Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 751


The men only stuttered, not knowing how to reply. They couldn't even gather the courage to speak, especially the man Lucifer was asking the question. 

He was just talking about killing Lucifer only recently, and now he didn't know how to follow up.

"Are you going to answer? Why do you want to kill me?" Lucifer asked once again. 

"W-we don't want to kill you, Your Majesty. We can't even dare to think about it. Please leave our planet! Please don't destroy it! It's our only home. We'll die if you destroy it!"

"Destroy? Why will I destroy this barren land?" Lucifer asked, but understanding. He didn't even know where he was, let alone knowing how he'd destroy it. 

The men didn't seem like Lucifer was telling the truth. They thought he was just toying with them by telling this. 

Tears started pouring out of their eyes. It was the first time Lucifer had seen beasts crying, especially such ugly beasts. 

Since they didn't believe when he told the truth, he changed his plan. 

"Alright, you are right. I was here to destroy this place. But I'm feeling a little generous today. I'll think about not destroying your land. If you can answer me honestly, I'll let you and your world survive. Do you take my offer?"

"This...." Having no other options, the Gargoyles nodded their heads.

A small hope of survival was better than nothing. "We will do anything as long as you don't kill us. We would even be willing to be your slaves! We can be of use to you!"

"I don't need slaves. I only need some answers. I want you to tell me everything you know about me. Don't even think about lying to me."

"W-we won't dare!"

"Good. So tell me everything now. Why were you scared after seeing me? You talked about some stories regarding me? What stories? I want to know everything."

"The stories... Everyone knows stories about you! The Wanderer who wanders from planet to planet. No planet survives his arrival for long, ultimately being destroyed before you move into another world."

"You are the most well known person in the world. Even kids here know about you. We also heard that you single handedly destroyed thousands of planets so far. That's why we were scared after seeing you."

"Please don't destroy our home!"

"A wanderer who destroys planets?" Lucifer muttered, frowning. 

'Why would I do such a thing? Could it be...' he looked down at his hands momentarily.

"What else do you know about me?" 

"We heard that you are also the most wanted person in the entire universe. The Star Alliance has been looking for you for a long time, but you have been able to avoid them."

"Star alliance?" Lucifer asked, confused. "What's that?"

"Star Alliance is..." The Gargoyle started answering, but he stopped in the middle of his sentence as he heard a screeching sound. 

The gravity of the world suddenly changed. Their bodies were pulled to the ground. 

All Gargoyles fell on the ground under the effect of the gravity, unable to resist the pressure. The Gargoyles weren't alone. Entire World was under this pressure. 

All the forms of life were lying on the ground, feeling like they were going to suffocate under this pressure. 

Even Lucifer himself was struggling to resist the pressure. 

Lucifer raised his head, focusing on the direction the sound was coming from. 

He could see hundreds of portals open before him. All the portals looked small from where he was standing, but they were thousands of meters long if one was to look from close. 

A ship came out of one of the spatial Portals, followed by more ships. One ship came from each of the portal, one after another. 

Before long, the entire space was covered in massive ships that were surrounding the planet from all sides.

The silver ships looked intimidating yet beautiful at the same time. 

A massive star symbol was clearly visible on each of the ships, followed by a word which said, 'Alliance.'

"Star Alliance?" Lucifer read the words, understanding what it was. 

He didn't even understand what the star alliance was, but they were already here. And all he managed to find out was that they were looking for him. 

He looked down at the Gargoyles that were stuck on the ground, unable to even raise their heads. 

Lucifer landed before the Gargoyles, still resisting the pressure. 

"Tell me about the Star Alliance?"

"The Star Alliance? They are very powerful. They ar-"

The Gargoyles tried to speak, but they couldn't finish as their bodies started cracking under the intense pressure. 

They watched their bodies break, trying to speak, but they couldn't as their bodies shattered. 

The president kept increasing with time. Even Lucifer was finding it hard to stand against the pressure. 

His feet were firmly planted on their ground which kept getting inside the ground as his body was pushed down. 

Instead of letting his body be buried in the ground, he teleported to a different place, firmly standing tall.

The Gargoyles were broken before they could even answer. He had no one who could answer him. 

All the ships had formed a wall around the island. Energy waves from each ship connected with each other, sealing the entire world. 

The energy shield around the world had sealed the entire world, leaving no space for anyone to escape. 

A bright beam of light came out of the ships, landing all around Lucifer. 

All the beams disappeared, leaving many people behind on the island. 

The world which was barren until recently was now filled with people everywhere. 

There were thousands of people on the island. Most of them were covering the sky while the rest stood on the land, surrounding Lucifer. 

Amongst the thousand people, half looked like beasts of different shapes and sizes who had humanoid forms. 

They all looked different and had different features. Some had wings; others had horns, while some had giant Bodies. 

The other half of the people that had arrived seemed like proper humans with not many differences. 

All of them were wearing a white uniform that was surrounded by a thin layer of mist. There was a star symbol on their Clothes, including the Clothes that the beasts were wearing. 

Some Carried weapons while the others were bare handed. 

The one thing that was common in all of them was that they all felt strong. There was a powerful aura around their body which was slightly intimidating. 

The combined aura of all of them was so powerful that even the world had started splitting apart slowly. 

Lucifer observed everyone that was standing around him. They all looked perfectly calm while keeping their eyes on him. 

Unlike the Gargoyles, they didn't seem scared after seeing Lucifer.. Instead, some of them even had a smirk on their faces. 

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