Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 595: Inside

"Scanning Complete. The body is badly burnt. Blood loss is critical. Multiple bones damaged."

" Damage Score: Thirty Percent."

" Healing possible: Present."

"Time needed: Seven Hours. It is advised to start treatment fast."

"Looks like at least the guy can survive. So, should I continue the healing?" Jane asked Lucifer. "After he is healed, you can leave as you promised."

"Yeah. Heal him at any cost. And you'll win back your life," Lucifer responded, observing Salazar. Salazar had accompanied him quite a lot. 

Moreover, he had already proven that he was trustworthy and someone who wasn't going to backstab the team in times of danger. Lucifer didn't want to lose him. 

"Aia, start the treatment," Jane commanded. 

A glass shell appeared around Salazar's table, sealing him in a glass cage. An anti gravity field was released in the airtight shell, which made Salazar's body rise in the air. 

As Salazar's body floated in the air, two machine hands came out from under the table, taking his clothes off. Meanwhile, the table went underground, leaving Salazar's body floating mid-air. 

The mechanical hands also went back, leaving a naked Salazar. Without the clothes, his burns were even more visible. His skin was badly burnt. Some of his bones were also visible. 

"This idiot," Lucifer observed the wounds, feeling disappointed that Salazar didn't tell him how badly he was wounded before. 

A pink gas started filling the glass chamber. The entire chamber was filled with the gas, leaving nothing visible. 

"What is that gas?" Lucifer asked. 

"Don't worry, that's not poison. That's something which will increase his healing speed while protecting his body from infections and other risks," Jane answered. 

"Anyway, about the girl. Do you want us to burn her body or bury it? We can't leave that here?" 

"None. I want you to keep her body safe," Lucifer responded. 

"Why? She's dead. It's better to just..." Jane answered but stopped as she saw Lucifer glare at her. 

"Fine. If that's what you want, I'll keep her body safe." She tapped her glove. "Aia, seal the lady's body in an airtight chamber."

"Affirmed." A glass chamber appeared around Jenilia's body as well, keeping her body safe. 

Jane looked back at Lucifer. "So we're fine now, right? You won't destroy this academy?"

Lucifer kept his hands in his pocket as he calmly answered. "Who knows. If he isn't fine, I'll still destroy you all. So you better make sure that he's safe."

"I had a question. Is everyone in Triton as strong as you?" 

"Triton?" Lucifer smiled. "That's right. We have a Warlock Council there. I'm a member of that council. I'm sure you must be thinking about attacking us after we leave for what I did."

"But it's alright. I don't care about that. In fact, I challenge you openly. After I leave, and you desire it, collect the entire Atlantis army and attack us. We aren't scared at all."

Since he was slightly calmer now, he started plotting for the future. He knew that leaving this lady alive was the best option before leaving. She believed that they were from Triton. Even if Atlantis were to attack, it would attack the Warlock Council, blaming them. 

That certainly wasn't bad for him. But he kept his other options open as well, which was to just kill them all to remove all evidence of him being here. He left the decision to later. At first, Salazar was more important. 

"Warlock Council? I heard about them. They're a group of Variants that rule Triton. So you're from them," Jane said, rubbing her chin. 

This was an important piece of information which she could use to inform the Royals when they asked who destroyed this place. 

"Are you thinking about attacking us later?" Lucifer asked. 

"N-not at all. I would never!" Jane hastily responded. 

"I don't care much even if you did. Just keep my friend safe, and I'll keep my promise to you."

"Also, send me outside the academy."

"Outside? Why?"

Lucifer again frowned. "I don't think you're important enough to know my reasons. Just do as I said. When I want to come back, I'll inform you. Bring me in. Also, don't let anything happen to him in my absence."

"Sigh, fine. Do as you want." Jane sighed. "Aia, teleport him outside the academy."

A flashing light appeared around Lucifer, taking him away. 

After Lucifer disappeared, Jane finally sighed a breath of relief. She walked to a nearby chair and sat down. "Looks like I can indeed survive. But still, Why did he want to go out? Could it be to investigate the origin of that energy wave?"

"Aia, keep an eye on Lucifer and transmit the scenes from his surroundings back to me without letting him know."


Through the gloves that Lucifer was wearing, she could not only teleport him back, but she could also keep an eye on his surroundings or talk to him. She chose to be sneaky though. 

A holographic image appeared around her, which showed a clear view of what Lucifer was seeing. 


Lucifer appeared outside the half destroyed academy and started flying towards a large crater in the distance. 

Within seconds, he reached the crater and landed in it. There was a black lighting prison just a few inches away from him and a Beautiful coffin inside which hadn't moved even an inch. 

He waved his hand, making the lightning cage disappear before stepping closer to the Coffin. 

"This thing brought the energy wave... Is it a treasure?" he frowned as he walked around the coffin, observing it. 

He even used the wind to raise the coffin in the air to look under it. 

Under the coffin, there was a number carved. 

"001? Does it even mean anything?"

The coffin landed on the ground again. 

Lucifer picked up a small piece of stone and placed it on the coffin to see if it was safe to touch. Nothing happened even as the stone fell on the coffin. 

He tried touching the coffin to test even more.

After touching the coffin, he realized that it was like an ordinary coffin. His hand was fine. 

"It doesn't look any special. How did that energy wave originate from this?"

He slowly opened the coffin to see what was inside. Since it was a coffin, he believed there must be a body inside, but he couldn't be sure. 

However, after opening the coffin, he finally realized what was inside. A weird frown spread across his face at the sight. 

"It... How is this possible?!" he exclaimed, taking a step back. He started walking back and forth, lost in deep thought. 

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