Inhuman Warlock

948 Chapter 948

For a moment, he even doubted himelf if he wa actually outide the Royal City or not.

"Thi i definitely the Royal City, then why?"

Hi curioity overtook him a he turned into a hadow a well, entering the city. He wanted to enter with a big bang before, but he changed hi mind. For hi anwer, he directly entered the city.

The other candidate had already tarted killing the one that they aw, but Lucifer didn't.

Lucifer traight went to one of the manion in the city, where he had een Hun and hi family.

It wa only after he entered the manion that he came to hi real form.

He came to hi human form.

Appearing in the manion, it wa the ame atmophere a before. It wa freezing cold here, almot a cold a it wa on top of the mountain where they had their trial.

The only difference from before wa that the manion looked motly empty. Unlike before, there didn't appear to be many people here.

"Hun!" He called out. He wa at hi friend' houe. Intead of neaking inide, he directly called him.

After a few minute, a peron came out of one of the room, confued a to who wa calling him. The voice did eem familiar to him.

A oon a he came out of the room, he looked at Lucifer. Lucifer wa lightly older now, but he till looked motly the ame. Moreover, hi feature and hi ilver hair were very hard to forget.

"Lucifer?" Hun aked, jut to be ure.

"Who ele?" Lucifer tepped cloer to Hun. "Your new houe in't half bad, but I liked the old one better."

"You aren't the only one who liked the old houe." Hun flahed a weak mile. "But it' really good to ee you back."

He tepped forward and gave Lucifer a light hug before tepping back. "Come; the other will be happy to ee you a well. It' been o long ince we lat aw you."

"Same here. But why did you change your Houe? Why did you hift to the Royal City?" Lucifer aked. "I aw Amelia and the Gold Rhino Clan a well. It' a if all High Beat of the city hifted to the Royal City."

"We didn't have much of a choice. If we wanted to live, we had to leave the city," Hun anwered.

"What do you mean?" Lucifer inquired, following Hun up the tair.

"Nothing. You jut came here. It' better that I don't poil your mood with thi. Anyway, have you eaten anything? I can get you omething to eat."

"Don't change the topic." Lucifer grimaced, noticing Hun' attempt to change the topic. "Tell me what happened that made you all come here?"

He wondered if it wa becaue they knew that the Star Alliance wa going to attack. But if that wa the cae, why wa the Royal City without much Security? Shouldn't thi place have a high ecurity now?<ub> </ub>

It wa evident that the information about them being attacked wan't here. Moreover, thi world wan't like modern earth, which had the technology to detect uch thing.

Lucifer wa ure that the other nine candidate had already tarted detroying their territorie. Even then, the Royal City had no idea becaue there wa no way to end a meage here fat.

"Alright. It' becaue we were forced to leave," Hun anwered. "We had no choice but to leave. We came here and ettled here."

"Why? Who could force you? I'm ure it wan't the Royal. If they had forced you out, then they wouldn't allow you here. Who ele could be trong enough? Wait, I think I know..."

"Were there three people?" he aked, thinking of omeone. Someone who could force the High Beat Clan... They could only be Baltic if they weren't the Royal Beat.

"How do you know there were three people?" Hun aked, urpried. "Did you alo ee them on the way to here? Did you fight them?"

"Technically, yeah. I aw them, and I fought them. Tell me what they did?" By now, Lucifer wa ure that it wa the work of Licia, Jian, and Milen. The three who were ent here by him.

"It happened a few week after you left when thoe three appeared in our city. There wa a conflict between the High Beat and them, but they were very trong. Mot of the High Beat died in the Battle. They declared themelve the ruler of the city."

"They kept aying that they needed a place to tay until they figured out how to go back or omething. But they didn't want to coeit. They gave u only two option. Either live there under him or leave the city."

"We all choe to leave, and they were left with an abandoned City."

"Hmm? You mean thoe three live in your city now, and they aren't here?"

"They aren't. They have been taying in the city where they appeared a if waiting for omething," Hun anwered. "From what I heard, they haven't left the city, even once."

"I ee, o that' where they'll be... That' good. It will be eay then..."

"What will be eay? What are you talking about? Alo, you don't anwer what brought you here. Hahaha, don't tell me you came to meet u. It eem you didn't even know we were living here."

"What will you ay if I tell you that I'm here to detroy your world?" Lucifer aked, telling the truth but in the form of a quetion.

"Hahaha, I'll tell you that it' a great joke. Now be honet and tell me why you're actually here. Are you looking for omething even now? Or you're accidentally here?" Hun aked.

"How i your father?" Lucifer aked, changing the topic. "He mut be quite upet at having to leave home, right? I he adjuting well to thi place?"

"Why don't you ak him yourelf?" Hun miled, topping before a door. He knocked on the door. The meeting wa quite imilar to how Lucifer wa introduced to Hun' father lat time.

After hi father told him to come inide, Hun opened the door and ent Lucifer inide firt before entering a well.

From outide, Yui and her mother alo returned home.

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