Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 164: The secret agent is too calm (4)

   "Xia...Wanxi...Just let me help you..." Gu Yanyu began to pretend to be pitiful.

   Xia Xia glanced at him lightly: "I don't need it."

  Gu Yanyu: "..."

   "Where are my shoes?" She looked around on the ground, but couldn't see any shoes, so she couldn't just go back to the government with her bare feet, right?

   However, just after this question was asked, Xia Xia remembered that when she was taken away by Gu Yanyu last night, she was not wearing shoes.

   "Oh, I haven't asked the servants to prepare, you wait, I'll go..." Let people prepare.

   "No, I'm leaving." After Xia Xia finished speaking, she walked away from the window.

   She just took the medicine she bought in the platform mall to restore her body, and her body has fully recovered.

   In the room, only Gu Yanyu was left.

   Gu Yanyu frowned and coughed violently while covering his heart.

   I had been holding back when I talked to Xia Xia just now. Although I knew Xia Xia wouldn’t worry about him, I still held back and didn’t show that I was injured.

   "Cough cough..."

   A mouthful of blood spit out, Gu Yanyu's feet softened and he almost knelt on the ground.

   leaned on the bed, barely standing.

   A gust of wind came from the room, and Gu Yanyu saw a pair of white and tender feet falling in front of him.

   looked up in surprise, and saw the summer that has gone and returned.

   There was blood on the corner of his mouth, but Gu Yanyu instinctively grinned and gave Xia Xia a smile.

  Summer has no smile or even any expression on his face.

   She raised her hand and spread it out, holding a pill in her palm.

   "Eat." She said to Gu Yanyu.

   In fact, just now, she saw that Gu Yanyu's health was not very good. Yesterday, her body went into trouble and seriously injured herself, and then she went to save her.

   In just one night, how could Gu Yanyu's health be good?

   So she had already left, but she couldn't help but bought medicine for internal injuries in the platform mall and brought it back to Gu Yanyu.

   Xia Xia told herself that she was not soft-hearted, definitely not soft-hearted!

   As for why she did this, Xia didn't dare to think about it.

  Yes, she didn't dare to think about it.

   Growing up so big, she never thought about love.

  Because she has always believed that she does not need love.

   After all, she has heterosexual resistance...

   Looking at the pill in Xia Xia's hand, Gu Yanyu didn't even think about what it was, and would die if he ate it.

   When Xia Xia ordered him to eat, he picked it up and ate it without hesitation.

   His lack of hesitation shows that he has great trust in Summer.

   Xia Xia was stunned for a while, and there was a trace of unnaturalness in his eyes.

   Then, she withdrew her hand and turned to leave.


   Gu Yanyu wanted to stop Xia Xia, but Xia Xia had already left.

   He looked at the window and smirked like a child who got candy.

   Just kidding, of course he was satisfied!

  I care about him in summer!

   Summer is caring about him!

   Obviously he didn't show that he was injured, but Xia Xia noticed it.

   Mingming had already left in the summer, but he came back to give him medicine.

   At this moment, Gu Yanyu felt that his body was gradually recovering.

  Obviously, this is the effect of the medicine he just took.

   But this Gu Nanshen, who was already satisfied and bubbling, insisted that it was Summer's concern for him that played a role.


   Plane Association. Restoration Department. Operation Room

   Minister Kuang was a little dumbfounded when he looked at Gu Yanyu who was smirking.

   He knew that the eldest young master had been stunned by his subordinates, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

   It's like, terminally ill!

   "Tsk tsk tsk~ Wouldn't it be irritated if those fans who shouted for their male gods and their husbands saw their male **** husbands act like this for other women?"

   Thanks to the strict system of their Plane Association, no employee can say anything about the Plane Association outside. Once discovered, it will be dealt with seriously.

   So these few days, God Gu has always come to the Plane Association, and he has not been on entertainment gossip news.


  The World of Fiction. Shangguanfu.

  After returning to Shangguan Mansion in summer, he did not appear immediately, but went to see Shangguan Wanru.

   She has to know what the situation in Shangguan is now.

  Shangguan Wanru, is a ruthless character, and his shots are straightforward.

   "Have you checked again? In the ruins, you really haven't found a single bone?" Shangguan Wanru asked her confidant, Ling'er.

  Linger nodded: "I really didn't find anything."

   Shangguan Wanru frowned slightly, and her face was full of worry.

   "Shangguan Wanxi... Was it really so burned that there were no bones left?"

  Why is she still a little clueless in her heart?

   "Go find someone to try and see if you can burn even bones." Shangguan Wanru didn't want anything unexpected to happen.

   She must be sure whether Shangguan Wanxi is dead or not!

  Ling'er understood what Shangguan Wanxi meant, and after being a little surprised, she responded, "Yes, this servant will do it now!"

  When I heard this in summer, I stopped listening to it.

   She quickly returned to the yard where Shangguan Wanxi lived, and rolled twice on the pitch-black ground, messing up her hair and getting dirty on her face, and her white underclothes turned black-gray.

   You have to dress up like a pill. In the summer, I bought a pill in the platform mall.

   After taking this pill, it has no effect on her, but others, including the doctor's examination, will find that her body is very weak and weak.

   After taking the pills, he hid in the unburned corner of the yard and lay down in summer.

   Hearing footsteps, Xia Xia coughed hard.

  The footsteps stopped because of summer cough, and then someone said, "Did you hear anything?"

   Someone else responded in a low voice; "It seems... as if someone is... coughing?"

  Xiamen coughed again, which seemed to frighten the people outside.

   "Would you like to... go and see?"

   "Go and see, in broad daylight, you can't be haunted!"

   Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, Xia Xia frowned, her eyes were closed, and her face looked painful.

   After a while, someone exclaimed: "Oh my God! Is this the Fifth Young Lady?! Why is the Fifth Young Lady here?!"

  Someone came to check Xia Xia's breath. After realizing that she was still breathing, she quickly went to find someone...

  Linger was just about to go out to look for it when she heard that she had found the fifth girl, Shangguan Wanxi.

   She was startled and hurried to confirm it herself.

   When it was really confirmed, Linger hurried back to tell Shangguan Wanru.

   "What did you say?! Shangguan Wanxi is alive and intact?!" Shangguan Wanru couldn't believe it.

  Ling'er nodded: "Yes, the maid has seen it. Except for the accident, the fifth miss was not injured. Miss..."

   Shangguan Wanru's face was ugly, she didn't expect 'Shangguan Wanxi' to be nothing at all!

   But it doesn't matter, you can avoid the first day of the first year, but you can't avoid the fifteenth!

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