Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 193: Squad leader, are you blushing? (fifteen)

   Father Jiang really thinks that if his daughter can learn well, she will definitely be able to...

   A smile appeared on his slightly tired face.

   For so many years, Jiang's father has not remarried, not because he couldn't find it, but because he was worried that what he found would be bad for his daughter.

   So although he occasionally raised a lover outside, he never thought of marrying a wife and coming home.


   When she was studying tonight, she wanted to sleep but was always woken up by Bai Yiran. She was very sleepy at this time.

   Exactly, she can see if her insomnia is cured.

   took a shower and lay on the bed, eyes closed.

  This time she fell asleep quickly, but she was dreaming again...

   A cold orphanage with no one.

  Everywhere is very quiet, so quiet that people feel panic from the bottom of their hearts.

   She searched the entire orphanage, but there was still no one there!

   Oh no, someone's!

   She heard it, heard a child cry!

   The cry was very small, as if someone covered his mouth.

   She followed the sound and walked to the door of the Dean's uncle's office.

  The door was not closed properly. Through the crack of the door, she saw... the young lady who lived in the same room as her was stripped naked by the dean and pressed on the sofa.

   Miss Sister's mouth was blocked by the dean's uncle with something, so she could only make a whimpering sound.

   She was frightened, she had never seen such a Dean Uncle...

   took a step back and accidentally bumped into something.

   Dean Uncle heard it!

   Dean Uncle came over!

   The dean's uncle came to her!

   Uncle Dean caught her!

don't want--

"don't want!"

  Xiamen sat up in a hurry, his eyes widened, and the fear from the depths of his soul swept through his body.

   For a few seconds, summer forgets to breathe.

   Realizing that she was just dreaming, she started gasping for breath.

   Sweat had soaked her hair and pajamas, a bit like it was fished out of the water.

  Summer tugged at the sheets tightly with both hands, and his body was still shaking slightly.

   Obviously every time, what she dreams of is an empty orphanage.

  Why this time, I dreamed of such a scene?

   Mingming, so many years...

   Obviously that diabolical old man has been sentenced to death and executed immediately...

   In summer, I feel a little difficult to breathe, and my whole body is very uncomfortable.

  She got up from the bed and left the room barefooted.

   was completely weak, she had to lean against the wall to walk.

   The way downstairs seems to be very long.

   She wanted to drink water, but she happened to pass by Father Jiang's wine cabinet.

   stopped and changed to drinking water.

   He casually took a bottle of red wine down, regardless of whether it was in the collection of Father Jiang, open it first and finish drinking it.

   Holding the bottle and looking up, after a while, half the bottle was gone.

   After drinking, Xia Tian felt that he had regained some strength.

   Holding the wine bottle, he wandered into the yard.

   The early morning night is a little brighter, and in summer, I am more awake.

   She told herself that it had been a long, long time.

   She is not that little girl of five or six years old now, she is very strong, strong enough to protect herself.

   is so powerful that anyone who hurts her will be smashed to pieces!

   chuckled, and Xia Xia took another sip of wine.

  What a pity, that old man is dead.

   If she was still there, she would have to use her own way to treat her body, and torment him a lot to relieve the hatred in her heart!

  Close your eyes, summer doesn't want to recall those dark memories deep in your memory.

   is just fortunate, fortunate that she was...

   "Yueyue?" Father Jiang's voice interrupted Xia Xia's thoughts.

  Xiamen looked back and saw the sleepy-eyed Jiang father standing behind her in pajamas.

   "You are so late, what are you doing in the yard?" Father Jiang asked as he turned on the lights in the yard.

   He came downstairs to drink water, only to see that the door was open and there was a person standing in the courtyard.

   Father Jiang thought it was a burglar in the house, but when he got closer, it didn't look like it.

   turned on the light, and Jiang Fu also saw the empty red wine bottle in Xia's hand.

  Father Jiang's eyes widened: "You even ran up in the middle of the night to drink! You even drank..." The wine that your father treasures!

   Before Father Jiang could say the last sentence, he heard Xia Xia say, "Dad, I'm having a nightmare and I'm quite scared."

   After so many years, except when the daughter just got divorced, she would softly say, "Dad, I'm afraid to sleep alone."

   How long has it been since he heard his daughter speak to him in such a tone?

   Suddenly felt a little distressed, and realized that for so many years, in order to give her daughter a better material life, she had neglected her psychological growth.

   Father Jiang sighed, how could he care whether he drank the wine he treasured in summer.

   walked up to Xia Xia and took her into his arms.

   Father Jiang gently patted her back and comforted: "Don't be afraid, Dad is here, Dad protects you!"

   Xia Xia hummed, feeling the security of fatherly love.

   She wondered more than once, what if she had parents?

   Her parents will definitely protect her, right?

   But unfortunately, she has no parents.

   Even if she left the demonic orphanage, she just went to another orphanage.

   Even if there are no demons in that orphanage...


  Father Jiang took Xia Xia back to the room and asked her to lie back on the bed: "Close your eyes and sleep, you won't have nightmares anymore."

  Summer nodded lightly and closed his eyes.

   She is no longer sleepy, and even if she wants to sleep, she doesn't dare to sleep again.

   Her insomnia was that she didn't dare to sleep from the beginning, and finally evolved into wanting to fall asleep.

   Xia Xia knew that Jiang's father had been guarding her bedside for a long time, thinking that she had fallen asleep before getting up and leaving.

The sound of    closing the door was very small, one could imagine Father Jiang's cautiousness.

  Opening his eyes in summer, his eyes are already very clear.

   Although my heart is still a little depressed, it is much better.

   tilted his head, his eyes fell on the phone on the bedside table.

   reached for the phone and unlocked it.

   It is 19:19 in the morning.

   In other words, she didn't sleep long.

   sighed, **** dream! Damn memories!

   He threw his phone aside, Xia Xia rolled over, curled up and hugged himself.


   At six o'clock, summer has already put on the school uniform and went out.

   She bought breakfast on the way and ate it as she walked.

  It was just a coincidence that she just arrived at the gate of Bai Yiran's house, and Bai Yiran also came out.

   "Hey, Jiang Ziyue!"

  Summer did not turn back immediately, but entered the state first.

   The next second, Xia Xia turned around with a smile: "Yo~ Squad Leader, are you waiting for me?"

   Bai Yiran shook his head: "No!"

   Without waiting for Xia Xia to speak, Bai Yiran got off the bike, looked at her face and asked, "Your face is not good, is there something wrong with you?"

  Xiamen raised his hand and touched his face: "Is your face bad? Oh, maybe it's the reason why you didn't sleep well last night..."

   "You haven't slept well yet?" Bai Yiran was obviously surprised, and then showed suspicious eyes.

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