Kent had countless doubts in his heart, and they all turned into boxing shadows. He was like a star. If there were no enemies around him, traveling among the stars must be a beautiful and romantic memory.

It is a pity that the current scene is not beautiful at all, but extremely bloody. Kent had hundreds of wounds all over his body, and his muscles were thinner than before. This is because the energy in Kent's body is rapidly depleted, and such a protracted battle is the first time Kent has encountered. And there aren't enough young stars around to absorb itself.

For the first time, recovery was not enough to consume. Of course, if it was just a fight, Kent wouldn't be so depressed. The problem is that Kent still doesn't understand who the other party is and why he can't get along with him.

In the dark, cold, and deadly silence, a long battle in such an environment is as hard as watching a boring movie. Kent has lost his strength, but it is still difficult to defeat the enemy.

Destructive power, defensive power, deterrent power, each of which is no weaker than Kent. The fists of the two met to create a nebula, and the figures of the two separated to pull out the ether.

The power released by the two even increased the expansion rate of the universe. However, this situation of evenness will not last long. Kent's body is weakening, and his body is getting thinner and thinner. This is a reaction to the exhaustion of strength. Ripple Qigong is also difficult to supplement his lost strength.

Kent didn't put on the "thinking suit" because he didn't think he couldn't beat a mere God of Destruction. But obviously the God of Destruction is not just the God of Destruction, but the God of Destruction under control.

The Manhattan family has a special ability, and the knowledge they have mastered can be used several times. So the God of Destruction is not just the God of Destruction, now his combat power is more than ten times that of his waking days.

This unscientific growth made Kent shriveled. Without the supplement of sunlight, it would be one and the other. The stronger the God of Destruction, the weaker Kent, and the bigger the gap. If it continues, Kent will be killed sooner or later.

The strength is not good, but now Kent has not lost: "This time sent me here, you are unlucky." Kent took out the new "Buu battery".

I haven't had time to test it yet. Kent doesn't know if it works or not, but it doesn't matter, once you use it, you will know: "Be careful with the candle."

Kent also knew that the other party couldn't hear his voice, but he threw the battery out and looked at it once if it was successful. If it didn't work, he could only wear armor.

A grenade-sized battery that mimics Buu's proliferating cells, filled with sunlight. As long as it is stimulated, it will continue to replicate, and it does not take a lot of time for the universe to be sunny.

Kent threw the battery out, and his eyes followed. A piece of snow is white, and the universe has gone from underexposed to overexposed, and the light spreads out happily. It is estimated that after a few decades, a few strands will return to Earth.

The proportions are just right, and it's totally the taste of sunshine.

The power came back, and then stopped again.

Kent saw that the King of Destruction opened his big mouth and swallowed the power of sunlight into his stomach. The strong light at the entrance exposed the internal organs and the shape of the bones of the King of Destruction like an X-ray film.


Kent can swear that when he used super vision before, there was a difference between destroying the king's internal organs and being exposed by strong light. Just at the position of his heart, there is something that cannot be seen by sight, but it is illuminated by strong light.

If Kent is not mistaken, the shape may be a watch. A watch made of immaterial that can hide from its own super sight. When its second hand goes away, the king's heart beats.

The characteristic of the Manhattans is that they have no features, and they can exist in any shape. This one exists in the shape of a watch, and the strap is tied to the heart of the King of Destruction and controls the King of Destruction to fight.

"It's a watch and an atomic symbol again, don't think I don't know Dr. Manhattan." I saw the existence of the other party, although I don't know what the other party exists, but it doesn't matter now.

Buu batteries, though effective, were eaten. Now Kent can only wear the thinking suit.

"Ah—" Even if there was no sound, he couldn't lose his momentum, Kent spread his hands in front of him and slapped, and the hilt of the Superman Sword appeared from his palm. Hands clasped.

No matter how many times you hold it, the handle of the hilt is still so good, as expected of a sword tailored for Superman. The fit between the hilt and Kent's hands is one hundred percent.

Disassembled and reassembled, the hilt disappears from Kent's hand, clinging to Kent's skin. Slotted screws appeared at Kent's joints. This armor was full body armor, and even Kent's head was attached.

The overall appearance is still superman, the uniform is similar, and the expression is cold. The only difference is that there is a layer of metallic luster and a lot of screw marks.

Robot Superman is back online.

The Manhattan family who finally controlled the God of Destruction also realized that it was not good. He did not expect that Superman had already mastered the power of the multiverse level, and it had reached the point where it could threaten him.

Kent could see that the other party was timid, and he seemed wise, but it was too late to repent.

At this time, Kent could even see through his thoughts, so he could see that the King of Destruction's consciousness was still dreaming, not waking up at all. And in his heart, the watch made of unknown phenomena has a very powerful emotional force, which is the obsession to destroy Kent.

Now they can communicate on a mind level.

The speed of thoughts is faster than light, and Kent and the enemy have had a comprehensible dialogue in an instant.

The Manhattans, like Kent, are gathering information about the multiverse, and they were born for it. It is the doppelganger of Dr. Manhattan, and they respect Dr. Manhattan as great.

And they attacked Kent because Kent's appearance changed the direction of the universe, allowing him to enter the parallel universe created by Kent, seriously disrupting the order of the and affecting the speed at which he collected information, so he Hostile to Kent. To go deeper, this is determined by the rules of the multiverse. It seems that in the end, only one person can collect all the information of the multiverse, because there is only one place for God in the multiverse. In a way the Kents and the Manhattans are rivals.

Of course, Manhattan and Kent may not have this intention, but the Manhattan family also has their own wills. They are the perfect beings created by Dr. Manhattan, and they must repay them with their loyalty. Because of perfection, they were born knowing the truth of the multiverse and what it takes to make their master a greater being. And Manhattan is also very interested in information about different universes, because he has become a super otaku, hardly shows up again, and does not manage the Manhattan family. The Manhattan family has only been paying tribute to the information, and they have never seen Dr. Manhattan, nor do they know the current situation of Dr. Manhattan.

Kent thought to himself that all the Manhattans in all the universes have been merged, and now the Manhattans may have completely abandoned human nature and become a perfect god, independent of the world, and even indifferent to the life he created, just staying at home as a spectator. . However, with the more information he is exposed to, the stronger Dr. Manhattan will be. I am afraid that he is much stronger than Kent, who has just started.


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