After this commotion, the neatly arranged tables and chairs in the hall were now scattered, as if swept by a storm, with fragments scattered all over the floor, becoming a mess.

On the gray floor tiles, corpses were lying in all directions.

The blood flowing from the corpses formed a shocking red, flashing a chilling light under the weak light.

The air was filled with a heavy smell of blood.

Zhao Ba and his men were all dead.

Shen Qing was very straightforward when he took action, without any intention of dragging his feet.

Zhao Ba and his gang, who had been dominating in the west of the city, were easily eliminated.

Too weak!

Or rather, Shen Qing didn't know that he was so strong, and he thought he had to go through a fierce battle.

But think about it, Zhao Ba is old.

People like Zhao Ba who climbed up from the bottom lived a life of hunger and long-term malnutrition when they were young.

Even if he had the conditions to train his blood and qi and learn martial arts later, he had missed the best time to practice martial arts.

His blood and flesh conditions were far inferior to those young people who had practiced early, not to mention those people in the city.

He could only bully others in these shanty towns.

In addition, his blood and qi declined after he got older, and he enjoyed comfort, so he was so weak.

At this time, in the hall, Yang Zhaoping and others fixed their eyes on Shen Qing.

The scene fell into a dead silence.

Their faces were full of shock.

They had never thought that Shen Qing could easily kill Zhao Ba by himself, and kill all his men.

Shen Xiaohu was fine, as he had long been accustomed to his cousin's behavior.

Xiao Zhi and Ouyang Tieniu saw it for the first time.

In Xiao Zhi's heart, Shen Qing was just a person with a talent for martial arts, usually silent and law-abiding.

In Ouyang Tieniu's heart, he was just a villager from the countryside who had never seen the world.

Today, Shen Qing's image in their minds was completely overturned, and their eyes revealed an unconcealable awe.

The seemingly harmless little hunter suddenly showed such a fierce side, which even made them feel a little uncomfortable and they couldn't adjust for a while.

Shen Qing slowly turned around, his eyes swept over Ouyang Tieniu and others again, threw the bow and arrow in his hand to Shen Xiaohu, and said to Xiao Zhi with a fist:

"Today, I'm sorry to trouble you all to get rid of this bully together. I believe Zhao Ba must have left something in this house. Why don't we search it ourselves?"

Shen Qing suddenly spoke, instantly pulling the minds of several people back to reality, sobering up a little.

Xiao Zhi came here to sell a favor, so naturally he would not have any objection.

Ouyang Tieniu and Yang Zhaoping came for money, so they had no objection.

So everyone agreed and dispersed, rummaging through the house.

This house looks big and grand, but in fact it is a rotten rag inside.

There weren't many valuable things.

Only a few gold, silver, treasures, quilts and clothes could be seen here and there.

It was far inferior to those wealthy families in the inner city, but better than the average middle-class families.

"Brother Qingzi, come and see this?"

Shen Qing was burying his head in the corpse when he suddenly heard Shen Xiaohu's call.

He stopped what he was doing, walked over, and when he saw the scene in the room clearly, he couldn't help shaking his head.

In a room, three women were chained to the bed like dogs.

When they saw Shen Qing and others, they instinctively took off their clothes regardless of the cold, revealing their rough torsos.

There were bruises everywhere.

They lay on the bed, and then stuck their butts out, like zombies, letting others do whatever they wanted.

Long-term detention made them thin, and they ate, drank, defecated and urinated in the room, which was far from the word beautiful, and had nothing to do with it.

It can only be said that they were women.

In his previous life, he had seen many beauties stripping naked, and their figures and looks were much better than theirs.

Shen Qing could not muster up any interest.

He walked forward expressionlessly, and in front of their dull eyes, he grabbed the iron hoops on their necks, and with a sudden force of his arms, he stretched them outwards.

The rotten iron that was not welded shut could not withstand Shen Qing's strength.

After a few teeth-grinding iron block friction sounds, the iron hoops kept making a crackling sound.

In a short while, all the iron chains were opened by Shen Qing one by one.

Shen Qing casually threw the iron chains on the ground, and then took out some old clothes from the cabinet next to him and threw them over: "Put them on!"

After doing all this, he did not stay in the room for long, and turned around and left without any reluctance.

However, the young and energetic Shen Xiaohu saw such a scene for the first time, and was reluctant to leave when he left, looking back every three steps.

Looking at the round big buttocks and even swallowing saliva.

A pair of eyes were glued to it.

Shen Xiaohu glanced at Shen Qing, and seeing that he was not looking at this side, he rushed into the room, put his hand into the clothes of one of the women, pinched her nipples hard, and then ran away.

Seeing that no one noticed, he let go of his hanging heart, stared at his hands, and kept smiling foolishly.

When doing things, there may be many people who are lazy and do not work hard.

But when it comes to looting, everyone uses all their strength, and the efficiency is extremely high.

After about a cup of tea, the five men searched everything inside and outside the house.

They found about 70 taels of silver, some scattered pearls and gems, and other weapons, supplements, cotton-padded clothes and quilts.

All converted into silver taels, it is estimated to be about 200 taels.

More importantly, no words were found about the martial arts he practiced - Tongbei Tieshankao.

Shen Qing was a little surprised: "Why does this guy who has been rampant in the shantytown for so long only have this little property?"

Ouyang Tieniu, who has been hanging around on the road for many years, explained: "This is just the hall where he usually gathers with his men, divides the spoils, and discusses things. There must not be too many valuable things. I heard that Zhao Ba has a family outside, and the money and other treasures he has obtained over the years must be kept in his family."

Shen Qing was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly felt that he was careless.

He shouldn't have killed Zhao Ba so quickly just now, he should have obtained some useful information before killing him.

Alas... careless.

But the dead cannot be resurrected, forget it, I will try to find Zhao Ba's wife later, and then I will rob her.

"Now the things in the house have been searched almost completely, Zhao Ba and the others are dead, these things are ownerless, let's divide them on the spot." Shen Qing put away his thoughts and continued: "I killed most of the people this time, so I should get the most. I want 70%, do you have any objections?"

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