Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 343: Professor Wen, please give more advice (15)

  The water in the bathtub was too warm, which made it soak in the summer and fall asleep.

   When she woke up, the water in the bathtub had completely cooled down.

   Originally, it is only early spring, the temperature is not high, and the temperature at night is naturally much lower than that during the day.

   I took a nap in cold water at ten degrees, of course it wouldn't feel very good.

  It was soaked for so long in summer that when I woke up, I felt like my headache was about to explode.

   Although her body is much healthier and stronger than normal people, she is not immune to all diseases.

   As long as you are a little careful, you will not have any pain.

   But Xia Xia knew that without blowing her hair and soaking her hair in cold water for so long, she would definitely not be able to run away from the fever.

   I got out of the bathtub with a little difficulty, and after enduring the headache, I rinsed my head again with hot water, and then put on my bathrobe and went out.

   Xia Xia went to the bed to get his phone to check the time, and found that it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

   In other words, she slept in the bathtub for at least three hours?

   In addition to the time display on the phone screen, there is also a text message from Wen Linxia.

  Check it out in summer, Wen Linxia's reply is: I've already arrived home, it's been hard these days, Xiaoyun, rest early!

   Probably because of her emoji, Wen Linxia also had a smiling emoji. send over

  Xiamen looked at it, Wen Linxia's text message was replied ten minutes after she sent it to him.

   After a pause, Xia Xia tapped his finger on the screen a few times, and then sent a text message to Wen Linxia: 嘤嘤 I fell asleep in the bathtub, I just woke up, it was cold!

   She still had an expression on her face that looked like she was crying.

After    sent a text message, I went to dry my hair in summer.

   She is thinking about taking some medicine...

   Over there, Wen Linxia, ​​who had already fallen asleep, heard the text message and closed his eyes and reached for his mobile phone.

   It's so late, he thinks he'll send him a message, and it's probably only summer.

   turned on the phone and saw that it was sent from summer.

   After reading Xia Xia's text message, Wen Linxia's brows wrinkled unconsciously.

   The next moment, he directly dialed Summer's number.

   Fortunately, when I was blowing my hair in summer, I glanced at my phone, just in time to see the screen light up.

   Seeing that someone seemed to be calling, she turned off the hair dryer and walked over to look.

  See it was from Wen Linxia, ​​there was some accident in summer.

   After being stunned for a moment, he quickly pressed the answer button: "Professor Wen is so late, haven't you slept yet?"

   Xia Xia said this as soon as he opened his mouth, but Wen Linxia didn't know how to answer it.

   Answer he was woken up by the text message alert sound? Or did you never sleep?

  After hesitating for a moment, Wen Linxia said, "I've been too tired these days, so I slept in the middle of the night and woke up again. I just saw your text message..."

   Speaking of this, Wen Linxia said for his main purpose of calling Xia Xia: "Why did you fall asleep in the bathtub? Don't soak for too long next time. It's better to set an alarm clock to avoid falling asleep again."

  Wen Linxia can also guess that she must be too tired in summer, so she fell asleep in the bathtub.

   Worried that she would get sick if she soaked in cold water in summer, Wen Linxia told her: "Go drink some hot water, it's better to take some medicine to prevent colds, you know?"

   His instructions were filled with undisguised concern.

  Xiamen raised his hand and touched his somewhat hot forehead, smiled bitterly, and said, "I'm afraid it's a bit late to take the medicine to prevent colds at this time."

   "Huh? You... do you have a fever?" If you have a cold or something, the reaction shouldn't come so quickly.

  Xiamen hummed: "It seems so. But no..."

   She wanted to say that it was okay, she would take some medicine and sleep well.

   However, Wen Linxia interrupted her: "Are your parents at home?"

   "My dad went on a business trip." Summer replied obediently.

  Wen Linxia just remembered that when he was at the airport, he also heard Xia talking on the phone with Song Yanming.

   He asked again: "Then is your mother at home?"

   "My mother died when I was three years old."

   "Uh, sorry..." Wen Linxia really didn't expect that Summer was a child of a single-parent family.

   So, it's summer now, and there's no one at home?

  Wen Linxia automatically ignored that there might be a nanny at home in Xia, and after asking what room Xia lived in, he said, "I'll pick you up now, and then take you to the hospital. Just be patient and wear more clothes."

   Well, for the sake of being able to get along with Wen Linxia again, then she won't take medicine.

   Hmm~ Then should she take some medicine to make her condition worse?

  Xia Xia hung up Wen Linxia's phone and thought silently in his heart while changing clothes.

   In the end, in the summer, he still spent his points to buy medicines that aggravated his condition in the platform mall.

  Waiting for Wen Linxia at the door, she took medicine.

  Wen Linxia drove over, stopped the car in a hurry, and got out of the car.

   He walked in a hurry, his face could not hide his worry about summer.

   As soon as he walked in front of Xia Xia, the first thing Wen Linxia did was to touch her forehead.

   In summer, the forehead was only a little hot because of the medicinal effect, and it became very hot.

  Wen Linxia frowned: "You burn very badly, I..."

   Before he finished speaking, Xia Xia had already fallen into his arms.

  Wen Linxia was stunned for two seconds, hurriedly hugged Xia and got into the car, then hurried to the hospital——

  Xia Xia didn't even think that the medicine bought in the platform mall, plus she was really sick, so the power came a little fierce.

   Originally wanted to spend more time with Wen Linxia by taking the opportunity of being sick, but ended up in a coma!

   The effect of the medicine came and went quickly, but when I woke up in summer, it was already bright.

   At this moment, Summer wants to slap himself.

   Taking medicine to aggravate the condition is so stupid!

   Not only waste of points, but also waste of time!

   "Xiaoyun, you're awake!? How is it, is there any discomfort?"

   With Wen Linxia's familiar voice, a slender and beautiful hand was placed on Xia Xia's forehead.

  Xia Tian turned his head slightly, and saw Wen Linxia with concern in his eyes without any accident.

  Wen Linxia, ​​has been accompanying her in the hospital...

   "I'm fine now, I'm sorry, Professor Wen, for keeping you up all night." Xia Xia looked at Wen Linxia apologetically.

   Touching Xia Xia's forehead is really not hot, Wen Lin Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

   Seeing Xia Xia's apologetic expression, Wen Linxia smiled at her with her lips hooked: "I don't mind, I also slept when you slept!"

   "You had a bad fever in the early morning. Fortunately, the fever has subsided now. Are you hungry? I'm going to buy you some breakfast. What would you like to eat? Is the lean meat porridge good? Would you like some steamed buns or something?"

  Xiamen nodded and replied softly, "Okay, I want porridge and xiaolongbao."

  Wen Linxia tucked the quilt for Xia Xia and said, "Then close your eyes and squint for a while, and I'll go buy it for you."

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