Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 719: 719

"Alex? Why aren't you saying anything? Hello?"

"Huh? It looks like there's a problem in the connection." The man disconnected the call and tried to call the same number again. But there was no response this time. Lucifer didn't pick up. 


Xaen was sitting on the roof, drinking the wine, when his phone started ringing. 


"Sir, as you said, our men have been keeping an eye on the village. No one entered the village, but a call did come from the outside. The same number tried calling three people in the village."

"Were you able to trace the call?"

"We did not manage to trace the call unfortunately."

"Alright, find out who the caller was. And what was the conversation about? Continue keeping a watch on the place. Tell me when you find something."

"Yes, Sir."


Lucifer remained in the room, looking at the moon outside. For the last few minutes, he hadn't moved even an inch. 

He just kept gazing outside, not sure what he was feeling. Whatever it was, he didn't like it. 

Subconsciously, his fist kept closing tighter and tighter. 

"Xaen... You knew I would be coming for Grandpa Chi. You really shouldn't have done this..."

Xaen had crossed the limit. Even when Xaen tried to kill him, he didn't feel much. He was upset that his stones were stolen, but he could recover them. 

He didn't care for that either since it was only a matter of time, but now it was different. Now it was too personal.

The weather outside the mansion also changed. It was already very cloudy, but it had started raining as well.

"The weather is acting odd today. Is a storm about to come?" Jake's wife also noticed the rain and the crackling of thunder outside. 

"Storms aren't that unusual. Stop thinking about it and go to sleep," Jake responded weakly. He didn't even bother to check. 

"Storms aren't unusual, but storms with black lightning falling from the sky?" the woman asked. "I only saw it happen once before... When I was on that ship. I think it's your friend's doing."

"Are you going to go there and talk to him before one of these bolts destroy our home? While you're at it, don't forget to kick him out if he doesn't listen," she further stated. 

"Are you sure?" Jake stood up and walked to the window. "The black lightning is certainly unusual. I'll go and see what he's doing. You stay here."

He left his bedroom and walked to the neighboring room. For some reason, it was too silent even though there was a storm outside. He could even hear the sound of his own footsteps. 

He took a deep breath as he stepped before Lucifer's room. 


He knocked on the door, but there was no response. 

"Are you inside?" he asked once again before he opened the door himself and stepped inside. 

He noticed a lonely-looking silhouette of Lucifer, looking at the storm outside. 

"I wanted to ask if everything is alright. Did you create the storm?" Jake asked. 

Lucifer didn't answer. 

"I'm talking to you. Why aren't you answering?" Jake asked again. 

"Deactivate." A single word came from Lucifer's lips. 

The Limiter, which was on the wrist of Jake, loosened up and fell down, finally freeing him. 

Lucifer raised his hand behind him without even looking back. The Limiter flew straight into his hand. 

Jake watched Lucifer crush the Limiter, shattering it to pieces. 

"What happened? What are you doing?" Jake couldn't understand what Lucifer was doing. He was freeing him? Had he gone crazy? 

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Jake asked once again. 

"Leave this city..." Lucifer spoke once again. 

"What? What do you mean?" Jake still didn't understand, but he could feel something wrong in Lucifer's tone. 

He wasn't as calm as before. Previously, he was cold like a frozen mountain, but at the moment, he sounded like there was a volcano inside him, waiting to explode. 

Lucifer didn't explain himself. He snapped his fingers. Multiple lightning blades appeared around Lucifer, which shot straight to the window. The window was completely shattered. Its pieces flew everywhere.

"If something happened to her, I'll destroy this city..." Lucifer said as his body started rising in the air. "Then I'll destroy this island. I'll keep destroying every place I walk on until I find Xaen. Leave if you don't want to die...'

He flew out the window. As he flew through the rain, the water droplets of rain kept affecting his hair. The dye that was specially created for his hair stopped working. Each droplet of water brought the original color of his hair back. 

His dark hair kept turning silver, affected by the water. 

Jake watched Lucifer leave. 

He didn't know what happened to Lucifer in the last hour, but he knew that it wasn't good. Something had really angered Lucifer, and it was related to Xaen. 

He was confident in his strength, and he was a proud Warlock, but the words of Lucifer kept echoing in his head as if those weren't mere words but the future. 

Taking a deep breath, he decided to believe his heart. He walked back to his bedroom. 

"I watched him fly away. Did you kick him out of the house? You did really good. Even if it wasn't what I wanted initially, it's better than nothing."

Jake looked at his wife, sighing. 

"Stop talking so much. We are leaving as well."

"Leaving? Why?"

"As you said, a storm is about to come. And I don't want to be here when the storm hits."

"We're running away from the storm? What nonsense are you speaking suddenly? Are you hiding something?"

"It's not the time to speak. Pack your bags."

"But we just returned to the island."

"I told you it's urgent. Stop wasting time. It's better to be careful than to take the risk. We are leaving temporarily. I'll tell the others to prepare as well."

"Others? You mean the others are coming with us too?"

"Yeah. The entire Raasin Clan will be coming. Think of it as a long vacation of the entire clan."

Jake left the room and didn't talk any more. He knew that the questions of his wife were never going to end. 

He informed the other main members of the clan that they were leaving and told them to get ready in thirty minutes for departure to the airport. 

Only a couple of members were left behind to take care of the mansion. 

Within thirty minutes, tens of luxurious cars left the Raasin Estate in heavy rain, going straight to the airport. 

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