Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 306: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (7)

   Does this person have a brain hole? In his mouth, uncles and nephews have become the same generation.

   Could it be that the plot and memory are wrong, this Jiang Shaoyun is not the Jiang Shaoyun in the memory and plot?

   Never mind, the plot has nothing to do with her anyway.

  I didn't intend to ignore Jiang Shaoyun in summer, and went directly to the carriage.

   It was Lu Jinshu, who rode his horse to Jiang Shaoyun's side and slapped him on the back of the head, almost not taking Jiang Shaoyun off the horse.

  Xiamen saw it in the afterglow and almost laughed out loud.

   Then she heard Lu Jinshu say to Jiang Shaoyun: "Is Zijin familiar with you? What is the proper way to call your sister sister?!"


  Jiang Shaoyun grieved with Baba's flat mouth and whispered: "I'm not trying to get closer..."

   "No one wants to get closer to you, you went to Ancheng to serve as a soldier." After Lu Jinshu finished speaking coldly, he rode his horse to the carriage in summer.

   "Did you sleep well last night?" Lu Jinshu asked, pulling up the curtains to see his summer.

   Although it still had a blunt tone, it was obviously much softer than talking to Jiang Shaoyun just now.

   "Well, I slept well, but I thought I was going back to Ancheng today, so I couldn't sleep in the first half of the night!"

  Lu Jinshu raised his hand and rubbed Summer's head.

   He found that every time he saw Summer's big watery eyes smiling at him, he wanted to rub her head.

   Although it seems to be regarded as some kind of small animal, it doesn’t mind in summer.

   She stretched out her hand and rubbed Lu Jinshu's head.

  Lu Jinshu was stunned, and everyone who saw him was stunned.

   If Lu Jinshu touched Xia Xia's head like he was touching some kind of small animal, then if he touched Lu Jinshu's head in Xia Xia, it would be like touching the head of a beast!

   That picture, but somehow there is no sense of disobedience.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Lu Jinshu's favorability for you is 70%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Xiamen withdrew his hand and asked Lu Jinshu, "Uncle, are we going now?"

  Lu Jinshu came back to his senses, nodded lightly, and rode his horse to the front.

   Then he gave an order, and the team began to advance.

   Put down the curtains of the carriage in summer and go back to the carriage to sit down.

   In two months, the favorability has been increased to 70%, which seems to be very good.

   But in summer, I don’t think this favorability level is easy to fill up.

  Because she thought about it for a while, family affection should also increase her sensitivity!

   is just this favorability level, you should be dissatisfied.

   So now that Lu Jinshu can add his favorability so easily, that's because he thinks she is a niece, a niece he should love.

  How to turn a niece into a lover, summer is so difficult!

   It's never been easier!

   "Miss, do you want a snack?" Seeing Xia Xia's daze next to the bell, he asked her.

   Knowing that we are going back to Ancheng today, Bell has specially prepared a lot of snacks!

  Xiamen shook his head, leaned on the carriage, and said, "I'll sleep for a while."

  Last night, she really didn't fall asleep in the first half of the night, and only slept for a while when it was almost dawn.

   So now the carriage is shaking, and the summer sleepiness is coming.

  Bell looked at Xia Xia's tired face, and after she answered yes, she calmed down.


   Actually, Helian Yao kept Lu Jinshu and let him stay in the capital.

   It's just that Lu Jinshu was too stubborn, thinking of returning to Ancheng to defend the world for Helian Yao.

   Of course, he was still selfish this time.

   is to go back and hold a beautiful funeral for the Lu family.

   So regardless of Helianyao's persuasion, Lu Jinshu said that he must return to Ancheng!

   Helpless, Helian Yao had to let Lu Jinshu go back to Ancheng.

  Lu Jiajun had already left the capital. It was near noon. Jiang Shaoyun, who had been riding a horse all morning, began to call: "Brother Jinshu! Can we rest for a while?! My **** is almost swollen!"

   In fact, Jiang Shaoyun had fallen behind just now, reluctantly accelerated his speed, and was only able to get to the carriage in summer.

   In summer, when he was asleep, he was woken up by Jiang Shaoyun's shout.

   She sat up, lifted the curtain of the car and looked at Jiang Shaoyun.

  Jiang Shaoyun's already white face turned even whiter now.

   He was originally a literati, even if he was riding a horse on weekdays, he would not ride for hours or hours.

   For half a day today, it was almost killing him.

  Xiamen looked at Jiang Shaoyun with contempt: "Are you a girl? You can't stand even riding a horse!"

   was despised, Jiang Shaoyun said embarrassedly, "usually...usually not..."

   He wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Xia Xia: "I said that you are a weak scholar, you should go back to the capital! Go to our Ancheng, I guess you will cry your father and mother in a few days!"

   Xia Xia's voice just fell, and the soldiers next to him all laughed, and Jiang Shaoyun blushed with laughter.

   Not arguing about the steamed bread, Jiang Shaoyun stubbornly said, "I'm different from other literati! Just wait and see!"

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows: "Wait to see you fall off your horse?"


   It was the laughter of the soldiers again, which made Jiang Shaoyun stagger and almost fell off the horse.

   The hand holding the reins tightened, Jiang Shaoyun raised his chin towards Xia Xia: "Sister Zijin, wait and see! I will definitely impress you!"

  Xiamen laughed twice, and lowered the curtains of the car.

  It is normal for teenagers not to admit defeat.

   Jiang Shaoyun was only sixteen years old at this time.

  I don't know what Jiang Shaoyun was thinking. It's not right for a good son to go back to Ancheng with Lu Jinshu.

   Listening to what he meant, he should have wanted to march with Lu Jinshu to fight, right?

   Xia Xia just mocked Jiang Shaoyun, but he felt that if Jiang Shaoyun could really be used by Lu Jinshu, it would not be bad.

   Let's not say whether he can be a good soldier in the future, but a good military division, he can absolutely!

  Summer can't help but think, now Jiang Shaoyun and Lu Jinshu are together.

   And Helian Yao was followed by a traitor.

   A few years later, if Helian Yao still wanted to get rid of Lu Jinshu, what would he do without Jiang Shaoyun?

   Ah~ I just want to wait and watch the show for no reason—

  Because he was despised by Xia Xia, Jiang Shaoyun, who originally wanted to beg Lu Jinshu to stop and rest, just gritted his teeth and persisted.

  At noon, everyone stopped on a green grass, ready to take a break for lunch.

  Summer and Bell got off the car, and saw Jiang Shaoyun getting off the horse very hard.

   If it weren't for the fact that summer was not far away, Jiang Shaoyun would have wanted to sit on the ground.

   Lightly coughed twice, Jiang Shaoyun tried his best to pretend to be nothing, and grinned at Xia Xia: "Sister Zijin..."

   "You call my sister again, and I'll let my uncle beat you!" Xia Xia said fiercely, and then walked in the direction of Lu Jinshu.

  Jiang Shaoyun: "…"

   He couldn't figure it out. He had a face of all ages, so how could this little girl not catch a cold?

   Could it be that she has seen someone more handsome than him?

  Who? !

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