Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 337: Professor Wen, please give more advice (9)

   A group of people, really only summer is a woman.

   Originally, according to the appearance of summer, those boys would want to flirt.

   After the physical fitness test, Xia Xia's powerful ability has scared off many suitors.

   Of course, some of the boys who went to the virgin forest of Bunia this time still want to tease the summer, but they just ignore the summer—

  After gathering at the airport, everyone finally got on the plane.

  The seat in summer happens to be next to Wen Linxia, ​​which is quite pleasing.

  In this way, she can sleep more peacefully when she goes to bed.

   I didn't sleep well last night, and I woke up too early this morning. I'm very sleepy at the moment!

   Without saying a word to Wen Linxia, ​​he went to sleep with a blindfold on in summer.

  Wen Linxia, ​​who was reading a book, suddenly felt his shoulders sink. He turned his head to look, and saw Xia Xia resting his head on his shoulder.

  Wen Linxia was stunned for a while, this plane hasn't taken off yet, and fell asleep in summer?

   Want to push summer away, he is inexplicably reluctant to disturb her sleep.

   But don’t push summer away, it doesn’t seem appropriate.

   After hesitating for a long time, the plane took off, and Wen Linxia still hadn't decided whether to push summer away.

   In the end, Wen Linxia just sighed softly and couldn't bear to push summer away...

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 65%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   The eyelashes under the summer eye mask trembled, but I didn't expect it to be so sudden that the favorability score that had not been added for several months actually increased by five points!

   Sure enough, you still have to get along to get good feelings!

  I don’t know how much favorability can be added in the next few days?


  After flying for four hours, everyone finally arrived at City M!

   Everyone was very excited at the thought of entering the Bunia virgin forest soon.

   After getting off the plane, I got on the 25-seat bus that had been arranged in advance, and went directly to the direction of the Bunia virgin forest—

  The bus goes farther and farther, and the houses are gradually scarce. In the end, there are even no buildings.

  The bus drove for about three hours and stopped at a place where the 'Bunia virgin forest' stood.

   Everyone got off the bus one by one, carrying their own mountaineering bags.

   "Are you all ready?!" The PE teacher and Mr. Jiang stood in front and asked loudly.

The students below    also loudly replied: "Ready!"

   That tone, very excited!

   Teacher Jiang grinned: "Then we will set off towards the Bunia virgin forest!"

   Teacher Jiang walked in the front, Wen Linxia walked in the back.

   Twenty students walked in the middle.

  Let's go to the virgin forest of Bunia together—

   In order to get closer to Wen Linxia, ​​Xia Xia deliberately walked slowly, falling behind the team, and the two of them could still talk.

  Wen Linxia is a very talkative person. When the two of them get along, it is not impossible for them to have nothing to say.

   It was five o'clock in the afternoon when we really entered the virgin forest of Bunia.

  The first thing you need to do now is to find a place to camp.

   Originally, the virgin forest was full of towering trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the sun could not shine in it all year round.

  It is getting late now, and the light in the forest is naturally getting darker and darker.

  Although the virgin forest of Bunia is relatively safe, although there are no beasts, there will be no shortage of snakes, insects, mice and ants.

   She took the medicine ahead of time in summer, and snakes, insects, rats and ants would all walk around her.

   Wen Linxia, ​​who is closer to summer, also received shelter.

   As for the others, they slapped and slapped the mosquitoes happily for a while.

   "Fuck! Why are there so many mosquitoes here!"

   "Fuck! Whoever has mosquito repellent, lend it to me!"

   If you have stronger patience, you can just raise your hand and wave it and you're done.

   Wen Linxia found it strange that none of the mosquitoes bit him.

   He had also been to the primeval forest before, and naturally he was not immune to being bitten by mosquitoes.

   But this time, he hadn't taken any measures yet, and the mosquitoes actually took a detour to him.

   That's weird!


   At six o'clock, everyone finally found a suitable place to camp.

   At this time, the light in the forest has dimmed a lot.

   Everyone pitched the tent together, and then started preparing dinner again.

   Today is only the first day, everyone brought more or less to eat, and dinner can be solved perfectly.

  In the summer, I took out all the food that Aunt Wang prepared for her from her hiking bag and shared it with everyone.

   At this time, it was completely dark.

   Camping lights are turned on in each tent, and from a distance, they look like fireflies.

  In the forest, insects and birds chirped.

   Everyone eats and chats together, but it has a unique flavor.

   "Hey! Let's tell ghost stories!" I don't know who suggested it.

  Telling ghost stories when camping, really, it’s too cliché.

   However, before everyone was interested, Mr. Jiang next to him interrupted: "Go to bed early after eating! Tomorrow we will continue to go deeper, so keep your spirits up!"

   Hearing the PE teacher's words, the students were wailing: "Mr. Jiang, don't be so spoiled! We finally camped out, how interesting it is to not talk about being late!"

   Over there, Teacher Jiang was still talking to the nineteen male students.

  Here, Xia Xia sat with Wen Linxia and watched the excitement over there.

   "Why did you think of coming to the primeval forest?" Wen Linxia asked Summer.

  Xiamen was eating melon seeds, and when she heard Wen Linxia's words, she turned to look at him.

   Under the dim light, Wen Linxia's brows and eyes were warmer than usual.

   She said, "If I said that I came because of you, Professor Wen, would you believe it?"

   "Huh?" Wen Linxia didn't quite understand what the summer words meant.

  Yes, is that what he meant?

  But Wen Linxia looked at Summer's eyes that seemed to glow, but couldn't see anything.

   "It's getting late, I'm going to bed first. Good night, Professor Wen!"

  Xiamen put the remaining melon seeds in Wen Linxia's hand, got up and went back to the tent.

  Because there is only one girl in summer, the tent in summer is pressed in the middle of the flattest, next to Wen Linxia's tent.

  Wen Linxia watched Xia Xia enter the tent, and then turned off the camping lights in the tent, and then he looked down at the melon seeds in his hand.

  The melon seeds have been held in the hands of summer, and the melon seeds still have the temperature of summer.

   As if Summer's hand was in his...

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 70%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Lying in the tent in the summer, when he heard the system prompt, he turned over with a pleasant smile in his eyes.

   The favorability level that hasn't moved for several months has risen several times today.

  Xia Tian silently decided that after this spring outing, she should launch an 'attack' against Wen Linxia!


  【Sorry sorry! I've been 'missing' for a day today, and I haven't sent a notice or anything. The main reason is that I was not very comfortable during the day. As a result, I had to take a car for a few hours to go out of town. I am still living in a hotel, so I can only update two chapters today, and it is estimated that there will only be a maximum of three chapters tomorrow. More and less updates in the past few days, wait for the Mei meeting to make up for it in a few days! Hope for understanding! Love you guys! 】

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