Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 266: Ghost Eye Shadow Emperor, please hug (31)

   When we arrived at Xili Town, it was already half past eleven.

   Lucia is really special, so special that it doesn't matter even in the sun.

   A road to Xili Town, Lucia flew out of the car.

  Although this place is very different from the hometown in Lucia's memory, this is where she grew up, and she has a special feeling for it!

   She knew that this was her hometown!

   "Oh my God! Lucia really returned to her hometown! Lucia really returned to her hometown..."

   The little girl who was swaying around happily just now was squatting on the ground and crying.

   Looking at it in summer, it really hurts.

   Gu Yanyu took out the box containing Lucia's bones and stood behind Xia Xia.

Meng Lingyu next to    walked over curiously and asked Gu Yanyu: "What is the son holding in his hand?"

   Gu Yanyu glanced at Meng Lingyu lightly and said, "It's nothing."

   Obviously, Gu Yanyu didn't want to tell Meng Lingyu.

  Meng Lingyu touched his nose, no longer making fun of himself.

   It was Le Feining, who walked up to Gu Yanyu and asked him softly, "Is this Lucia's corpse?"

   Along the way, Le Fei Ningguang listened to Xia Xia chatting with Lucia, and heard something.

   Compared with Meng Lingyu, Gu Yanyu was more impatient to deal with Le Feining.

   He is not blind, so he naturally knows what Le Feining intends for him.

  Like Le Feining, he is not surprised.

   "Hmm." With a casual answer, Gu Yanyu didn't mean to speak anymore.

  Le Feining didn't mind, and said again; "Lucia is very cute, the son is really kind, and he deliberately brought Lucia's bones back to his hometown!"

   This flattery is not very standard.

   Gu Yanyu finally turned his head to give Le Feining a look, and hooked his lips to reveal an intoxicating smile.

  Le Feining only felt that her heart skipped a beat, and her cheeks began to heat up.

   She thought what she said was very pleasing, so Gu Yanyu looked at her.

   The curvature of the corners of his mouth could not be pressed down, he lowered his head and looked embarrassed to look at Gu Yanyu.

   There is no doubt that Le Feining's appearance is indeed very good.

  If you don't talk about temperament and appearance, it's really not as beautiful as Le Feining in summer when it's just a delicate little beauty.

   At this time, Gu Yanyu and Le Feining were standing together, the man was handsome and handsome, and the woman was beautiful.

   With the picturesque Xili Town as the background image, the two of them really look like a 'a pair of beautiful people'!

  The director specially asked the photographer to make a close-up of Gu Yanyu and Le Feining, as if to explain something.

Le Feining opened her mouth, just as she was about to speak, she heard Gu Yanyu say: "The kindness is my wife! And I... I've never been a kind person, I generally don't get used to it, whether it's a person or a ghost, directly Just remove it."

   He said this lightly, even with a smile.

  Coke Fei Ning listened, but felt a biting chill inside.

   She even shivered uncontrollably.

  The sense of fear comes from the depths of the heart.

   Gu Yanyu finally said to Le Feining: "I don't like you right now, so please be self-aware, thank you!"

  Although he is very happy to see his wife overturn the vinegar jar occasionally, Gu Yanyu obviously knows that it is almost impossible for Xia Tian to overturn the vinegar jar.

  Who made her trust him so much...

   So, he is still conscious and solve these unnecessary troubles around him!

   Gu Yanyu's voice fell, and regardless of whether Le Feining was starting to tremble, he raised his feet and walked towards Xia Xia——

  Le Feining looked at the backs of Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia, and the look in Gu Yanyu's eyes at Xia Xia, and suddenly understood a truth.

   If she missed it, she missed it, even if she regretted not making "The Troubled World", it would be useless.

   Even now, it's useless if she wants to shamelessly insert herself between the two.

  Because of this man, it's terrible!

   He loves you and can destroy the world for you.

   He doesn't love you and can destroy you!

   I have to say that Le Feining will see through this very clearly.

   The only thing she didn't understand was that Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia didn't get together because of the drama "The Lord of Troubled Times".

   So even if she were to go back in time, even if Le Feixing filmed "The Monarch in Troubled Times", she would never get the man who didn't belong to her in the first place!


  Because Xia Xia wanted to bury Lucia's corpse earlier, Gu Yanyu went to tell the program team that the recording would be suspended and that he would go to a place with Xia Xia alone.

   The program team didn't want to agree, but Gu Yanyu's attitude was too firm.

   They seem to have no guts to disagree.

  So, the program team had to record the scenes where several other artists went to play.

   Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu followed Lucia to her family's manor.

  The manor of the Collins family is a relatively famous manor in Xili Town.

  In ancient times, the Collins family was a family.

   It was only three hundred years ago, shortly after Lucia's death, that the Collins family fell.

  The Collins family left nothing but this empty shell-like manor.

   I heard that Collins Manor is haunted, so it has been empty for so many years.

  People who come here to travel will also choose to come to Collins Manor to see if it is really haunted.

   In the program team's arrangement, there are actually people who are going to take an adventure to Collins Manor.

   It was just that Le Feining was worried that there were really ghosts in it, so she strongly opposed it.

  There is no other way, so everyone has to give up.

   As soon as Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu entered the Collins Manor, they felt an unusual atmosphere.

   Looking up, there seems to be a figure in the window of a room on the second floor of the Collins house.

   "Father! It's father!" Lucia shouted and flew towards the house.

   Xia Xia glanced at Gu Yanyu and walked quickly towards the somewhat gloomy house.

  The door is not closed, as if welcoming guests.

   As soon as Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu walked to the door, they saw Lucia thrown into the arms of a middle-aged foreign male ghost, shouting, "Father! Lucia misses you so much~ I miss you so much~"

  Lucia's father Alberta hugged Lucia tightly and was crying. He didn't know if he was crying after waiting so many years for his daughter to come back, or if he was crying that her daughter's soul state was still the same as when she was seven...

   "Lucia! Father misses you so much! I really miss you so much!" Alberta choked and said, missing her daughter for hundreds of years.

   Xia Xia stood at the door with Gu Yanyu, and didn't bother the father and daughter to talk about the old time separated by more than 300 years——

  It took about an hour for Lucia to tell Alberta about the cause of her death that year and the reason why she never came back.

   Alberta was angry and distressed after hearing this, but more of a self-blame.

   If he didn't take his daughter to the palace back then, this would definitely not have happened!

   "That **** highness! He actually deceived me! Murderer!" Alberta gritted her teeth with hatred.

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