was fine not long ago?

The fire soon spread, taking the shape of a bird. As for the bird, it had similar shapes as the tattoo, which was on the stomach of the lady. 

The flaming bird started flying away. 

This time, even Salazar was able to see the flaming bird. "Another beast. That one looks intriguing."

"This... So she was a beast herself?" Lucifer muttered. 

"Did you say something?"

"Yeah. That bird you see there? She was the woman I was talking about. She turned to flames," Lucifer answered. 

"A woman?"

"It doesn't matter. I need to follow her. If she can turn into a human, she must be able to talk too. She can tell us a way to get back!"

Without thinking twice, Lucifer increased his speed as he followed after the flaming bird. He didn't want to lose the woman since she was his best chance of finding more about this place. 

Even though he flew at his fastest speed, he wasn't faster than the lady. At best, he was able to maintain the distance between the two so she wouldn't disappear. 

Lucifer reached the mountains where the woman was standing a few minutes ago. There was a pond on top of the water, which had freezing water. 

"She was taking a bath in freezing water—what a peculiar little creature. A flame beast who prefers taking a bath in freezing water," Lucifer muttered, shaking his head. 

"That flame bird looks powerful. You think chasing her is the right choice? We might end up at her nest with hundreds of such birds," Jenilia reminded Lucifer of the dangers.

"I know there are dangers, but where aren't dangers? To get back, we need to approach beasts. We might need to approach thousands of them. A beast that can take human shape and speak? That's a great opportunity to shorten our stay here."

Lucifer had a goal in his mind, which was to get back, and he didn't want to fall behind. He was in a foreign world, and he wanted to get a grip on the situation as fast as he could, and this was the answer he found. 

He could use his parasites to control the others, but that was useless for him. Even if he controlled a beast with his parasite, the beast was just going to be like a corpse that was walking without its former intelligence. It couldn't answer Lucifer. 

He needed a beast to team up with him of its own volition so it could retain its intelligence. Moreover, he also needed the beast to be able to convey information. Finding a beast that was capable of all that was hard. So taking a risk was worth it for him. 

The two sides kept flying through the free skies, one chasing while the other was ignorant that it was being chased.

Another group of Black Dragons came from ahead, but they noticed Phoenix that was flying towards them. They hastily changed their directions and started flying away. 

"Did you see that? It looks like even the Black Dragons are scared of her," Jenilia commented. 

"I know. But that doesn't change my resolve. Just because she's strong doesn't mean we must give up. Instead, it strengthens my resolve. She is powerful. That means she should be high in the hierarchy of this world. She should be more knowledgeable, and she should be able to help us," Lucifer explained, sighing. 

"I think that makes sense," Salazar agreed. "She should know more. And if she can speak, that's even better. We would be able to communicate with her."

"And even if she doesn't help us find a way back, we can at least find out about the Summoned Beasts from this world through her. Then we can wait around those beasts and wait for them to be summoned," he continued. 

"Sigh, of course, you two would agree. You're on the same side, but I still don't think it's right."

"Do you think us being here is right? Because I think that's even more wrong," Salazar replied. "We need a way back."

"So whatever you want," Jenilia rolled her eyes. "Since you don't want to listen to my advice, then so be it."

She was certainly right as Lucifer entirely ignored her and continued following the Phoenix. 

"T-that..." Jenilia was the first one to grow, shocked as she saw something ahead. 

"That place..." Salazar muttered. 

"Fascinating. So they have a city like the humans," Lucifer let out, noticing a huge City ahead. 

The city was spread in a vast area and contained many towers that looked to be from a time forgotten. There were also many buildings that looked similar to the human houses in the modern world. 

The Phoenix flew straight and reached the center of the City. The flames of the bird started shrinking again, turning back into the same woman. The only difference was that the red-haired girl wasn't naked now. There was a red gown tightly wrapped around her body. 

The woman went down and landed inside the city. 

After a few more minutes, Lucifer also reached that place. He looked down, noticing that the woman wasn't there anymore. She looked all around, but he couldn't find her. 

"Did we lose her?" Salazar asked. 

"I think we did," Lucifer replied, sighing. "At least she led us to this city. We should be able to get our answer from this place."

He could see many beings walking on the streets. Some of them looked like someone had mixed a human and a beast. On the contrary, there were also some who looked like real humans similar to the girl. 

One such person was a man, dressed in a beautiful white gown, who was walking with two ladies. His hand wrapped around the two ladies that were on his left and right. 

The two ladies also had something off about them. They didn't look like a real human like the man. What made them different was a fluffy tail behind them and wolf-like ears on their head.

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