Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 788: New Awakening

All three men present in the room stared at Lucifer, trying to stay calm. Even though the doctor looked the calmest, he was the most scared. He had nothing to do with Lucifer, yet he was caught in this situation.

In fact, he didn't even need to do anything. Everything happened on its own. If Lucifer weren't brought to him, even then, he would've woken up soon. 

He couldn't believe how bad his luck was. He was dragged into this mess for no reason at all, and now that he was here, he needed to stay here until the end.

Lucifer's eyelids flickered a bit. The readings started to calm down slowly. Within a few seconds, his heartbeat returned to normal as his heart started beating at sixty beats per minute.

His brain reading was a different matter though. As Lucifer's heartbeat returned to normal, the machine even refused to recognize any brain activity as it was too much even for it to handle. 

"Arghh!" A sharp scream left Lucifer's lips as he sat straight. A wind blast came from his body, destroying all the machines that were near his body, tossing them towards the wall. 

The three men in the room also flew back, crashing on the wall. 

Lucifer's eyes opened. The wind kept circling around him as if they were a tornado, and he was its eye. 

Lucifer wasn't able to see anything momentarily. His vision was blurry, and a bit dark; however, his vision continued recovering. His eyes became better, and he was able to see clearly. 

He clapped his hand once again, roaring like crazy, sending even fiercer waves of wind around him. Lighting also mixed with the winds. 

The doctor watched everything with fear, understanding that maybe they had truly broken Lucifer. 

He tried to drag his body to the door to escape, but the wind pressure kept dragging him back towards Lucifer. 

Being able to see everything clearly, Lucifer noticed three men in the room; however, none of them was the person he remembered. 

His body floated up and flew towards the doctor near the door. 

"Where is Varant!" 

"Who? I-i don't know any Varant."

Lucifer clenched his fist. He didn't ask a second time as he stomped on the head of the doctor, crushing it. 

He turned to the bald man in the room who was trembling. 

"Where is Varant!" he roared as he raised his hand towards the man. 

The winds raised the man in the air, dragging the man towards Lucifer. 

"Leader of APF? He died a long time ago! You killed him, I think."

"Just yesterday, he stabbed me, and you say I've killed him?" Lucifer asked. His voice was so heavy, sounding like he was death reincarnated. 

He clenched his fist. Following the movement of his hands, the winds crushed the neck of the man. 

The man's eyes opened wide as he lost his last breath as well. He was thinking about becoming a wealthy man with influence all over the world with the help of Lucifer, only to die for his greed. 

He couldn't help but feel pity for himself as he died. 

Lucifer turned to the third man in the room, who hid behind a table. 

He floated towards the man. "You three are humans. You can't be APF Warlocks. Is this an APF lab? More experiments on me? You people never learn!" 

This time, he didn't mind the wind as he grabbed the throat of the man personally. 

The man's body started decaying as terrifying pain coursed through his body. 

"What are you doing? We saved you! You should be grateful!"

"Grateful to humans?" Lucifer asked. "In the next life, maybe."

The man's body turned to ashes, mixing in the winds. 

Lucifer was already dressed in clothes; however, he didn't know what had happened. He didn't even realize that so many years had passed since he was killed by Varant and tossed into the sea. 

After killing everyone in the room, he didn't even bother trying to find a mirror to look at himself to realize that he was older now. To him, he was his same old self. 

Even though he believed that it was possible that some time had passed since he had died, he didn't even think about the possibility that it had been eight years since that moment. 

He looked at all the machines in the back, sighing. "So that bastard didn't kill me. He brought me back for experimentation." 

"This must be some lab of APF if I'm not wrong."

He was already under the impression that he was in a lab like the one he was kept in during his childhood. The white robe of the doctor didn't help the situation either, instead making it even worse since that was the first thing he saw which made him even more furious. 

Unlike the real Lucifer, who had lost his heart and was brought back because of his healing, this Lucifer came from just the heart of his.

For the real Lucifer, his body made a new heart, but for this Lucifer, the heart made his body. Unlike the real Lucifer, this Lucifer hadn't experienced life after his last moment with Varant. 

He was still the broken Lucifer who hadn't experienced life at the Academy of Gifted Variants. He was still Lucifer, who hadn't experienced friendship or any semblance of living between humans. 

Instead, he was the Lucifer who was stabbed in the back a second time, just when he had thought about stopping the life of violence. He was the one who was killed a second time. 

He wasn't the one who went through the training at the Academy of Gifted Variant, which taught him how to use his gifts well and control his emotions. 

He was the one who let his emotions take the lead and entered any War without a second thought or a backup plan. However, there was also a flaw to this. 

Unlike the real Lucifer, this Lucifer hadn't learned that he could steal someone's powers. He hadn't gained any abilities other than the ones he possessed when he had died. 

He was also Lucifer, but he was not as strong as the real Lucifer. On the contrary, he was also more fierce than the real Lucifer since he gave everything to his battles. 

Lucifer walked to the door before him, kicking it open. The door broke from the hinges and flew away, landing on the other end of the hallway. 

Lucifer stepped out of the room, selecting a direction.. He could see no cameras or guards in the entire hallway, which surprised him a bit. 

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