Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 858: Two for one...

He checked the wrist of Milena. Fortunately, her heart was still beating, and it seemed like she was healing.

"Milena, I don't know if you're listening or not, but I need to get going. I might not be able to come back once I leave, but it's for the good. If you heal, don't wait for us and go as far as you can!" The man declared as he stood up. He ran to the door and left.

In his haste, he forgot to check the back of Zale entirely. If he had checked, he would've noticed a beautiful crystal in his bag, which was one of the seven crystals that Lucifer was looking for.

Salazar closed the door from the outside before running back to where he came from.


Lucifer wriggled in pain, roaring. He had experienced a lot of pain in his life, from the worst in his childhood to literally dying many times, but nothing was comparable to this pain. He couldn't even breathe as he felt like he was going to suffocate. His hands were trembling, and his vision started getting blurry. Even his brain was shutting down slowly as all his thoughts became jumbled.

There was only one thought in his mind. He needed stronger healing if he wanted to survive, and there was only one way to strengthen his healing at this moment.

With a blurry vision, he glanced at the other Lucifer who stood right beside Licorice.

He placed his trembling hand on the ground as he pushed his body up before moving ahead with heavy steps. He clenched his lips to make sure he didn't yell in pain. He clenched his lips so tightly that they literally started bleeding. He could taste his own blood. The pain of his lips hurting was nothing before the pain he was already feeling.

Lucifer dragged his body ahead, not knowing how long it was before he was going to fall.

As the hall went silent, Licorice wondered if Lucifer had finally died. However, he needed to keep his focus on the stone, which made him unable to divert his attention.

Lucifer reached the other Lucifer after a long time, standing just a few inches behind him.

"You owe something to me. I need it back!" The blood-covered Lucifer let out as he changed his hands into a claw, stabbing the chest of Lucifer. This time he didn't shatter the heart, though. Instead, he directly pulled out the heart.

At the same time, he used another hand to make a hole in his own chest and placed the heart inside his own body. He still didn't decay the heart though. First, he needed to completely destroy the other Lucifer before decaying his last bit to take the strength.

Without his heart, the white robed Lucifer once again dropped to his knees, but he didn't fall entirely. He supported his body with one hand.

Lucifer grabbed his neck and started letting his decay take effect. Even though his own decay didn't work on him, the other Lucifer was another identity in itself, which made his decay effective.

Holding the body of the other Lucifer, the dark-robed Lucifer flew back. He needed to avoid the man until he could decay Lucifer completely.

"Even after all this, you still have all my skills. It looks like you weren't lying. You really are me..." The white robed Lucifer weakly stated as his eyes lost their shine.

"I am. And I'll make sure we live on our own terms, not falling for the trap of Licorice. However, for that, I need to take your life."

"Can I say no?" The other Lucifer asked weakly. He knew he wasn't in a position to say no. His heart was gone. Moreover, his healing wasn't fast enough to stop the decay of his body.

"A few years of head start can change so many things. Your decay is really strong...." The white robed Lucifer stated as his body started disintegrating at rapid speed.

The dark robed Lucifer wasn't in any better condition either. The overdrive effects were still there. His body was also decaying. It was a race to see if he disintegrated first or the other Lucifer because only one of them could come out of this alive. If he died, others could live. And if other died, he could potentially live!

Licorice wanted to stop Lucifer, but he still couldn't stop the process. The crystal was already cracked and losing energy. He didn't need Lucifer anymore to continue the rest. He ignored Lucifer and kept attacking the stone with his own energy this time. Since the crystal was cracked, it couldn't even face the onslaught of his own energy.

More and more cracks kept developing in the crystal. At the same speed, the Dungeon also started cracking as terrifying trembling could be felt everywhere in the Dungeon.

The decay showed its effects, and one of the two Lucifer's disintegrated. Fortunately, it happened to be the white robed Lucifer.

The blood-covered Lucifer wasn't in any good condition himself. Within a few seconds, he was going to disappear completely as well. His skin was already that of a hundred years old person.

Now that he had destroyed the other Lucifer, all that remained of him was the heart inside him.

He stabbed his claws in his chest to destroy the heart as well to steal the abilities of the other Lucifer, only to realize that something different was happening. It was something completely out of his expectations. The heart... It had merged with his body already, as soon as the other Lucifer had disappeared.

Now he had two hearts in his body that were working simultaneously, one on his left and one on the right side of his chest.

The merging of the heart gave the same effect as destroying it, if not better. All the core abilities of Lucifer had evolved except his lightning which he had evolved before.

All his core abilities that the other Lucifer possessed jumped one stage in the chain of evolutions. His wind control became an S rank ability. His healing also became stronger. As for his strength, it reached the same stage as his lightning, passing the threshold above S Rank.

It was as if he had received a new life and a new soul. The effects of overdrive disappeared abruptly, and his body finally started healing. The decay stopped.

He experienced something even more, though. There was a strange strength coursing through his body that was different. It was as if it was a strength that was out of this world!

The strength that Licorice had taken from the man in another world was kept in Lucifer as a vessel. Now, this Lucifer possessed everything of that Vessel which was broken now.

The borrowed strength started coursing through his body as his eyes turned stark white. It was as if he could see everything happening in the world suddenly. He was one with his abilities, and his abilities were one with him!

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