Just after Shen Qing decided to break through, he suddenly felt clear in his head, as if he had suddenly opened his mind.

In the dark and damp room, the words that were so awkward just now gradually became friendly.

After studying them carefully twice, the shapes and meanings of these characters were clearly presented in his mind.

When Shen Qing looked down again, his fingers gently slid across the pages of the book, and he felt an unprecedented fluency.

[Skill: Reading and spelling (skilled)]

[Progress: 1/200 points]

[Status: cannot be improved]

Zhang Shuyuan did not find Shen Qing's abnormality. For the sake of Yezhi, he patiently taught Shen Qing again.

"Now you have learned sixteen words, plus the sixteen words yesterday, a total of thirty-two words. Close the book and recite them first, and then write them down for me." Zhang Shuyuan stroked his shiny goat beard, like a real private school teacher, and said proudly.

Shen Qing nodded and said, "Okay, sir."

He closed the book after hearing that, closed his eyes and recited aloud: "The sky and the earth are dark yellow, the universe is vast and wild. The sun and the moon wax and wane, the stars are lined up. Winter comes and summer goes, autumn harvests and winter stores. The leap year is made up, and the rhythm is adjusted to the sun."

Seeing Shen Qing recite it in one breath without any pause, Zhang Shuyuan asked, "Do you know what it means?"

Shen Qing thought for a while and said, "The teacher taught me yesterday. These words mean that the sky is blue-black, and the earth is..."

Seeing Shen Qing talking freely, Zhang Shuyuan suddenly felt that the child of the Han family in front of him behaved a little differently.

When he first learned the Thousand Characters, he memorized the meaning of the characters and text by rote, and then slowly digested and understood them, which was far from being as smooth as he said.

Zhang Shuyuan took out a dead tree branch and placed it in front of Shen Qing and said, "Go and write these 32 characters."

Shen Qing nodded in response, picked up the branch and wrote on the ground.

But in a short while, all 32 characters were written out by him without missing a word.

If the writing yesterday was like a turtle crawling, today it is a real turtle.

Ugly, but standard.

Zhang Shuyuan subconsciously looked at Shen Qing for a second.

In just one day, this ordinary young man in front of him has stepped into the world from a layman in reading.

This kind of understanding is the first time he has seen it in his life.

However, Zhang Shuyuan was not excited because of this, and he treated Shen Qing differently.

There are so many talents in the world, and how many people can make it without background and connections.

This little talent was just a surprise in his eyes, and nothing else.

After seeing Shen Qing finish writing, Zhang Shuyuan said lightly: "It's okay, you need to practice more in the future."

Shen Qing nodded and said: "Thank you for your guidance, sir."

After Zhang Shuyuan finished the test, Shen Qing practiced for a while before finishing today's literacy.

After coming out of the house, Shen Qing did not stay for long, and rushed home early, flipped out the martial arts book and took a few more glances.

There were still many words he couldn't recognize, but he understood them better than before.

There were indeed some general knowledge about martial arts recorded here.

He needed to work harder to make progress.

Shen Qing became full of energy.

Outside Hongshan Village, a horse pulled a cart slowly into the village.

As the leader of Hongshan Village, Chen Youguang sat on the cart with a smile on his face and a bright look.

"Uncle, you're back!" On the side of the road, Chen Dajiang's wrinkles were piled up into a ball, and he greeted with a sad face.

"I'm back." The village chief responded, and nodded to Aunt Zhang in front of him: "Aunt Zhang, are you okay?"

"Yes, yes!" Aunt Zhang looked at Chen Youguang with an unnatural expression, as if she wanted to say something but stopped.

Chen Youguang felt strange.

After just a few days away, the atmosphere in the village became a little dull.

He felt a little strange, as if someone's son had died.

The children gathered around and looked at the cart curiously. Chen Youguang waved his hand and drove them away.

Putting away the smile on his face, Chen Youguang drove the cart back home at full speed.

As soon as he opened the door, he felt that the house was unusually deserted: "Old brother, second brother, third brother, come out, your father is back."

After shouting for a long time, only Chen Yuan came out.

He had a stubble and looked a little depressed and said: "Dad!"

"Where are your two younger brothers?" Chen Youguang took a wine bag from the cart and drank it up.

"They...they were killed by the Tian family..."

"Puff..." Chen Youguang just drank a mouthful of wine, and it spurted out with a puff: "What did you say, the second and third brothers died? What happened, tell me quickly."

"It's like this..." Chen Yuan told everything that happened in the past two days.

After listening, Chen Youguang's face looked a little bad, and his heart sank to the bottom.

"Dad, what should we do? How about killing the Tian family..." Chen Yuan made a throat-cutting gesture.

Chen Youguang interrupted, "No, killing them is useless except for venting anger."

He paced and looked up and said, "How is your martial arts training now?"

"I just have the sense of Qi. Give me a few more months, I can practice Qi and blood to perfection."

"Okay, then there is a chance." Chen Youguang said, "In addition to meeting Song Dongjia in the county, I also went to the Shenshou Gate. Now I have made an agreement with them. When spring comes, if your Qi and blood are perfect, I can collect 60 taels of silver and send you directly into their inner gate."

Shenshou Gate!

Chen Yuan's eyes lit up immediately.

This martial arts gang is well-known in the county, no worse than those martial arts schools.

More importantly, this sect has a government background, and in addition to being able to practice martial arts, it can also generate other revenue.

It's just that it takes a lot of money to join this martial arts gang, which makes many people discouraged.

Unexpectedly, his father could actually get such a relationship.

"Dead people are worthless, but living people can be worth a lot of money in the pawnbroker. Just because you are short of this money, let the Tian family pay. If they don't agree, force them to agree!"

"Then the revenge of my two younger brothers..."

Chen Youguang raised his eyelids and said, "I am still young. I will make more money and marry two more concubines and give you two more children."

Chen Yuan: "..."

"Okay, let's not talk about these things. After the snow stops in the next few days, our family will start to buy hunting goods and bring them to the city."

Chen Yuan said, "Dad, why are we the ones buying them? Isn't it always the Song Dong family who sends people here?"

"It snowed heavily on the road, and his dealer fell into the mountains and died. From now on, our family will buy them. We have the final say on the price. In Hongshan Village, if anyone doesn't sell our hunting goods, let him walk to the county town by himself, and don't think about taking a ride to the county town to sell them."

Their place is not close to the county town. If they walk, they can't come back in one day.

If they can't sell it, they have to stay another night.

Chen Yuan knew that his father was going to treat Hongshan Village as his own exclusive territory and private hunting ground.

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