Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 157: The overbearing president fell in love with me (27)

   "Uh...but, why do you want to save me?" Li Changyuan asked Gu Yanyu in confusion.

  Gu Yanyu's expressionless and condescending attitude made Li Yuanyuan feel oppressed.

   He said to Li Changyuan again: "Because I would rather see Ai Yuxiang unlucky than let you die."

   Make Ai Yuxiang unlucky? Li Changyuan seemed to understand something.


  It has been a week since Ai Yuxiang 'killed' Li Changyuan. Because Shen Qingxi was gambling, she said that if Shen's father didn't call her, she would not come back.

   However, this time Father Shen was really angry, so he didn't plan to call Shen Qingxi himself to get Shen Qingxi back.

  In Shen's house, it seemed as usual, everyone revolved around the pregnant summer, and they were obedient to her.

   Every time I see these, Ai Yuxiang is not very happy.

   She was still thinking that after Li Changyuan's affairs, it was time to deal with the child in Summer's belly.

   She used to be a gynecologist. It's not easy to get rid of a child...

   In the past week, Ai Yuxiang has been paying attention to the news of the city.

   However, there is no news about Li Changyuan at all, and I don’t know if this is good news or bad news.

   She really wanted to go to Li Changyuan's residence to see if Li Changyuan's body was found, but she didn't dare.

  What if the police were waiting for her there? As soon as she appeared, wouldn't she just cast herself into the net!

   So Ai Yuxiang told herself that no matter how chaotic her heart was, she had to be steady! Hold on!

   "ding bell bell bell" ringing on the phone rang, which shocked Ai Yuxiang.

   Looking at the caller ID, it was his daughter Shen Qingxi who called.

   After a long sigh of relief, Ai Yuxiang pressed the answer button: "Mom, I'm running out of money, please send me money!"

   Hearing that the daughter on the other end of the phone asked her for money as soon as she opened her mouth, Ai Yuxiang couldn't help but think of Li Yuanyuan who had been asking her for money three days ago.

   Li Yuanyuan also said in the same tone, "I'm out of money, send me money!"

   That tone, as much as it takes for granted, she was really disgusted.

He came up all of a sudden with anger: "Qianqianqian! You know you want money as soon as you call, am I going to make money or what?! I gave you tens of thousands of dollars just two days ago, and it ran out so quickly. Do you really think you are going on vacation?!"


   "Mom, no money! If you have the skills, come back and let your father unfreeze the card for you. Don't ask me to give you money again!"

   "Your father now only thinks about the child in that **** Li Nuan's belly, and he almost forgets about your daughter. If you really want to leave the Shen family completely, don't come back!"

After    shouting, Ai Yuxiang didn't want to hear Shen Qingxi's response, so she hung up the phone.

   On the other end of the phone, Shen Qingxi, who was yelled at, was stunned.

   Usually, she asks her mother Ai Yuxiang for money, isn't she happy! how today...

   Forget it, she has been out for so long anyway, even if Father Shen is angry, it is time to calm down.

   Shen Qingxi thought, as long as she goes back and acts like a spoiled child to Father Shen, the matter will be over.

   At that time, she will still be that charming lady that the whole family loves!

   She can't allow it, not allow 'Li Nuan' to be offered to the Shen family as a baby.

   Even more, the child in the womb of 'Li Nuan' was born safely!

  Thinking like this, Shen Qingxi went back to Shen's house happily.

  At the same time, a person also followed the instructions and went to the Shen's house.


  Today is the day when the Shen family reunites once a month. All day long, the Shen family will be in the Shen residence.

   Including Shen Qinghuan who doesn't go home often, all of them came back from abroad.

   When Shen Qingxi came back, the Shen family were all in the living room.

   She is a junior, so she naturally greeted the elders in the family first.

  Being well-behaved, it made Grandpa Shen and the others feel relieved in an instant, thinking that they were loving the girl who grew up and pampering them.

   Seeing the expressions of Grandpa Shen and others, Shen Qingxi knew that as long as she acted like a spoiled child, the matter would really be over.

Shen Qingxi looked at Father Shen, and before she had time to act coquettishly, a servant came in and said to Grandpa Shen, "There is a Mr. Li Changyuan, who said that he wants to meet the master, you and the second young master, and he has something very important to talk about. ."

  The second young master in the servant's mouth is Father Shen.

   Grandpa Shen is still here, so naturally Father Shen can’t be a master.

   The Shen family said that the name Li Changyuan was very unfamiliar, and they had never even heard of it.

   However, when Ai Yuxiang, who had just come downstairs, heard the name, she seemed to be struck by a bolt from the blue.

   She stood at the entrance of the stairs in a daze, her eyes widening in surprise.

   At this point, Ai Yuxiang was speechless.

  Li Changyuan...Is that the Li Changyuan she knew?

   However, Li Changyuan was obviously dead... He was clearly covered to death by her...

   It was already confirmed that she had no life characteristics, but Ai Yuxiang was not quite sure whether she really did not kill Li Changyuan at that time.

  Ai Yuxiang can only comfort herself and tell herself that this Li Yuanyuan is actually someone else...

   "Who is Li Changyuan?" Grandpa Shen didn't know him, so he turned to ask Father Shen.

   Father Shen shook his head, indicating that he did not know him either.

  Grandpa Shen pondered for a while, but still said to the servant, "Let him come in."

   He wanted to listen, this man named Li Changyuan, what would he say?

   "Okay sir." The servant responded, and then went out and invited Li Changyuan to come in.

  Ai Yuxiang supported the wall and slowly moved to the living room, praying to this Li Yuanyuan, not the Li Yuanyuan she knew.

   But when that familiar figure appeared in front of the Shen family, Ai Yuxiang couldn't deceive herself.

  Really...really Li Changyuan!

  Li Changyuan is really not dead!

  Li Changyuan just came in, and Ai Yuxiang wanted to stop him before he said anything.

   But Li Yuanyuan didn't give her this chance at all, and said first: "Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, I wonder if you are interested in Shen Qingxi's real life experience?"

   The words 'real life experience', Li Changyuan deliberately emphasized the words, and people had to pay attention to these four words.

   When I saw Li Changyuan's turning eyes and that vindictive smile...

  Ai Yuxiang knew that she was finished!

   Not only is she finished, but so is her daughter!

   Grandpa Shen and Father Shen frowned, not quite understanding what Li Yuanyuan meant.

   "What is your real life experience? Who are you?" Grandpa Shen asked Li Yuanyuan.

  This person is really strange, and he said the real life experience of his granddaughter.

   His granddaughter is his granddaughter, what else can he have?

  Other life experience? !

   Grandpa Shen was suddenly stunned.

  Li Changyuan opened his mouth to speak.

Ai Yuxiang who was beside    quickly opened her mouth to interrupt, she also wanted to save: "Dad! This person..."

  Li Yuanyuan knew Ai Yuxiang very well, so he was not flustered and interrupted: "Yuxiang, don't worry, let me finish the sentence first. Let's settle the account."

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