Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 304: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (5)

   Xia Xia is willing to take back the words that let the world's love be in chaos. After all, Guotai and Min'an are even better.

  The world will not be in chaos, what is safe is the hearts of the people.

   is just the person sitting in the high position, and Xia Xia looks down on him, even though he is the male protagonist.

   What about the male protagonist? It's okay to stop, if you don't stop wanting Lu Jinshu's life.

  Then summer will consider whether or not to kill him——

  The first thing Lu Jinshu did when he returned to the capital was to enter the palace, so let the soldiers who drove the carriage in Xia Xia send Xia Xia to the General’s Mansion first.

   The current Lu Jinshu is not a first-class marquis of the state, but a general who protects the country.

   When he enters the palace now and then comes out, he will be the Marquis of Zhenguo.

   In summer, he opened the curtain of the carriage and looked at Lu Jinshu, who was riding a horse outside: "Uncle, go back early!"

   Her sweet smile softened the cold expression on Lu Jinshu's face.

  He nodded towards Xia Xia, and hummed as an answer.

  Then, he took his soldiers and rode toward the palace—

   The carriage swayed gently, and the wheels of the carriage rolled over the wide road in the capital, making a creaking sound.

  There are people shopping on the street outside, and there are also people who set up stalls and do business.

   The sound of hawking and bargaining is very lively!

   In summer, I sit in the carriage, gently dozing off with my eyes closed.

   After traveling for two months, they finally arrived in the capital, but it will not be long before they have to travel for another two months to return to Ancheng.

  Since Lu Jinshu didn't like to stay in the capital, he naturally wouldn't force him to stay in the capital like Lu Zijin did in summer.

   After all, Xia Xia was not interested in the original male and female protagonists, and did not want to interfere.

   As for tonight's palace banquet, I don't plan to go there in summer.

  In my memory, Lu Jinshu didn't plan to take Lu Zijin to the palace banquet, but Lu Zijin proposed to visit the palace.

   And it was this palace banquet that Lu Zijin, who was only twelve years old, fell in love with Helianyao, an eighteen-year-old young king, at first sight.

   I fell in love at first sight when I was only twelve years old, and I was speechless in summer.

   However, the children of ancient times always matured earlier, there is no way.


  The carriage stopped at General Lu's Mansion, and the butler was already waiting at the door.

   Seeing that Xia Xia came down, the housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "I've seen Miss! I'm the housekeeper He Bo."

  Xiaomi nodded slightly with a slight smile on her face.

   Although she was dressed in ordinary clothes and her hair was braided in a simple braid, her temperament and appearance were not concealed.

   "Hello Uncle He!" Summer said sweetly to Uncle He.

  He Bo is a man in his forties, and he looks kind and shrewd.

   He bowed slightly in front of Xia Xia and said, "I'm tired of traveling, miss, go back to the house to rest first!"

   After finishing speaking, Uncle He pointed to the maid next to him and said, "This is a bell, and I will serve you by the lady's side in the future!"

   Bell stepped forward and saluted Xia Xia: "The slave has seen the lady!"

  Xiamen nodded: "I'm tired too, so let's go home first."

   Bell nodded and walked to Xia Xia's side to support her hand.

   Xia Xia was also supported by the bell, and then followed her into the general's mansion——

   should have been arranged by Lu Jinshu long ago, Bell is a rather talkative person.

   On the way back to the yard, he kept chattering in Summer's ear.

   But fortunately, there has been no one to talk to for the past two months in the summer.

   There was a 'bird' beside him, which made it a lot more lively.

   Of course, Bell is not the kind of person who has no sense.

   Although there is a lot of talk, it is all about the situation in the capital.

  This bell, in my memory, is also the maid arranged by Lu Jinshu next to Lu Zijin.

  The bell is loyal to Lu Zijin.

   It's just that Lu Zijin didn't like bells, so he asked Lu Jinshu to replace the bells soon after.

   Change maids or something, I can't be bothered to change in summer—

   The yard where she lives has been arranged a long time ago, and the clothes are also ready.

   In summer, I take a bath under the bells and take a comfortable bath.

  When I was on the road, sometimes it was inconvenient to take a shower, so I had to not take a shower.

   It has been three days since the last bath in summer.

  Fortunately, it was autumn and the weather was cold, so she didn't sweat.

   If this is a hot summer, it is estimated to be enough!

   After taking a bath, I ate something in summer, and then I went to bed.

   Since I no longer have insomnia, I have become sleepy in summer.

   If it's not too noisy, she can sleep.

   It was still morning when they arrived in the capital, and Lu Jinshu would not be able to return until noon.

   Xia Tian thought that if she fell asleep, she could just have lunch with Lu Jinshu.

   turned over and hugged the embroidered pillow that Bell brought more.

   Sleeping with things in your arms is a 'bad habit' developed in summer.

  Because she was accustomed to sleeping with Gu Yanyu in her arms, now she can't go to sleep with Lu Jinshu...she has to hug the pillow.

   However, the pillow was never as comfortable as Gu Yanyu's hug!

   moved his body and turned over again...

   As a result, she turned over and over, and Xia Xia found herself that she couldn't sleep!

   That's amazing!

   She sat up from the bed, wondering if she was insomnia again?

   Or, too much sleep on the road?

   "Miss, what's wrong with you?" The bell who heard the movement outside came in and asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen shook his head: "I just can't sleep, what time is it now?"

   "Chen Shi." Bell replied.

   "Well, comb my hair for me, I'll go out for a walk." Xia Xia guessed that she couldn't fall asleep because she hadn't moved much in the past two months.

  Bell nodded and replied, "Yes."

  The hand of the bell is very clever, because the summer is not yet ready, so I only combed a double bun and decorated it with delicate bead flowers.

   Qi bangs, cheeks chubby, it is very cute.

  Summer winks, I think it's so cute, it looks younger!

   raised his hand and fluttered his bangs, thinking that when the bangs grow longer, they will not be cut neatly.

   Otherwise, standing beside Lu Jinshu, others have to say she is his daughter, right?

   Xia Xia hooked her lips and smiled, only then did she notice that Lu Zijin even had dimples...

   Well, she knows, but she hasn't looked in the mirror since she came to this novel world for two months.

  Tsk tsk, this girl's appearance is really too sweet!

  Unfortunately, she is a vicious female supporting role.


  After combing his hair, he was led by bells in summer and visited everywhere in the General’s Mansion.

   The general's mansion is not big, because Lu Jinshu is a rough man, and the general's mansion naturally does not have the elegance of a literati.

   There is a garden with almost non-flowering green plants.

   But they are all year-round green plants. In this autumn, they don’t seem lonely.

   Soon, this general's mansion will be renamed as Zhenguohou Mansion. Originally, Helian Yao was planning to present a very good mansion to Lu Jinshu.

   It was just that Lu Jinshu said he wanted to go back to Ancheng, so he refused.

   Even if he stayed later, Lu Jinshu did not have a house that Helian Yao would reward.


   [Mei Kai explain, I saw some lovers say that in summer, why is Gu Yanyu 50 years old so old? In fact, as mentioned in the first chapter, the setting is that 40 years old in the real world is considered an adult! 】

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