Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 333: Professor Wen, please give more advice (5)

   "Okay okay, let me tell you okay?"

   Xia Xia compromised, just: "But lady sister, you have to tell me, what do you want to know!"

   Actually, I can already guess what happened in the summer.

  I just don’t know what the specific situation is.

   Lady Hao saw that Xia Xia still looked like "I don't know anything", so she took out her phone and opened the forum to show her.

   "Look! Look! Look! You and Professor Wen wore lovers' clothes to school, and you're still pretending to be stupid! Song Zhiyun and we are still good friends?!"

When    said, Lady Hao's eyes were still on the summer clothes, with a deceived expression.

   The two people in the photo are wearing what they are today!

   So, the photo must have been taken today!

   Summer looked at the photos posted on the forum, handsome men and women.

   I have to say that the person who took the candid camera has a good skill, and the effect of the capture is very good!

   In particular, Wen Linxia looked down at her slightly when he was talking to Xia Xia, and Xia Xia also looked up at him slightly.

   Looking at each other, everything around them seems to be the background of the two people.

   The picture is so beautiful that it makes people reluctant to break the atmosphere between the two people.

   Xia Xia decided to use her mobile phone to save these photos in the forum later...

   If Lady Hao could know what Xia Xia was thinking at this moment, she would probably be able to laugh angrily.

   The focus of the two people is not on the same channel at all!

   However, the inner activities of the summer are like that, but the face is embarrassed and red.

   She returned the phone to Lady Hao and explained, "Oh, everyone has misunderstood! Professor Wen and I are not a couple! This dress just happens to be in the same color. Where is the couple's outfit?"

   Lady Hao raised her eyebrows and looked at Xia Xia suspiciously: "You didn't lie to me?"

  Xia Tian raised his arms around Lady Hao's arm and said coquettishly, "Sister lady~~ why do you think I lied to you? If I really dated Professor Wen, wouldn't I tell you?"

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Lady Hao's face became better.

   Think about it too, Song Zhiyun and her are best friends, what can't they say?

   But she still raised her chin and glanced at Xia Xia with her eyes, and asked her, "Then why are you blushing? Do you like Professor Wen?"

   As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Xia Xia lowered her eyes and didn't look at her, and her face turned even redder.

   In this way, Lady Hao knew without having to answer in Summer.

With a wretched smile on her face, she put her arm around Xia Xia's shoulder and said, "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! The department flower in our literature department is hidden so deeply! To be honest, when did you fall in love with Professor Wen? "

  Summer quickly denied it, saying: "I didn't..."

   "Oh, don't be embarrassed! I like Professor Wen so much, but you are not bad! Come on, I'm optimistic about you!" After speaking, Lady Hao gave her a cheer.

  Xiamen blinked and looked at her: "What do you think about me?"

   "Oh! I hope you can catch Professor Wen!"

Lady Hao looked at Xia Xia with a 'you're stupid' expression, and then said, "Look, how many years has Professor Wen been in our school? How many senior sisters can't get close to him! Only you, only you succeeded. There was a scandal with him!"

   That's true. Although Wen Linxia seems very approachable, he patiently answers anyone who asks him questions after class.

The    people are also gentle and always smiling.

   But at the same time, Wen Linxia is also very clean.

   Normally, Wen Linxia only allowed those students to ask him questions in the classroom, and never allowed him to pester him outside the classroom.

   After all, that kind of intention is too obvious.

   Therefore, summer is the first student who can walk side by side with Wen Linxia outside.

   In fact, if she hadn't gone to rescue Wen Linxia last night, Wen Linxia probably wouldn't have said hello to her this morning.

   Then the two will not walk side by side together, and there will be no such scandal at all.

   Lady Hao wanted to say something, but unfortunately she had to shut up after class.

   In summer, she quietly went to the school's forum on her mobile phone and saved the photos of her and Wen Linxia on her mobile phone.

   Fortunately, she saved it in time, because the next second, the post was deleted by the school.

In exchange for   , it was a clarified post.

   The clarified post was sent by the school on behalf of Wen Linxia. Wen Linxia made it clear that he and 'Song Zhiyun' were not in a relationship.

   We just walked and talked just to thank classmate ‘Song Zhiyun’ for saving him last night when he was running at night.

   As for how he was rescued, Wen Linxia also explained, and also posted the picture he took last night of the car that was hit beyond recognition to prove it.

   Then, Wen Linxia explained that the two of them just happened to be wearing clothes of the same color, not so-called couple clothes.

   As soon as this clarification post was posted, most people believed it.

   There are only a few people, and I still feel that it is not so simple between two people.

   Looking at the photo of Xia Xia and Wen Linxia, ​​it is really hard to believe that the two are not a couple.

  After all, two people stand together so well together!

   Xia did not mind that Wen Linxia clarified the relationship between the two.

   Because of what Wen Linxia did, it was normal!

   If it was her, she would also clarify.

   This is not in the entertainment industry, this is in the university!

  The love between teachers and students, although it is very cute, but in the eyes of some people, it is not in line with the general ethics.

   It is precisely because of this that Wen Linxia keeps a safe distance from the female students who like him——

   Halfway through the course, I received a text message from Wen Linxia in summer.

   The front of the text message is his address, and the back is to apologize to her.

  What to say, someone taking pictures randomly, causing trouble to her, etc.

   Actually, if it wasn't to thank Xia Xia for saving him last night, Wen Linxia didn't want to invite her to his house for dinner after the two had an affair.

   Although, he has explained it clearly.

   But that doesn't rule out someone talking nonsense or something, he doesn't want to cause trouble for the summer.

After   Xiamen received the text message, he immediately replied to Wen Linxia: Don't mind Professor Wen, they were just talking anyway, and they didn't cause any harm to me! Then I'll go to your house at 5:30 in the afternoon?

  Wen Linxia replied: Okay, half past five.


   At half past five in the afternoon, I drove to the community where Wen Linxia lived in summer.

   The people living in this community are basically professors from M University.

   I heard that even the principal lives here...

   got off the car and walked to the building where Wen Linxia lived in summer.

   She had called home in advance to tell Aunt Wang that she would not go home for dinner, and then called Song Yanming, who was still in the company.

  Song Yanming didn't ask much about the summer. After all, her daughter has grown up and must have her own private space.

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