Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 133: The overbearing president fell in love with me (3)

  Xiamen took the vegetables that Li's mother was carrying and said, "Mum, you buy vegetables. I will wait for you at the entrance of the market. By the way, I will call my uncle and tell him."

  Mama Li nodded: "Okay!"

  Xiamen turned around and glanced at the person who was following her without a trace.

   Gently lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.


  Standing at the entrance of the vegetable market, he took out his mobile phone in summer and called Li Nuan's uncle Li Haiku.

  Li Haikuo runs a breakfast shop and wakes up very early, so he doesn't have to worry that calling at this time will disturb his rest.

   "Hey?! Ah Nuan~ What's wrong with looking for your uncle so early?!" Li Haiku was noisy, so his voice was louder.

  Xia Tian still had a full smile on his face, and he raised his voice and said, "Uncle~ Today, my mother and I are making dumplings. Come and eat with Huanhuan at noon!"

   "Eat dumplings? Okay! I'll take Huanhuan over in a moment, just because she has homework and can't do it, you can teach her!"

   "Okay, otherwise you and Huanhuan can come earlier. I don't have to go to work this weekend!" Xia Xia said.

   "Okay, then I'll tell Huanhuan later. Ah Nuan, uncle hangs up first~ There's a line up here!"

   "Okay, uncle, get busy first!"


   hung up Li Haikuo's phone and stood at the door of the vegetable market in summer waiting for Li's mother to come out.

   was a bit boring, and just happened to see the candid photographer who patted her with his mobile phone.

   Although she doesn't want to do anything to Shen Qingxi, it doesn't mean she doesn't do anything.

   The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened. In summer, he held his mobile phone and turned on the photo mode.

   Taking advantage of the candid photographer's inattentiveness, he took his photo backwards.

  Summer once worked as a gossip reporter in a certain fiction world... well, it's actually called paparazzi.

   Therefore, the candid photography technique in summer is still very good.

  Unbeknownst to the candid photographer, he took a clear enough frontal photo of him in the summer.

  There are two ways to call the police in this world, one way is to call the police online, and the other way is to call the police.

  Summer sent the photos to the police on the Internet and told the police: Mr. Police, I suspect this person has been following me and filming me secretly, I am very scared!

  It is not difficult to see from the photos that the candid photographer was shooting summer.

   The police responded quickly and asked for her address.

   In summer, I told the police the location of the vegetable market. The police were very efficient and arrived in no time.

  When the police came, the candid shooter didn't know that he was the one the police wanted to arrest.

   Until the police approached him, he subconsciously wanted to run.

   Of's too late.

  The police opened his mobile phone, which was full of Li Nuan's photos.

   Some are from Li Nuan to go to work, some are from Li Nuan walking on the street, and some are when Li Nuan is with Li Nuan.

   Seeing this, the police arrested the candid photographer for violating the privacy rights of others.

   When Mama Li came out, she happened to see the police telling you to pay attention to safety in summer.

   "What's the matter?" Mama Li asked Summer.

  Xiamen smiled and shook his head at her: "It's okay, but I just accidentally discovered that someone was filming me secretly, so I called the police."

   "Sudden filming?! Oh my God! Who is that?!" Mama Li was startled and was extremely nervous.

   They are ordinary people, how could someone take pictures of them secretly? !

   "Don't worry, Mrs. We have taken the cameraman back to the police station. If you encounter such a situation again, please call the police in time!" the policeman on the side reminded.

  Xiamen nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Police!"

  The police drove away, and Mama Li was still in shock.

   "Ah could someone secretly film you? Isn't it, you are in the company..."

   "I don't know the person who secretly photographed me, so it can't be someone from the company."

   While talking, Xia Xia helped Mama Li on her way home.

  Mama Li was very upset, worried that her daughter would encounter bad guys if she went out alone or something.

  Xiaomi comforted her with a smile: "There are still many good people in this world, and I don't need to come back very late from work, and the places I go are always crowded. Not to mention..."

   "I discovered the candid shooter just now and called the police, so you really don't have to worry about it, Mom!"

   After being so appeased by Xia Xia, Mama Li also thought about it, there are still many good people in the world.

   You can’t be afraid to go out just because there are bad people outside, because you are worried that everyone is bad?

   "Okay, did you call your uncle just now?" Mama Li didn't mention the matter just now, and took the initiative to change the subject.

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, I have already called my uncle. Uncle said that he will bring Huanhuan over earlier."

  Mama Li replied hello, and then took out the key to open the house.

   "Dumpling stuffing, what kind of stuffing do you want, Ah Nuan?" Mama Li asked Summer.

   "As long as your mother cooks it, I want to eat it!" Xia Xia changed her shoes at the entrance and walked to the kitchen with dishes.

  Mama Li smiled and looked at the back of Summer: "Then make a celery pork stuffing, a leek pork stuffing, and a vegetarian meat stuffing!"

   "Okay~" Summer responded in the kitchen.

   Put away the dishes and start collecting dirty clothes to wash in summer.

  Mama Li was eager to do it, but was rejected by Xia Xia: "I have nothing to do anyway, and it's not tiring to do laundry."

  Mama Li couldn't help her, so she smiled and watched her carry her clothes to the bathroom to wash—

   At half past ten, Li Haiku came over with his thirteen-year-old daughter Li Huan, who had just entered junior high school.

  Li Haikui divorced five years ago because his wife cheated on him. He took his daughter alone and opened a breakfast shop.

  Li Huan is very sensible. On weekends, he will go to Li Haiku's breakfast shop to help.

  Li Huan is an ordinary-looking, tall and thin girl.

   She liked her cousin Li Nuan very much. As soon as she came, she put her arms around Xia Xia's arm and said in a coquettish tone: "Cousin, I miss you so much! I wanted to come last weekend, but my dad wouldn't let me!"

   Actually, Li Haikui was worried that Li Huan would come over and disturb Li Nuan.

  After all, Dad Li passed away just over a month ago, and Li Haiwei was someone who would not be able to comfort others. He just wanted to prevent his daughter from disturbing Mama Li and Li Nuan.

   But I'm still worried, so Li Haikuo will come to see it every once in a while.

   Or, just make a phone call or something.

  Xiamen smiled and raised his hand and patted Li Huan's head: "Then next time you miss me, just call me."

   "Really? Then next time I encounter a problem that I can't understand, can I call you cousin?" Li Huan looked at Xia Xia expectantly.

   Summer nodded: "Of course you can!"

   Beside, Li Haikui was talking to Li's mother, asking about her situation during this time.

  Mama Li smiled and said everything was fine...

   "I have a lot of homework that I can't do this weekend. Cousin, please teach me!" Li Huan shook Xia's arm.

  Xiamen nodded, turned to Mama Li and said, "Then I'll take Huanhuan to my room to do my homework first. Mom, you can make dumplings with your uncle!"

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