Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 207: Squad leader, are you blushing? (Extra)

  The post-marital life of Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu was actually similar to that before marriage. The two families got along very well, so they simply lived together.

   As everyone is looking forward to, hug your grandson as soon as possible.

   But this summer didn't say anything about artificial insemination, Gu Yanyu could only shirk and say that he was busy with work and had no time to have children.

   They are indeed very busy. In summer, they have to manage Jiang's father's company, and Gu Yanyu has to manage Bai's father's company.

   The two of them hardly meet during the day except sleeping.

   But this is not bad for summer, after all, she only needs Gu Yanyu most at night!

   In fact, Xia Xia has already understood her heart and understood what her feelings for Gu Yanyu are.

   But for some reason, she was embarrassed.

   I'm sorry to let Gu Yanyu know that she likes him...

   is a bit awkward, so after getting married, in addition to sleeping, summer is deliberately busy.

  One night after five years of marriage, Gu Yanyu was under pressure and asked Summer, who was applying skin care products: "Should we have a child?"

  Xiaomi's hand paused, and the expression on his face became unnatural.

   Want a child? !

   Bai's father, Bai's mother and Jiang's father have not mentioned to her that they want to hold their grandson.

   But this time, she doesn't want artificial insemination.

   Of course, she was too embarrassed to cook rice with Gu Yanyu.

   "I don't want kids," Summer said.

  Gu Yanyu nodded: "I listen to you, if you don't want it, then we don't want it."

   However, Gu Yanyu's obedience made the summer even more uncomfortable.

   Every time, Gu Yanyu would express no opinion on what she said.

   She will feel that she is domineering.

   took a deep breath, Xia Xia walked from the dressing table to Gu Yanyu's side and looked at him: "Do you want a child?"

   Gu Yanyu blinked and asked Xia Tian: "If... if I wanted it, would you give birth?"

  He's been a dad twice, and he thinks he's pretty competent at what he does.


   "What?!" Gu Yanyu felt that he might have heard it wrong.

   He seemed to hear Xia Xia humming, didn't he? ! is not it? !

  Xiamen looked at Gu Yanyu and said, "If you want a child, then I will give birth."

  Actually...she really wants a child too.

   She likes children very much, because she wants to give them the maternal love that she did not get when she was a child.

   If it weren't for her too busy work in the real world, she would have wanted to go to artificial insemination to have a baby.

   It just seems that she can't afford to raise children in the real world, because her own consumption is quite high.

   When Xia Xia said, "If you want a child, I will give birth", Gu Yanyu felt that he heard the sound of heaven.

   Summer, let him take another step closer to her?


   The next day, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia simply put down their work and told Father Bai, Mother White and Father Jiang that they were going on vacation.

   Actually, they went for artificial insemination.

   Well, this time it was artificial insemination.

   Mainly, I’m sorry in summer…

   Then Gu Yanyu, who always thought he was a master of feelings, didn't know that if he offered to make further contact, Xia Xia would not refuse.

   That's it, one was slow to respond, and the other was a little embarrassed.

  Two people are destined to be in this world, respecting each other like guests——

   Shortly after returning from vacation, summer was pregnant.

   This good news made the whole family very happy and started to revolve around summer every day.

   Of course, Gu Yanyu is no exception.

   In this world, summer gave birth to a son.

   When the son's 100-day banquet, the original male and female protagonists both came.

  Because the original male protagonist and Gu Yanyu were business partners, their son's 100-day banquet, the original male protagonist and the original female protagonist will come.

   In addition to these two students, many middle school and college students also participated.

At the    wine table, someone at the table of high school classmates mentioned high school.

   Then, someone mentioned Hao Wenjing who made a bet with Xia Xia.

   "Do you know, Hao Wenjing is very depressed right now! I heard from a friend of a friend a few days ago that she acts as an agent for others and hires artists to sleep with them. Later, her story came out."

"And then?"

"Although this kind of unspoken rule is quite common, Hao Wenjing is disgusting. Many people don't like her! And I heard that she has offended someone and has been suppressed in the circle, and now she is on the blacklist. , no one even dares to ask her for the errands!"

   Hearing the talk on the wine table, Gu Yanyu glanced at Xia Xia.

  Summer's mouth raises a shallow arc, which is her habit.

  Hao Wenjing…

  In Jiang Ziyue's memory and the information belonging to Bai Yiran obtained in the summer, it shows that the Bai family's company encountered a financial crisis because of the financial crisis.

   In the end, the Bai family went bankrupt and owed a lot of debts.

  Compared to the Bai family, the Jiang family is slightly better, but it is in a state of immortality.

   Even if Jiang Ziyue, who has been watching Bai Yiran silently, wants to help him, the Jiang family can't help.

   So, she watched Bai Yiran become an artist at the suggestion of Hao Wenjing, who was already an agent.

   Seeing that Bai Yiran has entered the entertainment industry, Jiang Ziyue has also entered the entertainment industry.

   In this world, there is white, there is black, and there is gray.

   is not just in the entertainment industry, there are many dark places.

  The entertainment industry is not easy to enter, luck is very important.

  Jiang Ziyue has a good skin, but she entered the company quite smoothly, but it was not tepid.

   Then, she was assigned to Hao Wenjing, and she was also taken by Hao Wenjing.

  Hao Wenjing has a habit that entertainers get resources.

   She likes Bai Yiran, but Bai Yiran doesn't like her.

   Maybe it's because of love and hate. A big director fell in love with Bai Yiran and said that as long as he could sleep for one night, he would let Bai Yiran be the male lead in a play.

   That play is very big, but the pay is very high.

  Hao Wenjing also has a habit of swallowing artists' money.

   Those remunerations are the same as hers.

   The temptation was too great, so Hao Wenjing drugged Bai Yiran...

   That day, Jiang Ziyue also accidentally saw Hao Wenjing leaving with Bai Yiran.

   Somehow, she followed.

   Seeing Bai Yiran being drugged, of course Jiang Ziyue couldn't sit idly by.

   Jiang Ziyue took out her mobile phone and called the police, and in order to delay time, she rushed out and exposed herself.

   In the end, she herself was caught.

   Seeing it was her, Hao Wenjing said that she would be given to the director's men for free.

   That director is quite perverted and likes to do that kind of thing in front of others.

   Jiang Ziyue watched the director take off Bai Yiran's clothes...

   Bai Yiran was only drugged, unable to move or speak, and did not lose consciousness.

   Looking at Bai Yiran's desperate eyes, Jiang Ziyue's mind didn't think of anything, she broke free from the restraint of the director, rushed to hug the director...jumped from the 20th floor...

At the moment when    fell, Jiang Ziyue was not thinking that she was going to die, but that she was glad... Bai Yiran was not hurt.

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