Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 749

"Most of them should be back soon. Tristan and Dallas would be returning today since their mission was canceled. Milena is on the way back as well, from what I'm told."

"The rest should also be back soon in a day or two."

"I can't contact Salazar and Yaliza, but it's not shocking since they entered the Dungeon. They'll probably take some time before coming."

"In short, we need to take care of this place for a day or more. After that, we'll have more people. So just stay alert."

Kellian informed Caen while telling him to stay in the looks of Lucifer in the meanwhile. 

Every corner of the city was taken by a Warlock who kept an eye on things. All the defense mechanisms were activated to make sure that not even a fly could enter the city without being seen. 


Lucifer flew straight towards the south without stopping as he ignored the people of the city that were under someone's hypnosis, but there were many people who were still following him. 

The citizens and the Warlocks who couldn't fly were left far behind, but the Warlocks who could fly managed to locate him. They started following him incessantly. 



"Move the phone away from your ears for a few seconds."


"Just do it."


Milena moved the phone away from her ears, curious why Lucifer was asking such a thing. 

Lucifer stopped flying away and turned back to face the hundreds of people who were following him. 

His body stood still in the air as he took a deep breath. 

He opened his mouth, screaming as loud as he could. The Sonic Scream was an ability that he had reserved for himself as it was something that was highly effective against the beasts, but it worked even on humans, from what he had noticed. 

The scream was so loud that everyone who was flying held their ears firmly, trying to protect their ears. 

The headache from the scream was also so strong that it brought everyone to their senses. 

After the scream stopped, everyone looked around in confusion, wondering where they were, but before they could understand anyway, a gust of wind came, taking them with it, making them unable to resist. 

Lucifer watched all the confused Variants fly back, trapped in the wind.

Shaking his head, he started flying towards his destination. 

"Are you there?" he asked. 

"I am. Now I understand why you asked me to move the phone away from my ears. I could hear that even from a distance. What were you doing?"

"Some people were following me. It was nothing."

"Did you take care of them?"

"More or less."

"Good. Anyway, I know the whereabouts of Xaen. I'm going there. After that, I'll think about what I should do with the invitation."

"Should I come with you too? I ca-"


Milena was talking when her voice stopped, followed by a beeping sound. 

"Hello? Milena?"

Lucifer wondered what had happened, but soon he saw a notification pop up, which showed that the call was disconnected. 

"This girl... Did she just cut the call?"

As Lucifer was coming up with his own ideas, Milena was looking at her phone, which was dead. "The battery? God, no."

She instantly placed her phone on charge. 

Lucifer was flying to the location of Xaen when everything turned white again. 

He felt like crushing everything around him as he saw the white light since it meant only one thing. He was going back in time to the start?

As the light disappeared, Lucifer found himself in a different place, but this wasn't what he expected. 

He wasn't at the beach like before, and his phone wasn't ringing. 

Instead, he was standing in a place he had never seen before. 

He was standing in a barren land that didn't look like Earth. The sky was blood red. There was no sun in the sky; still, everything was perfectly bright. 

The wind also had a steep stench of blood in it which was too sharp. 

He turned around, observing his surroundings, but not a single speck of light was at sight, let alone blood. 

He was slightly curious where the stench was coming from. What exactly was this place? It wasn't a place he had been to before, but he was certain he was here because of his Time Evolution. 

"Call Milena," he commanded, but there was no response. 


He trapped his face, only now realizing that he didn't have his glasses. His face also felt a bit longer and slightly different. 

Looking down, he also noticed his clothes as well. Even his clothes were different now. 

He was wearing a white shirt. On top of the shirt, he had a blood red robe. There were no gloves in his hand at the moment. He was also donning a white pants that were spotlessly clean. 

He wasn't wearing shoes either as he remained barefoot. 

"Where am I?" he wondered as he started rising high in the air to get a clear view of his surroundings. 

Rising high in the sky, he soon noticed a beautiful river in the distance. The river wasn't ordinary. It was filled with blood. 

The blood river was so long that it went as far as his eyes could see, no matter how high he flew.

"So that's where the stench was coming from."

He shifted his gaze from the river, looking at other places. 

The land where he was previously standing was barren, but in the distance, he finally saw a green forest. He also heard screams and calls for help coming from inside the forest. 

He started flying towards the forest. Since there were screams, it meant there were people as well. And if people were there, it meant he could get his answers there. 

As he flew to the forest, he also tried to find a way to control the time ability of his, which was messing with him. Previously it was sending him back to the beach, but now it had sent him here?

The time was malfunctioning for him from what he could understand. Instead of controlling time, he was being influenced by time now that his ability was in a higher domain, all because he didn't know how to control it. 

He landed at the entrance of the forest, following the sound of the screams. 

It didn't take him long as he soon found the sources of the screams. 

The scream was coming from the center of the forest. In the center, there was a deep well. The well appeared to have a face and eyes on it that seemed alive.

There were many bodies littered around the well. 

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