Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 147: The overbearing president fell in love with me (17)

   Xia Xia hummed, but silently counted how long she and Gu Yanyu had known each other.

   Starting from Jiang Yichen... They have known each other for decades, right?

   Well, counting the time in the world of novels, it has been several decades!

   I just never thought that Jiang Yichen would be Gu Yanyu.

   Thinking about it now, Jiang Yichen and Gu Yanyu will sometimes overlap in summer.

   Only then did I feel that Jiang Yichen had many places and was very similar to Gu Yanyu.

   It's just that she hadn't seen Gu Yanyu himself in the real world before, so she didn't know.

   In fact, what Xia Xia did not expect was that the first time she was forced to marry Gu Yanyu, but the second time she voluntarily married Gu Yanyu...

   didn't think about it any further, Xia Xia just told herself that she was doing the task in a better and more convenient way.

  Shen Qinghua looked at the summer from the rearview mirror and saw that she had a calm expression and looked like a warm and warm woman like a hot spring.

   She just sits there, making people feel warm and soft.

   It's really hard to imagine that his eldest brother would like such a 'gentle as water' woman.

   He used to think that the big brother who was as hard as a rock and cold as ice should be subdued by an extroverted and aggressive woman.

  It turned out that he was wrong!

   "Sister-in-law, big brother can change careers for you, it shows that he really cares about you!"

   You must know that it was impossible to let his eldest brother stay at home for one more day, but now he is eager to stay at home.

  If it’s really like what Summer said, we’ve only known each other for such a short time…

   That summer is really amazing!

   This kind of ability, but others do not have it!

  Shen Qinghua was very curious about how Xia Xia did it. After all, what even grandfather could not do, was done by a woman.

  This woman, I haven't known each other for a long time.

   Actually, in summer, I don't really want Gu Yanyu to come back from the army.

   She wanted an identity, and Shen Qing followed the identity of his wife.

   As for whether Gu Yanyu is with her or not, it really doesn't matter to her.

   It's just that when she knew that Gu Yanyu was going to change jobs and come back, he had already asked Grandpa Shen for his opinion.

   So she can only express no opinion.

   As for what Shen Qinghua said, Xia Xia just pretended to be shy, Xia Xia hummed softly.

   However, Shen Qinghua still has a question.

   "Sister-in-law, can I ask you one more question?"

  Xiamen pursed his lips and nodded: "Well, you can ask."

   "Did sister-in-law know Xixi before she met my elder brother?"

   Actually, what Shen Qinghua wanted to ask was if she had a holiday with Shen Qingxi before the summer.

  If there is no festival, why would Shen Qingxi find someone to follow and monitor her.

   But Shen Qinghua checked, Shen Qingxi didn't even meet face to face before he came to Shen's house in the summer.

  Because no more information has been investigated, Shen Qinghua has always been puzzled.

  Shen Qingxi, why are you targeting summer everywhere?

   Today's incident, Shen Qinghua knew that it was definitely Shen Qingxi who wanted to stretch his foot and trip over the summer when he was going down the stairs.

   From the first meeting, Shen Qinghua knew that Shen Qingxi was hostile to Xia Xia.

   But in his opinion, this kind of hostility is really inexplicable.

   To Shen Qinghua's surprise, Shen Qingxi was about to trip over Xia Xia, but Xia Xia stepped on her and broke her bones.

   was trampled and fractured... Is this a coincidence or deliberately done in summer?

   Shen Qinghua looked at Xia Xia and didn't see anything on her face.

   Shen Qinghua doesn't have a good impression of Shen Qingxi's cousin, otherwise he would help Xia Tian secretly.

  If Xia Xia did it on purpose, then Shen Qinghua would look at her differently...

   "Of course, I don't know each other. Why did the second uncle ask that?" Xia Xia asked Shen Qinghua with a puzzled look.

  Shen Qinghua blinked and said, "Oh, nothing, I just think Xixi seems to be very hostile to you."

   "Speaking of this, I'm also very confused, is it because I'm not doing well, that's why Xixi is so hostile to me..."

  Summer frowned slightly, looking very confused.

   In terms of acting skills, even if you use a polygraph, it will not detect that summer is lying.

   So Shen Qinghua, of course, can't see any flaws.

   "Of course not! Sister-in-law is very good, it must be Xixi's personal problem."

  In order to avoid embarrassment, Shen Qinghua chatted with Xia Xia one after another, mainly about 'Shen Qing Sui'.

  Summer actually knows Shen Qingsui very well.

   After all, the real Shen Qingsui is a very simple person.

   Just for Gu Yanyu...

  Xiamen felt that she didn't understand—

   The car drifted away and arrived at the residence of Mama Li.

  Mama Li no longer lives in the previous place. Gu Yanyu bought the original house of the Li family back, and the interior decoration has not changed.

   Back to her original home, Mama Li was very moved and very happy.

   The happiest thing is to see that the daughter-in-law's family treats her very well.

  Mama Li even felt that she could leave with confidence even if she left now to accompany Dad Li.

   Of course, she still can't bear her daughter, and wants to see her grandson, and then watch her grandson grow up...


   When Gu Yanyu left the Shen family to go to the army, Xia Xia did nothing to Shen Qingxi.

   Even though she didn't do anything, the aura of the protagonist above Shen Qingxi's head still dissipated to the point where there were only fifty percent left.

  This novel world went quite smoothly, and even before seeing the original male protagonist, 50% of Shen Qingxi's protagonist aura was removed.

   Xia Tian felt that in this world, there should be no need for the original male protagonist to appear.

   As long as her plan goes smoothly, Shen Qingxi's aura of the protagonist should be able to dissipate to only about 20% left.

   At that point, it will be much easier to handle.


  Time flies, Gu Yanyu, who had been away for a month and a half, finally came back.

   At this time, the summer plan is almost ready.


   "A Nuan good night~" Gu Yanyu lay on the ground and said good night to Xia Xia with a smile.

  Summer let out a faint hum, and also lay on the bed.

   After all, the two of them are married, and they live under Grandpa Shen's eyes, so they definitely can't sleep in separate rooms.

   In order to avoid any accident, Gu Yanyu did not sleep on the sofa in the room, but on the ground one meter away from the bed.

   Gu Yanyu was very conscious, and when he returned to the room, he took the quilt out of the closet by himself.

   After talking for a while, the two of them were about to go to sleep.

   In fact, Gu Yanyu was talking to Xia Xia, Xia Xia just listened, and Quan Dang passed the time.

   There was someone talking in her ear, even if it was the opposite sex, she felt pretty good.

  Gu Yanyu has done several special tasks during this time, and it was very hard. After saying good night to Xia Xia, he fell asleep not long after.

  There was no sleepiness in summer, but when she first arrived at Shen's house, she could fall asleep every night.

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