Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 252: Ghost Eye Shadow Emperor, Please Hug (Seventeen)

   After hanging up the video chat with Li Yao, Xia Xia looked up at Mo Jinchen who was filming the last scene.

   After filming today, it’s finished!

  Mo Jinchen said that after the filming, she would rest for a while and take her to travel.

  Summer said that she was looking forward to-

After    finally finished and went home, Mo Jinchen asked where he wanted to travel in summer.

  Xiamen originally wanted to say 'I'll go wherever you go', but when she spoke, she suddenly thought of a person.

   "I want to go to L city." Summer said.

  Mo Jinchen raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Do you want to go back to your hometown to see?"

  Because of the revelations on the Internet, Mo Jinchen knew that An Ruoshui's hometown was Lixian Town in L City.

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, I want to go see someone, is still there."

  Since An Ruoshui chose to run away because of fear five years ago instead of calling the police, now five years later, she will act for Tian!

   There are indeed many rumors about An Ruoshui on the Internet, and there are many explanations for the reason why she ran out of the orphanage at the age of fifteen.

   But none of them were about the orphanage director named Wang Mingyuan.

   Most of them said that she ran away with others because of her puppy love.

  Mo Jinchen took a month to do nothing, especially to accompany the summer.

  Since the summer said that he wanted to go to L City, let’s go.

   Originally, Mo Jinchen said that he would take Summer to L City the next day, but in Summer he said he had to prepare something.

   "What?" Mo Jinchen asked Summer.

  Xiamen raised his hand to hold his face, and admired it left and right: "Such a handsome face, so eye-catching, you can be recognized by others as soon as you go out!"

  Mo Jinchen blinked and joked, "Then do you still know how to disguise yourself?"

  Xiamen snapped his fingers and raised his eyebrows at Mo Jinchen: "You guessed it right! Big sister is good at disguising!"

   As a bug fixer and energy collector, he has such a golden finger, he will absorb what the host is good at.

  Si Tu in the previous world is good at disguise, and after entering her body in summer, she will naturally be able to disguise.

  Mo Jinchen is too eye-catching, if they don't pretend, they will probably be surrounded by people when they go out.

   In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, I think it would be better to make it easier in summer.

   It’s just that Yi Rong needs something, and there’s no way to get it right away.

   After seeing the hypnosis technique in the summer, Mo Jinchen was not surprised to know that she could change face.

   He didn't ask Xia Xia how he could use disguise, just like Xia Xia didn't ask him how to absorb ghost energy.

   The two are very tacit and trust each other.


  Some of the things that Yi Rong needed took a day in summer, and they were prepared with the help of Mo Jinchen.

   On the third day of Mo Jinchen's official rest, Summer made it easy for him and himself.

   Mo Jinchen is still a handsome little fresh meat, and a beautiful little beauty in summer.

   It’s just that no one will recognize them, even if you compare them with photos, you can’t recognize them.

  Mo Jichen stood in front of the mirror and touched his face, his eyes full of surprise: "Wow, lady, you are really amazing, will this take off your makeup?"

   Take off makeup? It's not like makeup!

   "Don't worry, there is no special solution for removing makeup, even if you use makeup remover a hundred times, it will not come off." Xia Xia raised her hand and pinched Mo Jichen's cheek.

  Mo Jinchen leaned over and kissed her pink lips in summer: "My wife is not ordinary!"

  Xiamen raised his chin, slightly proud.

   Seeing what Xia Xia looked like, Mo Jinchen stretched out his arms and put his arms around her waist slightly, and brought it into his arms.

  Mo Jinchen leaned closer to Xia Xia's ear, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Why don't we have a fight before we set off?"

   After finishing speaking, Mo Jinchen also bit his earlobe, which is more sensitive in summer.

  Summer shrank his neck, his body felt numb.

   quickly pushed Mo Jinchen away and showed him the time: "I have to catch a plane!"

  Mo Jinchen pretended to be disappointed, and sighed: "Okay, okay~ Then catch the plane first~"

   Under the light of the bathroom, Mo Jichen's handsome face made such an expression, which made summer a little unbearable.

   He slightly stood on tiptoe to hold Mo Jinchen's face, and kissed his forehead: "Good boy~ let's go~"

   After saying that, summer has already left the bathroom first.

  Mo Jichen quickly followed, then put his arms around her waist, leaning halfway on her back, and walked with her into the living room with a smile—

   The plane at 10:30 in the morning arrived at L City, it was already one o'clock.

  Because of having lunch on the plane, after getting off the plane, Mo Jichen and Xia Xia got into the car they arranged in advance and went straight to Lixian Town.

  Mo Jinchen drives and sits in the co-pilot's seat in summer.

   There was light music in the car, and in summer, I looked at the beautiful scenery along the road and didn’t speak.

   Mo Jichen keenly discovered that the mood in summer had changed since they drove to Lixian Town.

   Although he didn't show it on his face, he still felt it.

   tilted his head and glanced at Xia Xia, only to see the back of her head.

   Now that the road is smooth, Mo Jichen simply pulled out a hand and held Summer's hand in his palm.

  The temperature from his hand made the summer in the memory turn his head and look at Mo Jinchen: "What's wrong?"

   Her eyes were indifferent, but the corners of her mouth had a habitual arc, like a smile but not a smile.

   In summer like this, it was the first time that Mo Jinchen met.

   But if he regained his memory, he would know that this summer was the summer when he first met.

   Seeing such a strange summer, Mo Jichen felt that his heart throbbed for a moment.

   held Xia Xia's hand, and instinctively tightened: "I should ask you, since you got off the plane, you are in a bad mood, what's wrong?"

  Xiamen paused before realizing that her own emotions were not right.

   shook his head and gave Mo Jinchen a smile: "I'm fine, I just remembered something from a long time ago."

   Seeing Mo Jinchen still looking at her, Xia Xia raised her eyebrows: "Why are you looking at me, drive well!"

  Mo Jichen didn't speak, turned his head and drove seriously.

   just held Summer's hand, but did not let go.

   Summer doesn't want to say, so he doesn't ask.

   He can wait until Xia Xia takes the initiative to tell him...


   From L City to Lixian Town, they are not fast, so it took more than an hour.

   By the time Mo Jinchen and the others arrived at Lixian Town, it was already past two in the afternoon.

   In summer, I asked Mo Jichen if he was tired, if he wanted to find a place to stay first.

   "No, aren't you going to the orphanage? Let's go now." Mo Jinchen said.

   She did go to the orphanage, after all, it was her only destination.

  Xiamen nodded: "Okay, then let's go to the orphanage first."

  I haven’t come back for four years. Lixian Town has not changed much. I know the way in summer, so I don’t need to open navigation at all.

  Lixian Town is not big. Drive through the only big street, turn a corner, and walk a little further to the orphanage.

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