Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 141: The overbearing president fell in love with me (11)

   After having breakfast with Mama Li, it is time to go out to work in the company as usual in summer.

  Because it is quite early to go to work now, the company is not too far from where I live, so I choose to walk to the company in summer when I don’t like to crowd the bus.

   She walked slowly by the side of the road, thinking about how Lin Liyun's case was going now,

   If it wasn't for the peripheral vision that an off-road vehicle was driving very slowly, she would not have paid attention to the traffic on the road at all.

   tilted his head and saw Shen Qingsui in the driver's seat... Oh no, it was Gu Yanyu.

   Seeing that Xia Xia saw him, Gu Yanyu grinned at her with a flattering expression.

   That tough guy's handsome face with a flattering smile is really incongruous no matter how you look at it.

   Xia Xia frowned slightly and then loosened it, then continued to walk in the direction of the company as if she hadn't seen Gu Yanyu as usual.

   Gu Yanyu didn't mind that Xia Xia ignored him, so he drove the car and followed him slowly.

  Last night, Gu Yanyu also thought about it for a long time before he made up his mind.

   Thought that since he had already confessed to Xia Xia, then he simply pursued Xia Xia in an upright manner.

  Whether in the fictional world or in the real world—

  —Shen Family

   He couldn't sleep all night, Shen Qingxi was in a very irritable mood, as if a fire was burning in his heart.

  Clearly! Obviously everything was planned, but what went wrong! ?

  Why did Li Haicen not go to Lin Liyun's residence after receiving the text message?

  Why was an irrelevant delivery boy who found Lin Liyun's body?

   No, she must find a way... Find a way to put the crime on Li Haicen!

   Shen Qingxi spent the whole night trying to figure out a way, and even bought someone from the police station to help.

The police station did indeed call Li Haicen to the police station to record a statement, but he had alibi.

  The night Lin Liyun was killed, in addition to being at home with his daughter, several friends also came to his house to eat and drink before leaving very late.

  According to the time of Lin Liyun's death predicted by the forensic doctor, Li Haicen was drinking and chatting with his friends at that time.

   asked those friends to record their confessions, and the confessions were consistent.

   So Li Haicen's alibi is really sufficient.

   And although Li Haicen has been in touch with Lin Liyun this year, it was Lin Liyun who came to him unilaterally.

   Taking this as the motive for the murder and the evidence of alibi, it is really far-fetched to say that Li Haicen was the murderer.

   So, Li Haicen was released after he just recorded a confession.

  The latest news that Shen Qingxi learned is that the police are looking for Lin Liyun's little white-faced lover Li Dong as a criminal suspect at home and abroad.

   After Li Dong killed Lin Liyun yesterday, he took Shen Qingxi's money and ran out of the country. The police only need to check the exit records to find out.

  Why did Lin Liyun go abroad after he died? Why go abroad?

   I heard that Li Dong has a real girlfriend besides Lin Liyun. This time he went abroad with his real girlfriend.

   Compared with Li Haicen, Li Dong's motive for killing is more clear.

   Shen Qingxi was annoying because he was worried that Li Dong would shake out her people after being caught.

   If her people are caught, it means that she may also be shaken out.

   So no matter what, Shen Qingxi must find a way so that no one can catch Li Dong.

   Even if he is caught, Li Dong cannot be convicted.

   But what should we do? !

   Suddenly, Shen Qingxi thought of his mother.

  The mother loves her very much, and the mother is so smart, she can definitely think of a way.

   Now Shen Qingxi can no longer manage so much, so he quickly went to find Ai Yuxiang—

   "What did you say?!" Ai Yuxiang exclaimed before realizing that her voice was a bit loud.

   hurriedly walked to the door of the room and locked the door, then walked over to Shen Qingxi and said in a low voice, "Xixi, are you crazy? You actually bought a murderer to kill!"

Shen Qingxi's eyes were red, and pitifully went to hold Ai Yuxiang's hand: "Mom, you must help me! If my people are caught, then I will also know about the fact that I found someone to kill someone before. of…"

   When Ai Yuxiang heard Shen Qingxi say this, her eyes turned black.

   "So, did you buy murder more than once?!" Ai Yuxiang asked Shen Qingxi.

   She never imagined that her 'kind' daughter, despite being rude, would buy a murderer to kill her!

   Shen Qingxi nodded without denying it.

   She was going to confess to Ai Yuxiang, so she didn't plan to hide anything.

  Ai Yuxiang asked her why she wanted to attack two people who had nothing to do with them, and Shen Qingxi told Ai Yuxiang all the plots of the novel she knew.

After listening to   Ai Yuxiang, she just felt unacceptable.

   So she has lived for decades, is she at most a soy sauce in this novel world?

   This is simply, ridiculous! It's ridiculous!

   "So what you do is because of Li Nuan, the heroine of this world?" Ai Yuxiang asked Shen Qingxi.

  Shen Qingxi nodded and said with gloomy eyes: "Yes, since I know the plot of this world's novels in advance, then I absolutely can't watch Li Nuan, that Beiruo, and A Leng together!"

  Ai Yuxiang digested it for a while before looking at Shen Qingxi: "Don't worry, baby, Mom will help you! You should be the heroine, what is that Li Nuan..."

   Hearing what Ai Yuxiang said, Shen Qingxi felt relieved.

   Jiang was still old and hot, Shen Qingxi knew that as long as Ai Yuxiang was willing to help her, she would never be discovered.

  Ai Yuxiang knew that it was impossible to put the murder charge on Li Haicen.

  Then it can only be...Let Li Dong become a murderer who can't speak-


  Xiamer ignored Gu Yanyu and went to work as usual, originally thinking that at most he would follow her to the door of the company.

   Unexpectedly, when she got off work at night, Gu Yanyu was still standing at the door of her company.

   It suddenly started to rain at this time, a lot of rain.

   The weather was fine when I went out in the morning, so I didn’t bring an umbrella in summer.

   When Xia Xia appeared at the door of the company, Gu Yanyu quickly got out of the car with an umbrella and ran over.

   ran in front of Xia Xia, Gu Yanyu said with a smile, "It's raining, I'll take you back!"

  Xiaomi raised her lips and nodded slightly: "Thank you Mr. Shen for your kindness, I won't bother Mr. Shen anymore."

   Seeing the calm and indifferent summer entering the rain, Gu Yan really felt a deep sense of frustration.

   Although the appearance of his host is a lot worse than his own, it's not bad!

   Besides, I met him in person in summer.

  How about…

   Okay, that's what he expected, so it's enough to be frustrated for a while.

   Seeing the summer that was gradually walking away, Gu Yanyu quickly chased after him.

   "Summer... Oh no, Li Nuan. Li Nuan, don't get caught in the rain, you'll catch a cold."

   As Gu Yanyu spoke, he stretched out his hand to cover the summer with an umbrella.

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