Chapter 374 Iron Fist Wu Fengji


Because of the fall, the wind in Gwen’s ear was loud.

But inexplicably, he had heard every word Heisenberg uttered!

But here comes the problem….

I am doing an extreme sport that is a hundred times more exciting than bungee jumping.

Definitely, most people don’t think this is exercise. But…

Falling down.

In short, I can’t wait to shout out my intestines now!

As a result, you actually discussed with me whether the piggy embrace is reliable? ! !

Gwen raised his head with difficulty and looked at the image of Heisenberg.

Well, it is indeed hundreds of millions more handsome than his boyfriend, Piggy.

But this is definitely not the reason for my own random thinking!

I’m going to fall, I’m going to die!

So are you my suitor, so you choose to commit suicide with me? ! !

I’m very touched, and it’s very romantic to do this, but don’t you think it’s too stupid?

Unexpectedly, someone was willing to accompany me to fall to death on the land below.

I thought that in my life, my parents and Peter were the only ones who loved me the most.

It’s a great honor to see another person who may love me more than them before I die…

While falling, Gwen felt that he had entered a flashback period.

Because countless thoughts and past scenes popped up in her mind.

However, in the flashback of the memory in just half a second, Gwen couldn’t find the shadow of the man in front of him.

This strange phenomenon actually made her come out of the flashback alive!

She looked at Heisenberg again, and at the figure that Heisenberg was falling with him, she tried to ask a question.

what’s your name?

But before she could speak, she saw the man in front of her open his arms towards her.


Gwen was taken aback. The first second she was still falling, the next second she seemed to be lying on the most comfortable sofa in the house.

The body was warm, sweat and exhaustion were gone, panic and loss also disappeared in a blink of an eye.

For a while, Gwen only felt that he had returned to the most comfortable place in the world!

So, Gwen rubbed his body like a dream, then opened his eyes flushed and happy.


The absurd thing happened, and until now, Gwen finally saw that she was in a warm place, she was hugged by that man!

Feeling the man’s arm between her back and her legs, Gwen’s eyes widened. Could it be that other men’s arms are really fragrant?

Why has little Spider-Man’s embrace never been so warm.

Why does being hugged by others make me feel so happy and satisfied?

Is it true that what the magazine says is true?

Girls are like me, isn’t the fragrance in the bowl as good as the fragrance in the pot?

All of a sudden, Gwen was upset, she muttered softly.

“Who are you, do you like to die with me so much?”

Or, are you waiting for my boyfriend to rescue us together? ”


Listening to Gwen’s words, Heisenberg smiled slightly and joked.

“Don’t always look at my face, girl, look around.”


Gwen was taken aback, she hurriedly looked around, until now she did not find out.

Although she was still in the air, she did not fall at all.

At the moment, she is simply floating in the sky!

No, it’s not her who floats!

The clever Gwen knew what was going on, she immediately began to struggle, and while struggling, she asked Heisenberg aloud!

“You can fly, damn it, are you an accomplice of the Dianguangren!”

Are you together? Damn, don’t touch me, my boyfriend will beat you up! ”

Listening to Gwen’s words, Heisenberg nodded while taking Gwen to the nearby rooftop.

“Well, that’s true, if Peter sees me, he might really want to beat me.After all, I ruined his New York, and I have to kiss his woman next! ”

When the voice fell, Heisenberg let go of Gwen, and the little girl who had just escaped from his arms suddenly took a breath of reluctance.

This embrace is poisonous, because it is too warm, it will be addictive!

Wait, right?

What did the person in front of me just say?

He ruined New York? ! !

It’s not right, it’s not this sentence!


He wants to kiss the little Spider-Man woman? ! !

That person… isn’t it me, me? ! !

Before Gwen’s small head, who had escaped from the dead, wanted to understand everything, Heisenberg in front of him had already stretched out his sinful hand.

Holding Gwen’s chin gently, Heisenberg leaned forward and gently pecked Gwen’s forehead and cheek.

Until Heisenberg released Gwen again, poor Gwen still had a small expression on his face.

I… was kissed forcibly!

It’s not a mouth! ! !

Heisenberg chuckled as he looked at Gwen who was confused and panicked.

While laughing, he reached out and stroked Gwen’s messy hair.

“Save your life, you can still get my kiss, do you make a lot of money in this way?”

“You… shameless!”

Gwenden was ashamed and angry, he had never seen such a shameless man before him in his entire life!

Unexpectedly, Heisenberg stopped his words and burst into laughter in a blink of an eye.

“Oh, shameless, then okay, next time I will kiss!”

