Russell was also silent when he heard that the operation might kill the pilot of No. 4, and the two EVAs stared at each other in the sunset. Wearing sunset gold armor.

Although the battle has not yet started, Russell's expression did not change much. He just frowned slightly, and licked the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue. Although he was nervous, he did not retreat. It makes people suspect that he is thinking about **** the opponent's driver, and is thinking very seriously.

Sure enough, he was not his son at all, and Ikari Yuandu was finally determined. The real Ikari Shinji would never think so, but not his son, who is the person in the cockpit now? Ikari Yuandu's eyes were full of anger and suspicion. He first suspected that it was Superman who was making trouble.

At the same time, there is also a question, why is it that people who are not sons can start the first machine? Was the soul of Yui Ikari in the first plane deceived, or did he identify with this fake son?

Thinking that his wife's soul might be protecting an outsider who has nothing to do with them, a flame of jealousy appeared in Ikari Yuandu's heart. He clearly loved his wife so much, and he paid so much in order to meet his wife again. Will he be betrayed by his wife in the end?

This was definitely the most painful event unplanned.

This heart-breaking heartbeat is so beautiful. Although Ikari Yuandu had an expressionless face and the reflective lenses blocked his vision, his changing heartbeat still betrayed him, allowing Kent to truly appreciate this NTR drama.

As a husband, Ikari Yuandu was full of jealousy, and Kent said it was very good. Watching characters you don't like crumble a little bit like this is just too much fun, more fun than just killing the flesh or turning them into idiots.

"Tell me the name of the other party's driver." Russell, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, but his expression told everyone that he had made up his mind.

Could this young man really want to kill someone? Misato looked at Ikari Shinji worriedly, she didn't want it to be like this, but the apostle was too cunning. The scientific research team has calculated the survival probability of the pilot of the fourth aircraft, which is less than three floors.

"Shinji-kun, the driver of plane 4 is your classmate, Toji Suzuhara." Misato thought that Ikari Shinji would kill her familiar classmate later, so she couldn't bear to see the result.

It turned out that it was him. Russell pretended that Shinji Ikari had been around for a while, and he got acquainted with his classmates. He has lofty goals, so he has been looking for like-minded peers. Since he has the opportunity to enter the school, he will naturally not let go of his classmates.

Suzuhara Toji is a kind guy who looks like a gangster but is actually a sister-in-law. Although he looks bad, he is not bad at heart. Unexpectedly, this guy is also qualified for EVA.

Then, it's more important to do this, "I see, Miss Miri, please make sure that the communication on the No. 1 machine is smooth, I'll go."

"Shinji-kun, you..." The determination was heard from the boy's voice, not only Misato but others thought the boy was determined to kill.

The setting sun has reached the horizon, and the last sun stings down, turning the world into golden yellow. This is the most beautiful battlefield.

No. 1 maneuvered, ran, and ran in the sunset.

Unit 4 responded, extending her hands.

Boom! Aircraft No. 1 avoided the arm that was rushing like a train in mid-air, launched an attack, and punched mercilessly close to the body.

The face of No. 4 was deformed, but now the armor of No. 4 has also been fused by the apostles into a part of the body, which can also repair itself. So the twisted armor was fixed quickly and wasn't lethal.

"Toji Suzuhara, you mortal change-up girl control, wake me up—" As the fist of the first machine broke out, it was Shinji Ikari's powerful cry, which carried through the day and night.


Dead silence, everyone in the battlefield and Neuron heard this.

Even the downed No. 2 and No. 0 units heard it, and that's not what someone who wants to kill would say.

Russell didn't want to kill the pilot of No. 4 but to wake him up.

"Shinji-kun?!" Misato didn't expect Ikari Shinji to make such a choice at this time. Did he really think that just by shouting, he could save the No. 4 pilot? What a naive idea.

That's what Russell thought, "Wake up for me, don't you even have the strength to resist the apostles as a sister-in-law?" Unit 1 was still attacking, but the only response she got was a counterattack from Unit 4.

The hands of No. 4 machine turned into rubber and infinitely stretched and twisted to pursue the No. 1 machine.

The attack was too fast, as long as the first machine stopped, it would be hit. "Since you can't avoid it all the time, so be it!" Russell rushed over with the No. 1 machine and hugged the No. 4 machine: "Wake me up!"

The head of the No. 1 aircraft hit the head of the No. 4 aircraft with a heavy blow to the head, causing the No. 4 aircraft to raise its head and scream.

Pain is linked, so Russell's forehead is also uncomfortable. This blow makes his brain shake like jelly, but in order to wake up the other party, he has to do this: "Suzuhara Toji, if you don't wake up, I will soak your sister."

Although Russell tried very hard, there was no result. No. 4's hand folded back from the back of No. 1's fuselage and grabbed No. 1's throat.

Uh, Russell's throat was restrained, his qi and blood were not smooth, and he was extremely uncomfortable. Countless bubbles popped out of the LCL liquid, which apparently could be choked at any time.

Big brother? ! Seeing Russell trying so hard to help his classmates, Ikari Shinji was deeply moved. However, there was no result, which made Shinji Ikari very worried. Now that his eldest brother and classmates are in danger, he can't help at all.

Ikari Yuandu was completely different from his son. He hoped that it would be best for the No. 4 machine to strangle this fake son to death.

"Shinji-kun, stop doing these useless things, there is no way to wake up the pilot except defeating the apostle." Misato is most afraid of failure, if there is a need to kill, then kill.

"No, Miss Misato. I can't give up yet!" But Russell said with difficulty: "We are riding the EVA to save the world. Can we just die for victory now?"

"This is for the safety of more people."

" Everyone else is safe with Superman protection, but Toji Suzuhara, the pilot of No. 4 machine, is my classmate, and he must be rescued by me." Russell is very serious, if he even How can I convince my peers when my classmates can't save me?

"But..." Misato knew it couldn't be done.

Miri was interrupted by Russell before she could finish her words: "I haven't done my best yet."

It was incredible to see that the cockpit of the first plane began to penetrate deep into the first plane. The deeper the cockpit penetrated, the easier the synchronization. But if you enter the deepest part of the apostle, the driver will become one with the EVA.

Now Russell takes the initiative to take risks in order to gain more power.

"No, Ikari Shinji, you're going to die." Misato had lost her royal demeanor, and she couldn't watch the boy take a fearless adventure.

Just heard Russell say through the open channel: "Everyone, I'll go back when I go." After speaking, he has already reached the EVA soul that human beings should not touch, and his decisiveness in regard to death makes adults ashamed.

The communication with the pilot of the first plane was interrupted, and the communication fell into silence. At this moment, the world was quiet.

Ikari Shinji suddenly felt that he had lost something important in his heart, and he couldn't help crying out in grief: "Big Brother—" Desolate and euphemistic, touching, and those who heard it were sad and those who heard it wept.

Everyone was stunned for a while, because Ikari Shinji used Ling Bo Li's body to shout, and they immediately knew that it was not Ling Bo Li.

Ikari Yuandu's heart shattered for the second time, and this 'big brother' made him understand everything. Ten fingers suppressed their emotions and tried their best to maintain a calm poker face. In fact, Ikari Yuandu was only one step away from collapsing.

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