Zhang Baoqing's seniority at home is similar to that of Shen Er and others. They live in the same village, so it is appropriate for Shen Qing to call him uncle.

After Shen Qing spoke, everyone else turned their attention to Zhang Baoqing and looked at him.

No one thought it at first, but after Shen Qing mentioned it, they felt it was really appropriate.

Zhang Baoqing has lived in the village for so many years and has never failed in hunting. He supports the whole family and his hunting skills are excellent.

At the same time, seven or eight households in the Zhang family also admired him.

He has always been kind to others in the village and has enough prestige.

If Shen Qing should not be the one to "drive the mountain" and let Zhang Baoqing do it, he would be able to convince the public.

To be honest, Shen Qing is still a bit too young.

It is indeed too early to take the position of "climbing the mountain".

So after Shen Qing brought it up, one of the hunters nodded in agreement and said, "Qingzi is right. I also think Baoqing is suitable to be our village's 'mountain leader'."

Uncle Shen Er, who was sitting aside, glanced at Shen Qing. He didn't understand why Shen Qing chose Zhang Baoqing, but he knew that his nephew was also a little unusual.

As a member of my family, I had no reason to refute, so I continued to agree: "I am the same, I think Baoqing is suitable."

Some people expressed their opinions one after another, and the others naturally had nothing to say. They all agreed with Shen Qing's opinion and let Zhang Baoqing be the new leader of Hongshan Village.

Zhang Baoqing saw that he had inexplicably taken advantage of him, and his face suddenly became full of joy. The joy on his face could no longer be concealed, and it completely overflowed.

"Then I'm more respectful than obedient. I will fulfill my responsibilities well, live up to my trust, and protect Hongshan village. I will never have sex with Chen Youguang like that in the future."

"It's okay for you to be a fish. If one day you really become like Chen Youguang, I will kill your whole family like I did today." Shen Qing added a sentence casually, which made Zhang Baoqing, who was originally happy, suddenly stiffened. .

The scene suddenly became weird.

Shen Qing casually made a haha ​​and said: "Okay, don't be so serious, I'm just joking."


This sentence is just a joke.

Zhang Baoqing laughed twice to relieve the embarrassment.

Shen Qing tapped the table with his finger and said: "Now that the 'challenge' thing in the village is over, I happen to have something here and I need everyone's support."

"I wonder what Qingzi is talking about?" Uncle Shen Er asked.

"The mountain goods are coming to the city." Shen Qing spoke up and said sternly: "There is still some time before spring begins. With the rare good weather now, we must sell the mountain goods in the village to the city as soon as possible to avoid further troubles."

"I have hunted a lot recently. I plan to use Chen Youguang's horse and cart to go to the city. There is still a lot of room left in the cart. Do you want to ask the guys what you have on hand this time? To sell or not?”

With that said, Shen Qing asked Zhang Baoqing the question.

Zhang Baoqing understood Shen Qing's smile when he saw it.

This is asking him to reciprocate the favor.

Zhang Baoqing pretended to be thoughtful and then said: "I will definitely sell it. At what price do you want to charge it?"

"I don't know about the situation in the city. For the time being, it will be the same as before. I won't go up or down. If there is a loss, I will bear it myself."

"That should be easy to say. Chen Youguang and his friends have a bad heart. They said they would reduce the price so much, but you haven't reduced it even a cent. Many families should agree. I will go door to door at night and ask, and I will give you a reply in the morning."

"Okay, then I'll take care of Uncle Zhang."

"Little things."

Shen Qing had already brought over Chen Youguang's horse and carriage, and those present were too sensible to ask any questions.

After discussing the major issues, Zhang Baoqing and others declined Shen Er's offer to stay and left each other at night.

When everyone in the main room was gone, Aunt Wang walked out of the side room with her two cousins ​​and eldest sister Shen Fang.

Aunt Wang asked: "Is everyone gone?"

"Let's go." Uncle Shen Er ordered: "Madam, go take out the goat I shot not long ago and bake it. I'll leave Qingzi here to eat."

Aunt Wang obviously also heard what happened in the village today.

When he looked at Shen Qing again, his eyes had obviously changed, and he felt a bit fearful and alienated.

Shen Qing didn't care. He grinned and said, "What's wrong with aunt? She doesn't recognize me anymore?"

He grabbed the old cotton clothes on his body and said, "I wear all the clothes my aunt made for me a few days ago."

Aunt Wang glanced at Shen Qing's clothes, and the sense of alienation in her eyes suddenly disappeared.

People outside say how Shen Qing kills people without blinking an eye.

Now it seems that he is still the nephew he was before.

"Look at what you're doing, one day I'll take off your clothes and take them back." Auntie glared at Shen Qing and walked into the kitchen.

Shen Qing chuckled.

He pulled up a bench, sat next to his uncle Shen Er, and asked, "How much did you take today?"

"I didn't count them in detail. They are all silver ingots. I must have six or seven taels, otherwise I would be reluctant to treat you to a goat."

After getting along for a while, Shen Er also let go of the scruples in his heart and sighed: "You kid is too cruel to kill people."

"There's nothing I can do. If I don't take action, my sister will definitely be sold by them."

"Sigh... that's right, there's nothing we can do about it in this world."

Shen Qing calmed down his expression and got to the point: "Uncle, I want to discuss something with you."

"I plan to sell our mountain products in the city later, and I can't handle it alone. Xiaohu and Shanwa are not young anymore, and it's time to spend money. Now their hunting skills have not improved yet, and they are idle at home. Why don't they come to help me and make this business bigger and stronger together."

Shen Qing knew that since his father died, many things in his brother's house had been robbed by the Chen family.

It was cold and cold, and they were short of food and clothing.

If it weren't for Uncle Shen Er who took into account the old relationship between brothers and took out part of the family's grain.

It's hard to say where the two brothers and sisters are now.

He has not forgotten the kindness here.

The countryside is very close to each other and pays attention to the blood relationship of the clan.

Many businesses in the county town rely on the relatives and brothers around them to make a fortune.

Now that he has some ability, he is not assured of asking outsiders for some things, so it is better to go to his uncle's house, which is more reliable.

When the business of selling mountain products is stable in the future, he can also hand it over to his two cousins.

He only took some of the share to maintain the relationship in the city and no longer ran back and forth.

He used the free time in between to concentrate on training, progress, and improve his strength.

He took this opportunity to become a martial artist in one fell swoop and gain a foothold in the county.

"Uncle, what do you think? Can you do it?"

Shen Er glanced at his nephew. His conversation was logical and clear. He didn't seem like a hunter begging for food in the mountains, but more like a city dweller.

But that ruthlessness was more ruthless than those old hunters...

He didn't answer Shen Qing's words immediately. He thought for a while and said, "I'll think about it carefully."

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