Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 263: Ghost Eye Shadow Emperor, please hug (28)

   Lucia's age seems to be at most eight years old, an innocent age, but she has been trapped in this place for nearly four hundred years.

   Think about it, summer is a little distressed.

how? Don't the messengers of **** here care?

   Lucia knew who Xia Xia was talking about, the tall and handsome Mo Jinchen who somehow made her a little scared and didn't dare to approach.

   "Can that brother see me too? Oh my god~ it's really amazing!" Lucia was spinning in circles in the air.

   If it weren't for her lack of white wings and golden halo, people would really mistake her for an angel.

   Lucia has been trapped in this palace for more than 300 years. Although she has seen many people, her mental age is still at the time of death.

   Lucia told Summer that she was seven years old.

   is a year younger than summer guessed.

   Lucia said that when she came here to play with her father that year, she was pushed down the stairs by His Royal Highness, who was five years older than her, and fell to her death.

   In order to cover up the crime, His Royal Highness buried her in the garden, and lied to her father that she ran out of the palace naughty.

   She is clearly here, but her father can't see her...

   Lucia cried too, crying every day for her father.

   But her father left, and she was not found in the end.

   Lucia said that she also wanted to leave with her father, but she found that she could not leave the palace at all.

   She couldn't leave the palace, so she followed the prince who killed her every day, hoping that one day the prince would find out in conscience and take the initiative to admit his crime.

   But His Royal Highness has already inherited the throne, but there is still no time for conscience to find out.

   Occasionally passing by the place where her body was buried, he would stop and laugh sarcastically.

   Lucia had thought about how nice it would be if she could meet him, so that she could scare him and let him tell everyone the truth.

   Even if Lucia was killed by the vicious prince at a young age, she never thought of killing him for revenge, but hoped that he would take the initiative to confess.

   Maybe it is because Lucia is so kind and not blinded by hatred, so even if she is dead, she looks different from other ghosts.

   It’s just a pity, until the prince who had become the king was killed because of the palace change, Lucia never met the prince.

   "Lucia, do you want to leave here?" Summer asked Lucia.

   Lucia nodded, her eyes full of anticipation: "I really want to, I want to leave this place! I want to go back to my homeland! I want..."

   "Ruoshui what are you talking to yourself?"

  Lin Yueyue saw that Xia Xia was walking far alone, so she simply came over and called her.

   I didn't expect to hear Xia 'talking to myself' as soon as I approached.

  Lin Yueyue came over, and she didn't talk to Lucia again in the summer.

   "It's fine, I prefer to talk to myself." Xia Xia replied to Lin Yueyue.

   "That brother is back!" Lucia said, pointing behind Xia Xia.

   Looking back in summer, I saw Mo Jichen.

   And beside him, Le Feining, who was chasing after him with a trot.

  Le Feining chased Mo Jinchen and looked at Mo Jinchen with the kind of hungry eyes he saw when he saw the treasure.

   And Mo Jinchen, of course, ignored her from the beginning to the end, and only looked at the summer.

  Xiamen raised his feet to meet them, and the two of them reached out to hold each other at the same time, with a tacit understanding.

   Looking at Xia Xia and Mo Jinchen's hands, Le Feining stopped.

   Oh, she forgot, Mo Jinchen has a girlfriend.


   "Where have you been, Feining? We are all worried to death!" Lin Yueyue and Meng Lingyu surrounded Le Feining.

  Le Fei smiled dryly and said, "I saw a place where it was very beautiful, so... I'm sorry, I made you worry!"

   "It's good that you come back, the son is really amazing, he found you so quickly!"

  The conversation turned to Mo Jinchen, who was talking to Xia Xia, and Mo Jinchen turned around and said, "It's just at the stairway over there, I didn't go very far."

   He did find Le Feining at the entrance of the stairs. Of course, she was standing on the edge of the window sill at the entrance of the stairs, and was forced to retreat again and again by those ghosts.

  The photographer could see that he stopped Le Feining, but at this moment, Le Feining fell to the outside of the windowsill...

  The photographer almost threw away the camera in his hand. When Le Feining was about to fall down, Mo Jinchen reached out and grabbed Le Feining's hand.

  Le Feining was pulled back, and when she was still in shock, she saw Mo Jinchen waved and waved those ghosts away.

   So on the way back to the team, Le Feining kept asking Mo Jinchen if he could see it too.

   She didn't say if she could see anything, but she knew from Mo Jinchen's appearance that he could definitely see ghosts!

   Not only that, those ghosts are also very afraid of him!

   What Le Fei was thinking about was, if she was by Mo Jinchen's side, wouldn't she be protected from being disturbed by those ghosts?

   Over the years, she has had enough of this kind of life.

   It's been five years since her debut, if it wasn't for those ghosts, would she be as tepid as she is now?


  Le Feining's episode, except for scaring the photographer, other people who haven't seen it don't care.

   After visiting the palace, everyone was ready to leave.

   Before leaving, Xia Xia walked to a corner that no one saw and told Lucia: "I will come back at night, you wait for me."

   Lucia nodded: "I believe my sister will definitely come!"

  Xiamen smiled, waved at her, and left the corner.

   As soon as he went out, he saw Le Feining talking to Mo Jinchen, and Mo Jinchen was coping with it politely.

   raised her eyebrows. In the original plot, it was mentioned that when Mo Jinchen and Le Feining met, Le Feining was happy that someone had the same ghost eyes as her, but she didn't want to get entangled with Mo Jinchen like she is now!

how? Want to be a rival in love with her?

   For Mo Jichen's personal charm, summer is still very sure.

  Although according to the original plot, the male protagonist has already appeared, but this does not rule out that the female protagonist will fall in love with Mo Jichen!

  Xiamen lifted his foot and stepped forward, originally wanting to hear what Le Feining said to Mo Jinchen.

   It's just that Le Feining closed her mouth as soon as she approached.

   "Can I go?" Xia Xia asked Mo Jinchen.

  Mo Jinchen nodded and took Xia Xia's hand; "Let's go, the restaurant for dinner is very close to here."


   After lunch, everyone went to another scenic spot to see.

   Along the way, whenever Le Feining found an opportunity, she would go and talk to Mo Jinchen alone.

   As for what to say, Xia Xia didn't know, and she didn't ask.

  Mo Jinchen didn't want to talk to Le Feining at all, so he dealt with it politely at first, and then he just turned cold.

The photographers next to    thought it was very strange. Why did Le Feining always talk to Mo Jinchen?

   When the director of the program group next to him saw it, he suddenly thought of a good hype idea...

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