Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 143: The overbearing president fell in love with me (thirteen)

   It can be seen from the conversation between Shen Qingxi and Ai Yuxiang that Shen Qingxi told Ai Yuxiang everything.

   Then the person who thought of killing Li Dong to commit suicide should be Ai Yuxiang.

  Shen Qingxi and the others now know about the video, and they are very uneasy.

   It's not that Li Dongfei committed suicide because of fear of crime, but that someone installed a camera in Lin Liyun's house ahead of time.

   What does this mean? It means that someone knew Shen Qingxi's plan in advance!

   Who is this person?

  Xiamen didn't pay much attention to Shen Qingxi and Ai Yuxiang, so they were worried about the person who installed the camera, and the focus was on the halo of the protagonist above Shen Qingxi's head.

   After these things, the aura of the protagonist above Shen Qingxi's head weakened by about 30%.

   Seeing Ai Yuxiang, she thought of a good way in summer.

   If this plan goes well, the aura of the protagonist above Shen Qingxi's head will definitely weaken even more.

   It was late at night, and Shen Qingxi and Ai Yuxiang also stopped discussing.

   Xia Xia left Shen Qingxi's room and was about to leave, but Gu Yanyu stopped him unexpectedly.

   Gu Yanyu said, "Go to my room, I have something to tell you!"

   Looking at Gu Yanyu's serious eyes, Xia Xia hesitated for a while, but chose to listen to what he had to say.


   "Mr. Shen, if I remember correctly..."

   "I know you said you wouldn't let me meddle in my own business." Gu Yanyu interrupted Xia Xia's words.

   "But I think if you have me to help you, you can complete the task faster. This is also considered to be done by yourself, so why not do it?"

   It doesn't really matter to Xia to complete the task quickly or slowly, anyway, she still has to accompany Mama Li in this novel world for decades.

   So Gu Yanyu's proposal was not attractive to her.

   "Thank you Mr. Shen for thinking of me, but I can..."

   "If you don't ask me to help, aren't you afraid that I will do a disservice?" Gu Yanyu also gave up.

   Disservice? !

   Xia Xia, who was about to leave, raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth: "So Gu Nanshen is going to find fault?"

  Gu Yanyu waved his hands again and again: "No no no, I don't mean to cause trouble for you. I mean... oops! I mean..."

   Worried that Xia Xia would be angry, Gu Yanyu was a little flustered: "I mean if I don't know your plan, it will be bad if I do something to cause you trouble."

   Well, it's a bit incoherent, but I still understand it in summer.

   Thinking about it carefully, what Gu Yanyu said also makes sense.

   If Gu Yanyu knew her plan in advance and caused her trouble unintentionally, that would be bad.

  Although Gu Yanyu didn't do her a disservice at present, it doesn't mean that he won't in the future.

   "That's good, but you also have to promise me a condition." Xia Xia looked at Gu Yanyu.

   He was overjoyed to hear that Xia Xia agreed, let alone one condition, he would agree to a hundred conditions!

   "After the bug is fixed, you leave. Also, don't follow me to the fiction world again."

   This request…

   Gu Yanyu wanted to refuse directly, but on second thought, if Xia Xia agreed to let him help, it would mean that he could see her often in the future.

After   , we will talk about it later.

   "Okay, I promise you." Gu Yanyu said.

   Then, the two reached an agreement to cooperate——

   Xia Xia told Gu Yanyu his thoughts and asked him to cooperate.

   "Well, this plan is still feasible. Although Shen Qingsui is already dead, I'll use his body to help him fulfill a wish."

   In fact, Gu Yanyu also thought about revealing a secret that had been buried for many years.

  This secret is about the fate of two people...

   "But Nuan, I have a better plan, would you like to listen to it?" Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia.

"What do you think."

   "Shen Qingxi doesn't want to make you feel better, if... I mean if, if you marry me... I mean a fake marriage, it's not true, don't get me wrong, I won't take advantage of you!"

  Cough cough Okay, in fact, Gu Yanyu is worried that the original male protagonist of the novel world will deliberately approach the world of novels in order to complete the task in the summer.

   Forget it before, he can't reveal his identity.

   But now, he doesn't want to approach any opposite **** in summer.

   Compared with Gu Yanyu's nervousness, he is relatively calm in summer.

   If Shen Qingxi knew that she was married to 'Shen Qingsui', she would probably vomit blood.

  If she married Gu Yanyu and lived in Shen's house, it would mean that she could see Shen Qingxi every day, and then she would be blocked.

   This is actually a good way.

   Maybe it was because he had 'married' with Jiang Yichen's version of Gu Yanyu before, and had been 'cohabiting' together for decades, so this time Gu Yanyu brought it up, and there was not much conflict in the summer.

   Probably because he knew that Gu Yanyu would be very conscious, right?

   "I need to think about it."

Although    Xia Xia did not immediately agree to Gu Yanyu's proposal, he did not immediately refuse.

   This is definitely a good sign for Gu Yanyu!

   He nodded again and again: "Good! Take your time to think about it, I will wait for you! How long will it take..." Waiting for you!

   Before he finished speaking, Xia Xia had already stood up from his chair and said, "I'll go first, I'll give you an answer tomorrow night."

   That means she will come tomorrow too.

   Without waiting for Gu Yanyu to respond, Xia Xia left.

   Her speed was so fast that Gu Yanyu could only feel a gust of wind blowing.

After    blinked, there was no summer figure in the room.

   Seeing such a strong summer, Gu Yanyu only felt that his body was too weak this time.

   At least compared to summer, it's really too weak.

   It seems that when choosing a host, he has to choose a very strong and powerful one.


   In order to give summer a good space for consideration, Gu Yanyu didn't contact her the next day and waited patiently for the evening to come.

  It's past eleven, summer is here.

   First went to Shen Qingxi's room and walked around, then went to Gu Yanyu's room.

   Seeing that summer is coming, Gu Yanyu, who was sitting on the bed and brushing his phone, jumped up.

   "Xia... Ah Nuan, you are here..."

  Xiamen nodded and gave Gu Yanyu a polite smile: "I promise to marry you in a fake marriage, Mr. Shen, happy cooperation!"

  Gu Yanyu didn't mind that Xia Xia's smile was too distant, and grinned brightly: "Miss Li, happy cooperation!"

   said that he was going to get married, and Gu Yanyu couldn't wait.

   After getting married, not only can they see summer every day, but in order to disguise, they have to sleep in the same room every day.

  By that time, you will be able to sleep peacefully in summer.

   So he discussed with Xia Xia, and let Xia Xia officially return to Shen's house to meet his parents tomorrow.

  Just, Summer refused.

   "There's no need to be so fast. We'll talk about it when the case between Lin Liyun and Li Dong comes to an end."

   Even if Shen Qingxi couldn't be pulled into the water this time, he had to cut off her left and right hands to block her.

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