Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 256: Ghost Eye Shadow Emperor, Please Hug (21)

   Of course, what she saw was different from what Wang Mingyuan saw, what she saw was Xiaoning at the door.

   and a group of resentful ghosts that she knows and does not know.

   There are too many resentful ghosts, and the eyes are getting colder and colder in summer.

  Xiaoning told Xia Xia that they could not approach Wang Mingyuan, but they had the ability to block all the voices in the office.

  No one will disturb you until dawn.

   "Why can't you approach him?" Xia Xia asked Xiaoning.

  Xiaoning said: "He has a jade Buddha who has been enlightened, and his strength is very strong."

   "You, you... Who are you talking to?" Wang Mingyuan clearly saw Xia Xia talking outside the door.

   But outside the door, no one is there!

  Xiamen turned his head to look at Wang Mingyuan, his eyes fell on the Jade Buddha hanging around his neck.

  It turned out to be this thing that made Wang Mingyuan so mad, but he has not been swallowed alive by these grudges!

   "I'm talking to Xiaoning. President Xiaoning Wang should still remember? After all, you tortured her for so long..."

  Wang Mingyuan of course still remembers Xiaoning, but Xiaoning is dead!

   swallowed his saliva, Wang Mingyuan looked at Xia Xia: "What are you going to do to let me go?"

   He knew that it was impossible for him to just run like this, so he could only delay the time as much as possible, or convince the two people in front of him that it was naturally the best.

  Xiamen didn't answer him, the fruit knife in his hand turned faster.

   She tilted her head and said to Mo Jinchen, "Achen, send Xiaolan out first."

   She didn't want such a small child to see blood.

  Mo Jinchen nodded, picked up the sofa, covered him and the little girl in the summer coat and went out.

   The little girl passed out because of suffocation, so she hasn't woken up for so long——

   Mo Jinchen just walked out with the little girl in his arms, when he heard painful cries from inside.

   This painful cry originated from Wang Mingyuan.

  's footsteps paused slightly, this voice could not be heard by anyone outside except him.

   There was no expression on his face, he just carried the little girl up the stairs.


   In the dean's office, Wang Mingyuan curled up on the ground, shivering with pain.

   He covered his lower body with both hands, and red blood flowed from his fingers.

   "Ah~~ I~ I won't let you go! You bitch!! I should have killed you in the first place! I will kill you directly!"

  Wang Mingyuan continued to speak harshly in pain, gnashing his teeth.

  Xiamen squatted a meter away, holding a blood-stained fruit knife handle in his hand: "Tsk tsk~ Do you think I like touching you very much? But there are only fruit knives here, so I can only do it first."

   However, this Wang Mingyuan is so disgusting, in the summer he feels that one meter away from him is too close!

   looked left and right and saw a golf club in the corner.

   Her eyes lit up, this is a good tool!

   Xia Xia threw the fruit knife directly, I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, and inserted it firmly into Wang Mingyuan's thigh.

   The words came, and there was another scream of pain.

   As for summer, I walked over to get golf clubs without looking back.

   Holding the golf club in his hand, he turned to look at Wang Mingyuan in the summer.

  The fruit knife was inserted into Wang Mingyuan's thigh, the entire blade did not go into the flesh, and blood kept pouring out of the wound.

   The red color is really pretty.

  Wang Mingyuan was in excruciating pain, but he still calmly took advantage of the summer to turn around to get the golf club's neutral position, and went to pick up his cell phone on the coffee table.

  Call the police! This is Wang Mingyuan's only thought now.

  But the phone was just in the hand before it was unlocked, and it was thrown away by the golf club in the summer.

   "Are you trying to call the police?" Xia Xia looked at Wang Mingyuan knowingly.

  Wang Mingyuan was in a cold sweat from the pain, and he was too scared in his heart.

   He felt that the summer in front of him was really terrifying! horrible!

   But he didn't think that when he was torturing those little girls, how terrifying he was to those little girls?

   "In the end... what do you want?" Wang Mingyuan endured the pain from life and death, and looked at Xia Xia with a look of fear.

  Xia Tian still had a full smile on his face, with a particularly bright smile: "Of course I killed you! My intention is so obvious, Dean Wang won't be able to see it, right?"

Hearing Xia Xia clearly say it clearly, Wang Mingyuan really almost cried: "I beg you~ I beg you not to kill me~ I can give you anything you want, do you want money? I can give it to you. Yours! Or do you want me to surrender? I can too..."

   "Huh~ Surrender yourself?" Xia Xia's sneer interrupted Wang Mingyuan's words.

  Wang Mingyuan thought that Xia Xia thought his method was feasible, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes! I can turn myself in!"

   As he just said to Mo Jinchen, he has someone in the game.

   Even if he turns himself in, he can still be saved.

   You must know that the police chief of Lixian Town has come to the orphanage to play!

   "Okay~ Dean Wang, please tell me first, what have you done in the past few years?" Xia Xia sat down on the sofa with a golf club, and crossed Erlang's legs leisurely.

Wang Mingyuan looked at his lifeblood, which was cut in half, and the fruit knife still stuck in his thigh, swallowed, gasped, and said, "I...I raped an underage girl...I...I accept it. Money lets those people **** underage girls..."

   "How much?" Summer asked.

   "Huh?" Wang Mingyuan looked up at Xia Xia, but didn't realize how much she asked and what she meant.

   "I said, how many underage girls have you persecuted over the past few years, and how much have you charged?" This time, Xia Xia asked in more detail.

  Wang Mingyuan frowned and thought for a long time, then said unsurely: "Twenty?..."

   "Less!" Summer's cold voice interrupted.

   She raised her eyes and looked at the resentful ghosts outside the office, at least thirty!

  Wang Mingyuan was so frightened by Xia Xia that he thought about it again, and then said, "I don't remember...but...but I wrote it down, it's in the drawer..."

   The drawer mentioned by Wang Mingyuan is his desk drawer.

   Take a look at it in summer, it is still a high-tech that requires a password to open!

   He didn't even look at Wang Mingyuan and asked him, "How much is the password?"


   "Seven digits?"

   "Six...six digits..."

  Summer did not speak, and pressed the code on the combination lock.

   Only a ding sound was heard, and the drawer could be opened.

  I opened the drawer in summer and saw a thick notepad inside.

   took it out and opened it. It not only recorded in detail when and who played and how much money was given, but also recorded which girls they played with, and even which girls were tortured to death.

   "Wang Mingyuan, forty-nine girls, how did you get down?" Summer counted, forty-nine, thirty-one of them died.

   She lowered her head to look at the notepad, and tightened the hand holding the notepad, as if she could crush the notepad.

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