Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 577: Sacrifice

According to what he had read, the theory talked about Sacrificing the other abilities of the Variant to increase the grade of one ability. 

The person who wrote it theorized the way to sacrifice the ability and that it could only work on Variants that had more than two abilities since one sacrifice was needed for the other. 

However, it also talked about the chance of failure. There was always a chance that one Sacrifice wasn't enough for the evolution of other abilities. That's why the man wanted to try his theory on a person who had three or more abilities to increase the chance. 

At the end of the diary, he talked about how he was going to go on a search to find a perfect candidate who could prove his theory. There was no further entry in the diary there. 

Lucifer couldn't help but wonder if the man had ever found his candidate. Since this news didn't spread, there was a chance that he couldn't find the person he was looking for.

It was certainly understandable. No one was going to sacrifice their abilities forever in the words of a stranger. 

However, this theory was something that he found perfect for himself. He had plenty of abilities that he had taken, which he could sacrifice to focus on his main abilities. 

He wanted to reach the same level of strength as his parents, but it needed more than just the grade of skill. It required experience and a long time. However, if he was able to evolve his ability further, he believed he could reach that level. 

"Which ability should I focus on? Decay? That's my strongest in a sense, but there's a risk if I go with it..."

He observed his gloves, frowning. His decay was already so powerful that it was decaying his gloves slowly. If it evolved even further, what if his gloves stopped working? 

What if his decay became so powerful that even the gloves were destroyed in an hour? He was never going to be able to touch anything again. He would be strong, but he'd lose an important element of his life. 

He wouldn't be able to touch anyone or eat anything. He could still survive by decaying things in this world, but how long was it going to last?"

Lucifer shook his head, sighing. "I can't take risks with decay. First, I need to understand how much growth we're talking about. Decay and Lightning are born S-Ranked in classification. I can certainly see what an evolution will do with lightning."

"Wind is lower grade. And I can't test anything with healing. And strength... That won't help me understand the growth with evolution."

"Lightning it is."

He decided to test with lightning. However, he couldn't do it inside his room. He needed to go outside to have some room to achieve it and test. 

He got off the bed and donned his cloak before leaving the mansion again.

He once again left the city, this time going to the same cliff where he met Amelia last time. 

The entire place was empty. There was not a single person in the surrounding area. 

Lucifer sat ten meters away from the cliff. He folded his legs as if he was sitting in a meditation position while wearing his wrists on his knees. 

Keeping his head straight, he closed his eyes. 

The process of sacrifice in the diary was very clear. It was something that everyone could do, at least that's what he wrote. 

The sacrifice talked about location; the core is that ability inside the body and pushing that core to the core of the abilities a person wanted to make stronger. 

The things about the ability cores wasn't a secret, and it was already discovered. Each ability had a core inside the body which couldn't be destroyed. 

Even if a person attacked the place where the ability core was, it wasn't going to do anything since the ability core was something that was illusory to some extent.

It couldn't be destroyed. Nicola linked the cores with energy, saying that it couldn't be destroyed, but its form could be changed and its energy transferred to other abilities. 

The problem was finding the right core though. Unlike others, Lucifer didn't have one or two abilities. He had many which he had stolen. He knew his original cores, like lightning which was in his chest. 

The decay core was near his right wrist. The wind core was near his throat, and the strength core was near his left knee. 

As for the Healing Core, that was the biggest mystery. He tried to find that a long time ago, but that was like nonexistent. He could only locate four cores when he tried the first time. 

He located the parasitic core and the barrier core he absorbed from Derek. 

Other than these two, he selected three more abilities that he didn't want to sacrifice at any cost, including the one which he had stolen from Andreas in the Warlock Council. 

After securing nine cores, he decided that others were fair game for sacrifice. 

He selected one core which was something he stole from a Warlock in the Divine Empire. 

He kept his entire mind focused on the core and moved it towards his chest, where his lightning core was resting. 

The core seemed slightly resistant at first, but it kept moving according to his will, soon reaching the chest of Lucifer. 

After reaching the lightning core, Lucifer made the core split into multiple parts so it could be easy to absorb. The specks of the core were absorbed by the lightning core, which grew slightly. 

Lucifer observed the lightning core, shaking his head. The core was certainly stronger, and he felt strong as well, but he didn't believe that the core had jumped a level. 

The growth wasn't that high. According to the theories he read, a jump in the grade of an ability was signified by its size. If the core was double the size of a grade B core, then it was Grade A. If it was double the size of Grade A, then it was considered Grade S. 

Similarly, he knew that he needed at least double the growth to achieve a breakthrough. 

"If one doesn't work, I'll throw more. It's certainly working, just not that well. I do have some abilities to spare though," he muttered, shaking his head. 

He shifted his attention to another core which was already close to his heart, and started moving it to the lightning core. 

The second core was also absorbed by the lightning core, which grew once again. 

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