Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 203: Squad leader, are you blushing? (twenty five)

  So, surrounded by everyone, Xia Xia and Hao Wenjing went to the principal's office and asked the principal to issue the test paper.

   After hearing about Hao Wenjing and Xia Xia's bet, the principal disapproved of them and tried to persuade them.

   It’s just a pity, persuasion is completely useless.

   In the end, there was no other way, the principal had to give out two test papers for Hao Wenjing and Xia Xia to do.

   Two people were doing it in the principal's office, and the principal personally watched them do it.

   To win against Hao Wenjing in the summer, this time, of course, he will not hide his clumsiness.

   After a few swipes, Hao Wenjing hadn't done half of it yet. In summer, she had already finished a test paper and handed it to the principal for correction.

   Hao Wenjing was dumbfounded, the principal was dumbfounded, and the head teacher was dumbfounded...

   After the principal finished marking the summer exam papers, he was even more dumbfounded.

   "You actually did everything right!" The principal looked at Summer in disbelief.

  Hao Wenjing, who was doing the test paper, raised her head: "Impossible! How could she do everything right?!"

   Xia Xia laughed sarcastically and looked at Hao Wenjing: "What? You didn't give me a good study, but you don't want to do the test paper?"

   "You cheated!" Hao Wenjing shouted.

   "Are you blind? I didn't see the principal and the teacher watching here! Or, you mean the principal and the teacher are blind?" Xia Xia's tone was particularly calm.

   Hao Wenjing was stunned for a while, of course she did not dare to say that both the principal and the teacher were blind.

   "Well, if you get all the test papers right, I'll lose this bet," Xia Xia said very boldly.

  The onlookers outside, including the principal and the head teacher in the principal's office, thought that summer might be crazy.

   Only Gu Yanyu unconditionally believed in Xia Xia and felt that she would definitely win.

  Even if you lose...

   Well, he won't really **** if he loses! Not a fool!

   "Okay, what you said!" Hao Wenjing was actually not sure that she could do everything right.

   But in order to win the summer, she must fight!

   Hao Wenjing buried her head and started doing the questions, but she became very nervous for some reason.

   Maybe it was because the pressure was too great, or maybe the questions the principal gave were too difficult.

   Hao Wenjing was very slow in doing the questions and was very uncertain.

   Next to Xia Xia, she looked at her with a smile, giving her invisible pressure.

   After doing it for a full hour, Hao Wenjing checked and checked every question in the test paper before handing it over to the principal.

   In the end, Hao Wenjing got three questions wrong.

   is not the hardest three questions, but the easiest three questions.

   And, she had done it right before, but after checking, she changed it to the wrong answer.

   Such a result made Hao Wenjing almost vomit blood.

   After the Principal announced the results, the onlookers outside cheered and shouted, "Jiang Ziyue is so handsome!"

   Then there was another booing, asking Hao Wenjing to eat the test paper quickly.

  Xiamen didn't speak, just stood there and looked at Hao Wenjing.

  Gu Yanyu came in from outside and looked at Hao Wenjing: "Student Hao, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

   Hao Wenjing blushed, she didn't expect Gu Yanyu to be so unsympathetic to Xiangxiyu.

   Fortunately, Gu Yanyu didn't know what Hao Wenjing was thinking. If he knew, he would probably spit out a mouthful of water.

   Then he said coldly: Sorry, in my heart, except for the four women, all the others are female.

   "Eat the test paper! Eat the test paper! Eat the test paper!"

  The students outside were shouting slogans collectively, and they were so tidy.

   Things have developed to such a point that neither the principal nor the head teacher know how to end it.

   They are all glad that Hao Wenjing was not allowed to **** in the summer.

   Summer is not a fool, of course Hao Wenjing will not be allowed to ****.

  Because if Hao Wenjing was allowed to ****, the principal would definitely not dare to allow them to do so!

   But taking the test paper is different...

   Hao Wenjing didn't move, standing there, his face was black and green, and the color changed very fast, very exciting.

   Someone watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, and asked Hao Wenjing, "Yo~ Hao Wenjing, you just said so arrogantly and confidently that Jiang Ziyue must have cheated, why don't you talk now?"

   Watching the fun is not too big of a problem: "That's it~ It's clear that people got the ranking based on their ability, but they said they cheated, so let's slap in the face!"

   Watching the fun is not too big of a problem No. 3: "It's not a slap in the face! Papapapa!"

   Watching the fun is not too big of a problem No. 4: "Hao Wenjing, are you going to take the test paper? Would you like to admit defeat, understand?"

   Watch the fun and don't take it too seriously No. 5: "That's it! I look down on you if you don't eat the test paper!"

   There were so many people who were booing, Hao Wenjing was so wronged that she couldn't step down.

   Just when the principal couldn't see it and wanted to stop, Hao Wenjing rushed out of the crowd and ran away...

  Yes, she ran away without taking the test paper.

   Summer did not hesitate, but politely bowed slightly to the principal and the head teacher: "A semester is over, the principal and teachers have worked hard! Since the summer homework has been arranged, let's go first!"

   In fact, he should have left school long ago, just to make a bet with Hao Wenjing, everyone stayed.

  Although Hao Wenjing didn't take the test paper, everyone saw the slap in the face quite refreshing.

   The only dissatisfaction is that Hao Wenjing's words don't count.

   However, in summer, it never occurred to Hao Wenjing that she could speak and count and take exam papers.

   Hao Wenjing's affairs have been left behind by her.

   Now her focus is on Gu Yanyu!

   From the time he left the school until the two of them got into the car, Gu Yanyu was always trembling.

   Sitting in the driver's seat, Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia cautiously: "Well, are we going back to Jiang's house or Bai's house now?"

  The corners of Xia Xia's mouth were slightly curved, and he looked at Gu Yanyu like that: "Gu Nanshen, don't you think it's appropriate for us to chat alone at this time?"

  Gu Yanyu: /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ He thinks that at this time, it is suitable for him to kneel on the durian and chat with Summer...

   "Cough, then we... go to the wooden house?" The wooden house in Gu Yanyu's mouth was of course the one built by Grandpa Bai and Grandma Bai.

   Summer nodded and agreed.

   Then Gu Yanyu started the car and headed towards the wooden house.

   Along the way, Gu Yanyu really wanted to find something to say.

   But he was guilty, really... he didn't dare to take the initiative to speak.

   So until they all arrived at the cabin, Gu Yanyu didn't know what to say to Xia Xia.

   Entered the cabin and sat on the sofa in summer.

   Gu Yanyu was very conscious, went to the opposite side of Xia Xia and squatted, looking at her with pitiful eyes.

   This kind of puppy-like eyes made the summer, who was not angry at all, want to laugh even more.

   She really thought she was going to be so angry that she couldn't even laugh.

   After all, the one who was tricked was her.

   But, she really wasn't angry.

   "Why do you want to unite with others to plot against me?" Xia Xia finally spoke and asked Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu raised his hand and pinched his ear, flattened his mouth, and said, "No, I didn't know it at first..."

   "But you still know and participated." Xia Xia deliberately stern face, pretending to be very angry.

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