After the words fell, Heisenberg patted little Gwen again, who was too frightened to avoid it.

Just when Little Gwen was about to shout something righteously, a sudden roar from above the sky made her look at it blankly.

Just listen to a sound from the sky…

“Heisenberg, you bastard, the door is open, I can’t lift the phoenix!!!”

The voice was so loud that it was heard almost all over New York.

As for Gwen, she followed the source of the sound and saw the scene that made her mouth open.

In the sky above New York at At the moment, a small figure actually held a small sun as large as a mountain!

At the same time, in that little sun, a phantom of a phoenix was spinning and expanding.

Hearing Ganata’s urging, Heisenberg nodded, then smiled at Gwen.

“I came to your universe by accident, I’m sorry for the trouble it caused you, little girl.

After all, the little phoenix I brought here ignited one-tenth of New York.

It is estimated that there will be news to watch in New York next.

But also, at least I am here, which means that I can save your original destiny that you are doomed to die!

You know, Gwen, an old man named Stan Lee said that he likes Spider-man and Mary Jane the most.

But for me, I like you being with little Spider-Man best.

Definitely, it’s better for you not to be together, because I like you better! ”

When the voice fell, Heisenberg let go of his big hand rubbing Gwen’s hair, and then rushed to the sky in a blink of an eye.

In the next moment, he directly took the little sun and rushed into the dimension portal with Janata!

Looking at the completely disappeared Heisenberg, looking at the little sun in the night sky that will never be seen again.

Especially when the night comes again and the moon in the sky becomes clearer.

Gwen was dumbfounded….

“I think about it, what happened just now?

I fell downstairs, yes, I was almost dying.

Then I was rescued?

Then I was forced to kiss by a melancholy handsome guy with a great body, and he said he would kiss my mouth next time? ! ! ”

Thinking of this, Gwen flushed.

“No, no, you are not the key, the key is the following words!

I accidentally came to my universe and saved my doomed destiny…

And little Spider-Man and Mary Jane….

If this is true, if my death is really a destiny, then Mary Jane is the woman after Little Spider-Man, right? ”

Thinking of this, Gwen suddenly felt a little regretful, or that she had nothing but regrets.

After all, she was already ready to break up with Little Spider-Man.Little Spider-Man is not fully devoted to feelings, and Gwen until he is a character who likes to behave, such a character is very attractive.

And, most importantly, my parents have always decided to let themselves go to the UK to study.

If you go to Cambridge, you will probably study there for about ten years. If you have the opportunity to participate in certain scientific research projects, you may stay there for your entire life.

And little Spider-Man, he hasn’t waited until his retention.

Thinking about it, Gwen sighed long, no matter what, life will continue.

Now that I have survived, falling down has really become a beautiful memory.

Then, I should say goodbye to this memory and go to the UK to study hard!

While firming up his own ideas, Gwen planned to judge his current position.

But the next moment, the little Spider-Man who suddenly appeared in front of her made her dispel unnecessary judgments.

After falling in front of Gwen, the Extraordinary Spider-man asked her very nervously.

“God, I was worried about you a second, but you disappeared a second later!

How did you appear here? ”


“Well, no matter what, God, you are safe.

But I don’t have time to take you away!

There just happened a disaster. For some reason, New York lost a lot of land. God knows how many people are going to die!

I must help!

wait for me! ! ! ”

Little Spider-Man hurriedly left a long paragraph, then shook his web and rushed all the way to the area where New York had just been vaporized by Heisenberg.

As for Gwen, who was left in place by little Spider-Man.

Seeing the disappearance of little Spider-Man, the poor girl was going to die of grievance!

You are a hero, yes, you have always been a hero, such a perfect hero.

But I’m just an ordinary girl!

Although I have had fantasies, I also want to be a heroic woman.

But when I really realized my fantasy, I realized that this kind of life is really like the man who forcibly kissed myself said.

Such a life is really unreliable!

Although I know that New York has suffered a disaster, more people need you more than I do.

But… I really need you too!

I almost died!

I was hugged by another man!

I was forced to kiss!


Gwen shook his head lonely. In front of the city of New York, what am I?

Which man who just kissed me, Mary Jane in his mouth, can really accept the sacrifice made by her boyfriend for this city?

Can she?

For a while, Gwen was upset.

Without waiting for Spider-man’s return, Gwen found the elevator lonely and left silently from the rooftop.

When we got to the street, the crowd was chaotic. Gwen called and finally confirmed the safety of his family.

Go home, and face the TV news lonely.

