Practitioners' Association, Library.

Fang Jian had come here for the third time.

Every time I came over, there was only one reason, in order to find something related to the Great Yin and Yang Five Elements Exercise.

There are many books on the shelves, some printouts, others introductions.

The contents recorded in the printed book are basically various biographies, experiences, and so on.

The content in the introduction is an introduction to a certain exercise.

If you see the introduction and think that this exercise is suitable for you, then you can submit a Jade Jane application to the library.

After paying an amount, obtain the cultivation jade related to it.

The reason for this is to prevent the Immortal Cultivation Technique from falling into the hands of an unawakened person.

It is not deliberately targeted, but if there is no awakening, but if you want to practice the exercises, the consequences will often be quite tragic.

And this kind of thing happens so many times a year.

There are always people who do not believe in evil, think that they are the children of destiny, or are not willing to live a mediocre life. Therefore, without awakening, he tried in every possible way to find the secret method of cultivation.

There is no need to go into detail about the result.

Fang Jian kept flipping through ordinary books.

He was looking for information about the senior who had cultivated the Great Yin and Yang Five Elements Exercises to the foundation building period.

Fortunately, there is a tool called retrieval in this world.

It is quite similar to Fang Jian's Baidu in his previous life.

After a series of elimination methods, Fang Jian finally found the relevant content as he wished.

Silently watched.

After a long while, Fang Jian's brows furrowed slightly.

That senior was not a hidden person, so after he was promoted, he passed on his cultivation experience without reservation.

The greatest value of this book is not actually the final rush.

Instead, the senior introduced in detail where to practice and how to configure pills in order to cultivate the Great Yin and Yang Five Elements Exercises at the fastest speed.

Of course, the main thing is that this senior is a natural chaotic body.

Hey, the so-called cultivation is actually one percent talent, plus ninety-nine percent effort.

That senior really worked hard enough.

But without that one percent of talent... If the Chaos Body was concerned, that senior would definitely not be able to succeed.

Looking through the last content, the senior wrote very clearly.

To cultivate the Great Yin and Yang Five Elements Exercises, if you want to break through to the foundation building, you must take the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures.

It is necessary to collect seven innate elixirs that each contain the power of yin and yang and the five elements, and then ask a wise Dan master to refine the golden pill.

After taking Jindan, you can thin the repair barrier, and then try to impact.

If it doesn't work once, it doesn't work twice.

If you can't do it twice, just three times.

There is always a time when it can be successful.

After seeing this description, Fang Jian really didn't know how to evaluate it.

According to his estimates, that senior's family no longer has mines, but can be rich and rival.

Moreover, he must also be the inheritor of this family.

The treasures of heaven and earth that he recorded were extremely precious.

Not to mention that it is to collect seven types, and it will be refined into a golden pill for you.

Even just one of them is quite difficult.

Only the kind of family that does not treat money as money and has sufficient connections and connections would waste so much to cultivate a cultivator in the Qi Cultivation Period.

Putting down the book, Fang Jian shook his head helplessly and went home.

That's it, don't think about anything about Jindan.

Let's slowly consume this ancient barrier by yourself.

However, it is only thirteen days before he awakens.

What else could he not be satisfied with?

Returning home, he beckoned.

The flame bird jumped into his arms happily.

"System, indoctrination. "

A hundred years of cultivation instantly flowed to the flame bird, making it squint its eyes comfortably.

Soon, the roulette wheel appeared.

Fang Jian watched silently, looking forward to giving himself a bigger number this time.

However, when the turntable stopped, Fang Jian shook his head helplessly.

Because it stays on the number "6".

You instilled a hundred years of cultivation into the Flame Bird, you received the gift of the empowerment return system, and the roulette wheel was returned six times to get 600 years of cultivation.

Your Flame Bird is promoted to the late first order.

You have attained 600 years of cultivation, and your cultivation has reached 4,500 years.

The cultivation you see is stagnant at the 9th level of Qi training.

You have encountered the world's first ancient barrier.

You need to break through barriers to increase your cultivation.

Fang Jian's expression moved slightly, his own cultivation did not advance an inch, which was understandable.

But the Flame Bird was actually promoted to the late first order?

It seems that its promotion is every three hundred years.

Then in three days, it should be the time for its foundation.

This is good news.

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