Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 113: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (13)

   "Mengmeng, I knew you were my best friend!" Li Xiaoxi tilted her head and smiled brightly towards Summer.

   This is Li Xiaoxi's first heartfelt smile to 'Yuan Mengxian' since he was born again.

   However, this laughter is the laughter after doing certain things successfully.


   It was already evening when the group arrived at the small village where they had stayed before.

  The small village is very clean, you can tell it has been cleaned at a glance.

   The village is really small, there are only a few houses, all three or four stories high.

  Xiamen and Li Xiaoxi followed Gu Ran's team into one of the largest houses.

   "We are staying here temporarily tonight, and now there is no security base in City P, we can only think about where to go."

  It’s a pity that the communication equipment can’t be used, otherwise it wouldn’t be so aimless.

   After Gu Ran finished speaking, a teammate suggested: "Let's just build a survivor base ourselves!"

   This proposal makes everyone's eyes light up.

   "Yeah! We will build a survivor base by ourselves, and the captain will be the base leader."

   "That's right! Most of us are superhumans, and our abilities are not weak. No matter how many talented people we recruit, the survivor base will definitely grow!"

   "Ah! This idea is really good! What do you think, Captain?!"

  Gu Ran was also a little excited when he heard this proposal. Now it's the end of the world, and it's not enough just to think about ZF.

   He is also an ambitious person, a hero in troubled times, he is willing to be that hero!

   After the seedlings of this ambition emerged, Gu Ran himself became excited.

   He nodded and said, "Okay, then let's build a survivor base by ourselves, so that everyone can live in peace!"

   Just do what you say, everyone thought that this small village was good, but then thought that the base should be more and more people, so this base is not suitable for small villages.

   That night, everyone discussed for a long time about where the base should be chosen.

  Li Xiaoxi gave his opinion, saying that the security base in P City is good, if it wasn't for someone infected with the zombie virus, it would be very safe.

   Now they just need to go back, lead out the zombies inside, and then close the door, it will be safe inside.

  Li Xiaoxi's proposal was approved by everyone, including Gu Ran who looked at Li Xiaoxi with admiration, which made her cheeks red quietly.

  So, everyone decided to go to the security base in P City tomorrow!

   "Okay, it's very late now, all of you girls go upstairs to sleep, our boys will keep watch." Gu Ran said.

   When the other three girls and Xia Xia got up and prepared to go upstairs, Li Xiaoxi walked up to Gu Ran and said, "Senior Gu, I'll keep watch with you! I can't sleep anyway!"

   The other three girls also liked Gu Ran, and they even acted blatantly. Seeing Li Xiaoxi's diligence, they were very upset.

   "No, there are enough vigilantes here. Let's go up and rest, so that we can drive tomorrow with energy." Gu Ran said gently.

When    was talking, Gu Ran raised his hand and patted Li Xiaoxi on the shoulder.

   This is the first time that Gu Ran has acted so intimately with Li Xiaoxi, and Li Xiaoxi is a little flattered and delighted.

   She blushed and nodded slightly shyly: "Okay, then I'll go to sleep first..."

   Gu Ran hummed, since he wanted to build a base, then Li Xiaoxi, a fire-type power user, was still very important to him.

  Beautiful men's tricks or something, he doesn't mind using them when necessary.

   So even though I didn't like Li Xiaoxi's eyes looking at him, I decided to endure it first—

   Several girls went upstairs, and one of them found a room to stay.

   They had already gone upstairs to clean up before, so the room was fairly clean.

   Lying in bed in summer, of course, is as usual without the slightest sleepiness.

   She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, listening to the faint voices coming from downstairs.

   Those boys seem to be excited about building their own base.

   Build a base…

  In my memory, when Li Xiaoxi and Yuan Mengxian met Gu Ran again, Gu Ran was already the base chief of a small base.

   Come to think of it, this is the base established at this time...

  “Meow meow~”

  Summer tilted his head and looked at the little milk cat standing by the window.

   was stunned for a while, then sat up from the bed: "Why did you follow?!"

   This little milk cat will not follow her from the beginning, right?

   The kitten jumped gently and arrived on the summer bed.

   Although there is resistance to creatures of the opposite **** in summer, she doesn't know whether it is male or female, so she doesn't feel conflicted.

   She watched the little milk cat approach her, and then rubbed her hand: "Meow meow~"

   This is the first time I have been so close to this little milk cat since I met her.

  The soft fur is particularly comfortable against the back of the hand.

  Xiamen couldn't help but raised his hand and gently stroked the little milk cat's head.

   The little milk cat squinted her eyes in enjoyment, but in the next instant, she screamed and jumped up as if stimulated.

  Xiamen was not surprised by the little cat's actions, but thought that he might accidentally hurt the little cat.

   After thinking about it, I took a vacuum bread from my backpack in the summer and handed it to the little milk cat.

   The little milk cat walked over, covered it with his mouth, and looked at the summer.

  I also looked at the little milk cat in summer and felt a little strange.

   This little milk cat, why doesn't it seem to grow?

   When I first saw him, he was so small, but now he is still small.

   Is it because this little milk cat fills its stomach with the food she gives every day?

  Summer was just about to say something to the kitten when he heard roars and calls from below.

   This roar is not made by ordinary zombies.

   is more like... a beast!

  Xiamen didn't notice that the little milk cat's eyes suddenly became sharp after hearing the roar, because she had already picked up the long knife and put on shoes and went out.

   As soon as the door was opened, several girls from other rooms, including Li Xiaoxi, also came out.

   After all, it is the end of the world, and no one dares to sleep too deeply.

   Everyone looked at each other and didn't say a word, then hurried downstairs.

   When I went downstairs, I saw someone pushing something against the door and window, and the roar from outside became louder and louder.

   "Come over here and help! This side is going to be knocked open!" A teammate pressed the sofa against the door, but the things outside were so strong that he was almost unable to stand it.


   The girl who just went downstairs was so frightened that she asked in a panic, "This... what is outside? Zombie beast?"

Gu Ran's face was solemn, he opened his mouth, and the words were still on his lips, only to see that the door that was being pushed against seemed to be split in half by a flaming knife, and even the teammates who were pushing against the door were approved as two. Half.

   "Ah!!! Ah Yang!!!"

   "mutant beast..."

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