Gwen shook his head firmly as he watched the boyfriend’s figure constantly appearing on the news.

“This is not the life I want!”

She said with great certainty!

At the same time, in the dimensional gap, while consigning the Phoenix, Janata cast his eyes at Heisenberg in disdain.

In a blink of an eye, Janata’s voice rang deep in Heisenberg’s mind!

“Bah, molested the little girl, and forced a kiss.

Spider-man is too miserable, you still have the heart to make him worse! ”

“Don’t make trouble, I didn’t do anything, I just kissed the face.

You can’t even accept this, can you? ”

Heisenberg responded with a smile.

Hearing Heisenberg’s words, Janata rolled her eyes.

“I definitely can accept it, but I can’t accept you doing this to others!”

“Haha, that’s okay, I have time to talk to Galactus, how many cosmic gifts do I need to marry her daughter?

But say in advance, I have too many marriage contracts, and I still owe a promise to the dead ghost Odin. “”Hehe, what I think is beauty, I just think you are quite interesting, you can help me fill in my life when I am bored or when I am hungry!”

When the voice fell, Janata took Heisenberg’s hand and said softly.

“Here, I don’t know which universe is next!”

“Let’s do it!”

Heisenberg agreed, and then the two suddenly slipped out of the gap in the dimension.

Kunlun, among the temples.

The Jade Emperor who was sitting and practicing suddenly opened his eyes.

His pupils looked west, and there was almost light in those eyes.

“Feng Ji, come to me!”

Just listen to him suddenly say to the empty place.

After a while, a group of red shadows slashed across the air fiercely and stayed in front of the Jade Emperor.

This is a tall sexy woman, she looks like a typical mixed race.

While having a standard Asian face, he also has a little more Western temperament.

Facing the Jade Emperor, the girl was very respectful. She put her legs together, folded her hands together, and bowed gently.

“Jade Emperor!”

“Well, how do you understand the power of Shenlong Shou Lao?”

“Please rest assured, I have successfully integrated the power of Shou Lao, and at the same time developed my own dragon power!”

Having said that, the young and red-haired woman known as Feng Ji confidently clenched her fist firmly wrapped in the bandage.

“I am already a qualified iron fist, Jade Emperor!”

She spoke smartly.

After listening to her, the Jade Emperor nodded, and then stretched out his hand to the west.

“What you defeated was Shou Lao, the most powerful dragon in history.

What you have is also the most powerful iron fist ever!

Do you understand the meaning of this?

This means that the crisis you are about to face will also be the most powerful crisis ever!

I have seen the trajectory of destiny, it is coming!

Just as the fate of the phoenix and the dragon are constantly entangled, you finally have what is waiting for you, or what you have been waiting for!

Go west, go to Great Britain, your enemy is there! ”

“Okay, Jade Emperor!”

Hearing what the Jade Emperor said, Tie Fist nodded in expectation, and then she left the temple in a blink of an eye, rushed all the way out of Kunlun, and ran across the sea like she did.

On the other hand, after Heisenberg and Janata left the dimension, they looked at the surrounding scenery at first glance.

Looking around, this is not modern, but some time in ancient times on the earth.

Heisenberg looked around, their position should be in the West, because he saw a lot of iconic knights.

Then he set his eyes on the east, huh?

Tang Dynasty?

This special mother has gone thousands of eight hundred years ago!

While sighing for Janata’s unreliability, Heisenberg shook his head.

“What kind of universe is this, are you making a mistake, girl!”

“That’s right, absolutely not mistaken. If you don’t believe me, look at the state of Phoenix!!!”

Facing Heisenberg’s questioning, Janata excitedly pointed to the Phoenix surrounded by the little sun.

“Look at it, the phoenix doesn’t expand anymore, he is stable, which means it has found a suitable host in the current universe!

And it’s a particularly suitable one, otherwise it won’t be so behaved.

No matter who this host is, I can guarantee that the tacit understanding between her and Phoenix is ​​definitely higher than that of Jean Grey…! ”

Before Ganata finished speaking, she immediately looked into the distance.

Like her is Heisenberg.

On the far sea, they felt an incomprehensible, extraordinarily sturdy momentum rushing towards them!

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, the two of Heisenberg saw the sassy figure staying in front of them!

The woman wearing a black and white martial arts uniform with long red hair swaying happily stopped silently in front of Heisenberg.

The woman frowned deeply while looking at the little sun carried by Heisenberg.

The enemy is strong!

But she will never be afraid!

So she raised her hands and bowed to the two of Heisenberg, saying.

“Iron Fist Wu Fengji!”

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