Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 323: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (24)

   At this moment, more than 'Lu Jinshu', Kong Qiuyun wanted to see that 'Lu Zijin', what kind of woman was she?

   I heard that she still has half a year to reach her birthday!

   A girl who doesn't even grow her hair can look better than her? Can you have more means than her?

   She can guarantee that as long as 'Lu Jinshu' sees her, she will definitely be dazed.

   But only if...she has to meet someone!

   "Miss, what should we do?" the maid next to him asked Kong Qiuyun.

  Kong Qiuyun lifted the curtain of the carriage and glanced at the gate of Lu Mansion, sneered, and said, "Go back to the inn!"

  It's going to be a long time coming, she needs patience.

  The maid responded "yes" and instructed the driver to drive the carriage back to the inn—

  What Kong Qiuyun didn't know was that as soon as she left, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia left the Lu Mansion to go to the military camp.

   In fact, the current life of Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu is really very regular.

   Every day is just wandering around the military camp and the Lu Mansion, not going anywhere.

   The two of them were in the military camp, and at most, they chatted and chatted when they had nothing to do, and they didn't feel bored.

   We have been together for so many decades, and we have long been accustomed to the feeling of two people being together.

   I don’t think it would be boring to be with each other.

   Recently, Gu Yanyu has been focusing on cultivating Jiang Shaoyun, and everyone can see the importance he attaches to Jiang Shaoyun.

  Lu Jiajun is famous for his single-mindedness, and he is also very obedient to orders.

   Everyone knows that Gu Yanyu has the intention to train Jiang Shaoyun, and they have no opinion, and they say that as long as Jiang Shaoyun has that ability.

   But everyone just thought that Gu Yanyu wanted to train Jiang Shaoyun to be his right and left hand, not his successor.

   After all, Gu Yanyu is still so young, even if he wants to find a successor for Lu Jiajun, he will leave it to his own children!

   Although Jiang Shaoyun has been patronizing to improve his strength in recent years, his mind is still very flexible.

He had already guessed that Gu Yanyu wanted to give him his position. Although he was glad that Gu Yanyu could take him so seriously, he also said: "The Lu Family Army was cultivated by the Lu Family, and I can join the Lu Family Army. It's an honor, it's better for the Lu family to take over the Lu family's army!"

   Helpless, Gu Yanyu had to put this idea aside first.

   Anyway, in a short period of time, he still has no way to give way—

  After summer did not pretend to have amnesia, he told Gu Yanyu the original plot of this world, including the fate of his host.

   After knowing the original plot, Gu Yanyu felt that he was no longer in a hurry to give way.

   "I remember Helian's family, it's not that Helian Yao is the only heir left?" Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen nodded, and then understood Gu Yanyu's meaning in seconds.

   The two of them met and smiled, with a tacit understanding: "This can be."

   Gu Yanyu grinned, the couple didn't feel that they disrupted the plot of this world, and wanted to kill the original male protagonist of this world... what a troublesome thing for the Plane Association.

   Anyway, it’s not that I haven’t done it before. It’s okay to do it once, twice or three times.

   Maybe there will be many more times after that!

   Of course, the premise is that the male protagonist does not come to provoke them...

   A good male protagonist, a male protagonist with three views, they will not be idle and have nothing to do to fix him!

  If Helianyao can stop here, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia will stay in Ancheng for the rest of their lives.

   But since he sent Kong Qiuyun over, it can be seen what he is thinking now.

   But what a pity, Gu Yanyu doesn't plan to eat his way at all.

   Kong Qiuyun, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia, didn't plan to meet.

   Therefore, no matter how Kong Qiuyun came to Lu Mansion to ask for a meeting, Gu Yanyu asked Uncle He to find any reason to dismiss her casually.

   When she went there in the morning, she said she was busy, so she thought that since she couldn't do it in the morning, she would go to block Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia in the afternoon, they would come back anyway.

   But several times, Kong Qiuyun waited outside until it was dark, and he didn't see Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia!

Why? Because Gu Yanyu and Kong Qiuyun went directly through the back door!

   This morning, Kong Qiuyun ate a closed door in Lu Mansion again...

   Every time, she felt like she was going to collapse!

   Back at the inn, Kong Qiuyun became angrier the more he thought about it, and finally called out and brushed all the tea sets on the table to the ground.

   The broken voice scared the maid next to her with her head lowered and afraid to speak.

  Kong Qiuyun stared fiercely at the debris on the ground, as if staring at Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia: "Damn Lu Jinshu! Damn Lu Zijin!"

   It has been half a month since she came to Ancheng, and she went to Lu Mansion to ask to see her no less than ten times!

   But, she has never even seen Gu Yanyu's clothes!

   If it wasn't for his father's death order, Kong Qiuyun would have gone back to the capital long ago, would he be so angry here? !

   "Knock knock knock."

   knocked on the door, Kong Qiuyun asked fiercely, "Who!?"

   The knock on the door seemed to be startled by Kong Qiuyun's voice and stopped instantly.

  Then the voice of the guard came from outside the door: "Miss... Jingcheng, you have a letter."

   Hearing that it was his father's letter, Kong Qiuyun's expression softened a lot.

   She took a deep breath, walked to the chair and sat down.

   Then, she said, "Come in."

   The guard pushed the door open and entered the room, and handed Kong Qiuyun the note from the flying pigeon.

  Kong Qiuyun opened the note and read the contents above.

   The originally unsightly face became even more unsightly. The next moment, she tore the note to shreds and threw it away like a madman.

   After knowing the relationship between 'Lu Jinshu' and 'Lu Zijin', Kong Qiuyun immediately passed the book to his father.

   In the end, the reply you received was: If you can't be Mrs. Zhen Guohou, you don't have to come back alive!

   She knew her father. She knew that if her father really said that, it really meant that if she didn't become Mrs. Zhenguohou, she would have to die.

Do not! She won't give up easily!

   It is not her style to admit defeat without even seeing anyone!

  Kong Qiuyun calmed down and thought of a way.

   "Xiaoyue, when you went to the Lu family army barracks, you said that I was ill, and I hope the Duke of Zhenguo can come and visit!"

   Xiaoyue, the personal maid, hurriedly answered "yes" and went out.

  Kong Qiuyun asked his servants to clean up the ground again, while he sat in front of the vanity mirror and started to powder his face.

   After wearing the powder, the face looks pale, and it is indeed a bit morbid.

   nodded with satisfaction, Kong Qiuyun went to bed and lay down, waiting for Xiaoyue to invite Gu Yanyu—

   However, after an hour, Xiaoyue came back by herself.

   She knelt timidly on the ground, her voice trembling because she was afraid of Kong Qiuyun, and said, "Miss... the Marquis of Zhen Guo... he... he won't come..."

Kong Qiuyun, who was lying in bed with his eyes closed and pretending to be sick, opened his eyes and sat up from the bed: "What did you say?! He won't come?! Does he know that I am sick?! Did you see the Marquis of Zhen Guo with your own eyes? !"

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