Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 287: Rebellious brother, violent temper (18)

  Yan Mingyu took two steps back and forgot to ask Xia Xia to settle accounts, and said quickly, "Then I'll go down and cook!"

   After nodding in the summer, Yan Mingyu turned around and ran away...

  Xia Tian tilted his head and thought about it, as if Yan Mingyu always ran away when facing her these days.

  What, is she scary?

   The favorability level has increased to 90%, so the kid should like her now, right?

  Although I have been in love with Gu Yanyu several times, I still don't quite understand it in summer.

   And how should this favorability measure be measured?

   Forget it, she only needs to know that her favorability is still ten percent less.

   It's only been a month, and the favorability is still 10%, which is still very good for summer.

   pursed his lips, and Xia Tian suddenly remembered that he hadn't brushed his teeth yet.

   Then she just kissed Yan Mingyu?

  cough... At this time, she was glad that she never had bad breath, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

   shook his head, turned around in the summer and went into the bathroom to wash—


   After Yan Mingyu fled downstairs, he almost cut his hands when cutting vegetables.

   His face seemed to have a fever, which was unbearably hot.

   Even his lips seemed to be getting hot all the time.

   In my mind, I kept replaying the summer when I turned around, and my lips brushed against his...

   That feeling is really too, too... He can't describe it!

How to do? He seems... he seems to be in love with 'Fu Nianhua'!

  How could he like her?

   He obviously hates her, he hates her very much!

   Yan Mingyu was surprised to find that he stopped hating her for some unknown time!

   But when did you start not hating it?

   When he sent someone to the hospital, the first thing she did when she came to the hospital was to protect him?

   Or when she said to others: 'My brother is not a liar'?

   Or when she said to him: 'Even if no one believes in you, I will believe in you'?

   Or when she said to others when he was seriously injured and in a coma: 'My people dare to move, you'd better pray that you...have no murder case'?

Eh? Although this sentence is very overbearing, why does he seem to feel that something is not right?

  He mainly didn't understand the last sentence of Summer, 'It's better to pray that there is no murder case on him. ’

  What if there is a murder case?

   After his attention was diverted, Yan Mingyu didn't care about being shy.

  Because what he is struggling with now is why Summer would say such a thing.

   He didn't know how Xia Xia found him and how he took him away that day.

   And looking at the appearance of summer, there is no injury at all.

   I didn’t think about it at first, but now that I think about it, it feels weird in many places…

   "The vegetables are all mushy, when are you going to fry them?"

   Yan Mingyu was startled by the sudden voice that came out in the summer, he looked down, just because he was shocked, the tomatoes and eggs were fried for him!

  Yan Mingyu quickly turned off the fire, threw the mushy vegetables into the trash can, washed the pot and cooked the vegetables again.

   "That... let me ask you something." Yan Mingyu tried his best to look natural, but he was too embarrassed to look into Xia Xia's eyes.

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, you asked."

   "How did you know I was in the alley a few days ago?" Yan Mingyu asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen thought about it and said, "I heard a voice when I was looking for you, so I went to have a look."

   "Then, how did you deal with those people?" Yan Mingyu asked again.

   She broke the legs of the ten people, and then used hypnotism to ask them what illegal things they had done.

After   , their memory was erased.

   "I said I called the police and let them go."

  Yan Mingyu originally wanted to ask what Xia Xia's words meant, but after thinking about it, he thought that Xia Xia's words meant that she had already called the police, and then the police would investigate them, right?

  If you commit a murder case, it will definitely be a heavy sentence!

   Well, that should be the case!

   Yan Mingyu snorted and continued cooking.


  After lunch, Yan Mingyu went out after washing the dishes.

   Before going out, he also told Xia Xia that he would go shopping for food after school.

   Xia Xia responded, thought about it again, and said, "How about I take you there? I'll pick you up when you are after school, and then go shopping together?"

   Shall we go grocery shopping together? Holding hands like little couples in the supermarket discussing what to eat for the evening?

  cough cough... holding hands or something, this is definitely something he thinks too much.

   Well, even if you don't hold hands, that's fine.

   Yan Mingyu pursed his lips tightly, trying to hide his expectations.

   "Forget it, then I'll reluctantly agree to you, go and change your clothes quickly, I won't wait for you if it's late!" Yan Mingyu waved his hand to Xia Xia, pretending to be impatient.

  Summer of course saw Yan Mingyu's brightened eyes, and didn't mind his arrogant disguise, nodded and turned to go upstairs——

  Opened the closet, all black and white are capable suits, and even the home clothes and pajamas are three colors of black, white and gray.

   At the age of twenty-three, can’t you dress brightly?

   Even if it is a suit, there are other colors!

   This month, I wear home clothes when I don’t go out, so I didn’t think about buying clothes or anything.

   Today I went to the supermarket with Yan Mingyu. He was wearing a school uniform and she was wearing a suit. Even if her face looked young, her dress showed the fact that she was older than Yan Mingyu.

   sighed, forget it, her world is indeed bigger than his.

  Xiamer took a white shirt and matched it with a black suit, and decided in her heart that she would go shopping after sending Yan Mingyu to school!


   I changed my clothes, and I still don’t have makeup as usual in summer.

   went downstairs with the bag and said to Yan Mingyu who was standing in the living room waiting for her, "Let's go."

   Yan Mingyu nodded and followed Xia Xia downstairs to the underground parking garage.

   "Or I'll drive?" Yan Mingyu looked at the Hummer in summer and said.

  Xiamen glanced at him: "People who don't have a driver's license can only sit in the co-pilot honestly."

   After saying that, I got on the bus first in summer.

   Seeing Yan Mingyu getting into the car in a huff, Xia suddenly thought of a certain world before. She was driving Gu Yanyu's car without a driver's license.

   At that time, Gu Yanyu's body was terrified!

   The corners of his lips raised slightly, Xia Xia glanced at Yan Mingyu before starting the car and leaving——

   On the way to school, Yan Mingyu always wanted to find something to say to Xia Xia.

   Just don’t know what to say…

  It was too quiet in the car, so quiet that Yan Mingyu, who really couldn't find a word, felt uncomfortable.

   After a light cough, Yan Mingyu reached out to turn on the radio.

   I just heard the host's nice voice say from the other end of the radio station: "It is said that there is Xi Shi in the eyes of lovers. If you like someone, she probably thinks that she is the most beautiful in the world, and everyone is a green leaf to foil her..."

   Hearing this, Yan Mingyu quietly looked at Xia Xia's profile.

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